Arne Rettedal

Pensjonert tilknyttet UiS

Arne Rettedal


Telefon: 51832041


Rom: KE E-438


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Rettedal, Arne


"Flight simulators" getting into the operating theatre - a new dimension in clinical engineering and patient safety. I: An anthology of developments in clinical engineering and bioimpedance.

ISBN 9788299162692.


Rettedal, Arne


Illussion and technology in medical simulation: If you cannot build it, make them believe. I: Using Simulations for Education, Training and Research.

ISBN 9783899675399.


Rettedal, Arne; Freyer, Ståle; Kleppa, R.; Larsen, P.


PatSim- simulator for practising anaesthesia and intensive care.

International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing.

ISSN 0167-9945.

Volum 13.


Rettedal, Arne


Hvor går de medisinsk tekniske avdelingene?.


Volum 1.

Rettedal, Arne; Braut, G.S.


Rogalandskonferansen- Nasjonal konferanse for sikkerhetsarbeid i helsetjenesten.


Volum 6.


Rettedal, Arne


Helsepersonelloven - vinkling fra vårt eget ståsted.


2008-03-11 - 2008-03-12.

Rettedal, Arne


Læring, simulering og illusjon.

Workshop Simulering og pasientsikkerhet .SAFER;


Rettedal, Arne


Læring, simulering og illusjon.

Fagdag, Sykepleielaboratoriet, UiS;


Rettedal, Arne


Learning, simulation and illusion.

Annual conference of Nordic Science Center Association;

2007-10-04 - 2007-10-05.

Rettedal, Arne


Medisinsk teknikk - fra reparasjonsteknikk til helsefag?.


Hefte 1.


Tengesdal, Morten; Rettedal, Arne; Skretting, Karl; Landsvik, Svein


Studietilbod og FoU-aktivitetar ved Institutt for data- og elektroteknikk (Ide) ved Universitetet i Stavanger.

Forskningsdagane 2006;

2006-09-28 - 2006-09-30.

Rettedal, Arne


Klinikkingeniøren, et faktum? Hvordan ser MTA ut om 10 år?.

Landsmøtet 06 Medisinsk teknisk forening;

2006-04-24 - 2006-04-26.

Rettedal, Arne


Bridging the gaps in simulation.

12th Annual Meeting of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine;

2006-06-29 - 2006-07-01.

Rettedal, Arne


Bridging the gaps in simulation.

Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

ISSN 1559-2332.

Hefte Vol. 1; No.3.

Rettedal, Arne


Læring, simulering og illusjon.



Rettedal, Arne; Freyer, Ståle


Man and machine - den egentlige sikkerhetsrisiko.

Akuttdagene VEST 2006;

2006-12-04 - 2006-12-05.

Rettedal, Arne


Hvorfor bør Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet involvere seg i medisinsk simulering?.

Workshop Akuttmedisin UiS/SUS/Laerdal;


Rettedal, Arne


Kompetansebehov for medisinsk teknisk virksomhet.


2004-04-14 - 2004-04-15.

Rettedal, Arne


MTF's utdanningsråd, grunnopplæring og samtykkeordning.

MTFL 04;

2004-06-07 - 2004-06-09.

Rettedal, Arne


Hvis simulering i medisinsk undervisning er veien å gå, hvor naturtro og avansert må simulatoren være?.

Akuttdagene VEST 2004;

2004-11-25 - 2004-11-26.

Rettedal, Arne


Status for utdanningen i medisinsk teknologi i Norge.

NFA-konferanse: Medisinsk kybernetikk;


Rall, M; Mönk, S; Mather, S; Rettedal, Arne; Glavin, R


SESAM - The Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (Editorial).

European Journal of Anaesthesiology.

ISSN 0265-0215.

Volum 20.

Hefte 10.

Rettedal, Arne



Landsmøtet 03, Medisinsk teknisk forening;

2003-03-20 - 2003-03-23.

Rall, M; Mönk, S; Rettedal, Arne; Glavin, R


SESAM - The Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine.

European Journal of Anaesthesiology.

ISSN 0265-0215.

Hefte Vol 20; 10.

Rettedal, Arne


Simulator for Training Medical Personnel.

17th Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering;

2002-05-12 - 2002-05-16.

Rettedal, Arne


Competence in Clinical Engineering in a Small Country.

17th Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering;

2002-05-12 - 2002-05-16.

Rettedal, Arne


Kompetanseutvikling i medisinsk teknikk.

17th Congress of the International Federation of Hospital Engineering - norsk fagmøte;

2002-05-12 - 2002-05-16.

Rettedal, Arne


Kompetanseutvikling i Medisinsk teknisk forening.


Hefte 4.


Rettedal, Arne


Kompetanseutvikling i Medisinsk Teknisk Forening.


Hefte 4.


Rettedal, Arne


Simulator for Training Medical Personell.

17th Congress of the Intrenational Federation of Hospital Engineering;

2002-05-12 - 2002-05-16.

Rettedal, Arne


Competence in Clinical Engineering in a Small Country.

17th Congress of the Intrenational Federation of Hospital Engineering;

2002-05-12 - 2002-05-16.

Ødegård, Jan Erik; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Rettedal, Arne


Redesign of introductory course in electrical and computer engineering at Stavanger University College.

International Conference on Engineering Education 2001;

2001-08-06 - 2001-08-10.

Rettedal, Arne


Status for klinikkingeniør.


Hefte 1.

Ødegård, Jan Erik; Engan, Kjersti; Gulsrud, Thor Ole; Rettedal, Arne


Redesign of introductory course in electrical and computer engineering at Stavanger University College.

International Conference on Engineering Education 2001;

2001-08-06 - 2001-08-10.

Rettedal, Arne


New trends in Medical Devices- Consequences for the Curriculum at Stavanger College.

18th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Med icine and Biology Society;

Rettedal, Arne; Freyer, Ståle


Simulator for Training the Use of Medical Equipment in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.

5. Annual Meeting of European Society for Computing and Technol ogy in Anaesthasia and Intenive Care;

Rettedal, A.; Brattebø, G.


Simulatortrening- En alternativ metode for å øve krisehåndtering og teamarbeid.

Norsk Anestesiologisk forening, Høstmøtet;

Rettedal, A.; Freyer, F.


Simulator for training the Use of Medical Equipment in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.

European society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia an d Intensive Care;

Larsen, P.; Kleppa, R.; Rettedal, Arne; Freyer, S.


Den menneskelige faktor og stimulatortrening.

