Roskilde University 21-24 August 2023

The Roskilde University International Summer School IMT has provided a decade-long tradition of dynamic doctoral training based on critical reflection and interactive forms of learning. Their significant focus is a continuous interest in methods and methodology and how this relates to research questions, theory, concepts, analyses and empirical findings.
This year’s summer school will focus on methodological issues informed by theory. The ambition is to present and discuss research approaches in which we seek transparency and critical reflections on methods, methodology, and how these choices form our analysis, representations, and texts. Such activities might include how we can understand issues of subjectivity, discourses, practices, learning, and societal contexts, that help us reframe and rethink qualitative research. The Summer School will also address basic questions of theory and epistemology and stimulate discussion of the role of researchers and their engagement in issues of societal importance – and how this might influence our research.
We welcome PhD projects across diverse fields such as learning, health, professional development, planning and sustainability, and social innovation working across a variety of arenas such as educational institutions, working life, health care, social service, cultural activities, civil society, family and everyday life, citizen- and stakeholder involvement, public institutions and private organizations.
ECTS credits
Participation in the summer school, i.e. submission and presentation of one’s own work and active participation in all aspects of the summer school is accredited 5 ECTS points.
Working format
Summer School 2023 will present keynotes and invite papers that approach methodology in various ways. This includes discussions on theoretical choices and methodological implications, ethics, research’s subjective and societal embeddedness, empirical designs, and analytical frameworks. We provide an inspiring environment for exchanging experiences with research processes across different fields and traditions.
Besides keynote and paper sessions, Summer School offers hands-on workshops on creative writing. This adds to the overall ambition of Summer School to be actively supportive for your Ph.D. work with opportunities to reflect and develop new perspectives around methodological considerations.
Keynote Lectures and Workshop Moderators
Professor, Dr. Birgitta Haga Gripsrud, Stavanger University, NO
Professor,Dr. Mari Rysst, Høgskolan i Lillehammer, NO
Associate Professor, Ingrid Johnsen Hogstad, Molde University College, NO
Associate Professor, Dr. Sine Lehn, Roskilde University, DK
Associate Professor, Dr. Steen Baagøe Nielsen, Roskilde University, DK