Amalie Sehested Rom
Stipendiat i kjønnsforskning

Stipendiat i kjønnsforskning
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Contemporary Forced Adoption Policy in Denmark and Norway: Rationales for the Biopolitical Regulation of Reproduction and Kinship.NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.
ISSN 0803-8740.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Contemporary forced adoption policy in Norway and Denmark: Biopolitical regulation of reproduction & kinship .
European Feminist Research Conference;
2022-06-15 - 2022-06-18.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Contemporary forced adoption policy in Norway and Denmark: Biopolitics, kinship, reproduction.
NORA Conference 2022;
2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Revolutionen: Ophæv kernefamilien!.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Revolutionen: Lav slægtskab, ikke babyer!.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Socialdemokratiets omsorg for børn er slået fejl: Man ignorerer de strukturelle problemer.
Dagbladet Information.
Rom, Amalie Sehested
Forced adoption in Norway and Denmark: kinship, family, and nation.
Kjønnsforskning nå;
2021-05-27 - 2021-05-28.