Anne Kristine Ådland
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

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Avdeling for omsorg og etikk
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Telefon: 51833409
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
Avdeling for omsorg og etikk
Ådland, Anne Kristine; Lavik, Marta Høyland; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Ramvi, Ellen
Spenninger i flerkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap ved sykehjem. En etnografisk studie.Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.
ISSN 2387-5976.
Volum 8.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.18261/tfo.8.2.8
Ådland, Anne Kristine; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Lavik, Marta Høyland; Ramvi, Ellen
"They stay with you": Nursing home staff's emotional experiences of being in a close relationship with a resident in long-term care who died.Journal of Holistic Nursing.
ISSN 0898-0101.
Volum 26.
Hefte 11.
Ådland, Anne Kristine; Lavik, Marta Høyland; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Ramvi, Ellen
Death and liminality: An ethnographic study of nursing home staff’s experiences in an encounter with the dead body.Death Studies.
ISSN 0748-1187.
Volum 45.
Hefte 7.
Ådland, Anne Kristine; Lavik, Marta Høyland; Gripsrud, Birgitta Haga; Ramvi, Ellen
Death and liminality: an ethnographic study of nursing home staff’s experiences in an encounter with the dead body.
The 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal;
2019-09-04 - 2019-09-07.
Ådland, Anne Kristine
En etnografisk feltstudie av hvordan helsepersonell i multikulturelle arbeidsfellesskap håndterer møtet med døden i sykehjem .
Symposium. Profesjonell i møte med døden (?);
2018-01-22 - 2018-01-23.
Ådland, Anne Kristine
Liminality in the journey through dying and death. Multicultural staff`s experiences and practices of caring for patients between life and death in nursing homes.
Roskilde University International PhD Summer School. Lifelong Learning and Professional Development;
2018-08-14 - 2018-08-17.
Ådland, Anne Kristine
Death and liminality: an ethnographic study on nursing home staff’s experiences with the dead body .
MULTICARE samling;
2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17.
Ådland, Anne Kristine
An ethnographic field study of how health professionals in a multi-cultural staff community deal with meeting death in nursinghomes.
Roskilde University International PhD Summer School.Lifelong Learning and Professional Development;
2017-08-08 - 2017-08-11.