Tjelta, Anna Gausland;
Sølvik, Randi Myklebust
Teachers’ potential to promote students’ deeper learning and metacognition in teaching.
11th International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning;
2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13.
Tjelta, Anna Gausland
Teacher-Student-Interactions to promote metacognition.
7th Workshop on Systematic Observation in Educational Research ;
2023-09-19 - 2023-09-20.
Gausland, Anna
Vokabellernstrategien: Lernervoraussetzungen und Effizienz von Schülerunterricht (ID1021).
Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer IDT 2009;
2009-08-03 - 2009-08-08.