Daniel Joe Bowman

Førsteamanuensis i engelskspråklig litteratur

Daniel Joe Bowman


E-post: daniel.bowman@uis.no

Rom: HG Q-243


Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap

Kort om meg

MSCA Postdoctoral Researcher on the project Nation of Mechanics (NOMECH), researching representations of automobiles and the environment in Indigenous American literature, 1960-2000.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bowman, Daniel Joe


Nation of Mechanics: Automobility, Animality, and Indigeneity in John Joseph Mathews's Sundown (1934).

European Journal of American Studies.

ISSN 1991-9336.

Volum 19.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.4000/ejas.21304

Bowman, Daniel Joe


Cars, Cans, and Crying Indians: Automobility, Littering, and Indigeneity in 1970s US Environmental Literature.

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment.

ISSN 1076-0962.

DOI: 10.1093/isle/isae046


Bowman, Daniel Joe


Petro-Pets: American Automobility and Animal Acceptance.

From Passive Livestock to Untamed Beings: Reanimating Animals in the History of Technology;

2024-03-21 - 2024-03-22.

Bowman, Daniel Joe


Nation of Mechanics: Automobility and Indigeneity in John Joseph Mathews’s Sundown (1934) .

International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science;

2024-04-10 - 2024-04-12.

Bowman, Daniel Joe


Cars, Cans, and Crying Indians: Indigenous Automobility in Environmental Literature.

Bristol Environmental Humanities Lecture Series;

2024-12-04 - .

Bowman, Daniel Joe


Cars, Cans, and Crying Indians: Indigenous Counter-Narratives in Automotive Culture .

Storytelling for Environmental Futures;

2024-08-07 - 2024-08-09.