Diana Lucia Quintero Castro
Førsteamanuensis i materialfysikk

E-post: diana.l.quintero@uis.no
Sted: KE E-529
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for matematikk og fysikk
Kort om meg
I graduated as a physics engineer from the National University of Colombia, that was followed by a master in physics from the Antioquia University- Colombia. In 2011, I received my PhD from the Technical University of Berlin on Neutron scattering methods for the investigation of magnetic materials. This work was done at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Bella Lake. I started working at the University of Stavanger as an Associate Professor in 2017.
I have taught courses at all levels bachelor to PhD. These include: FYS200, FYS620, FYS540, FYS330 and FYS903.
Dette forsker jeg på
I have extensive research experience in experimental condensed matter physics, where my main research areas are the study of magnetic and lattice excitations in quantum magnets and functional materials. I am interested on complex systems where the geometrical and orbital degrees of freedom do not allow standard magnetic behaviour, creating unusual magnetic ground states and exotic excitations.
I am very interested on neutron scattering methods, in their applications and instrumentation. Having contributed to the implementation of triple axis spectrometers, multiplexing spectrometers, polarization analysis and neutron resonance spin echo techniques.
Selected ongoing projects:
- PHUN (2022-2025): “Phonon lifetimes; unifying inelastic neutron scattering measurements with first-principle calculations” funded by NRC. In this project we perform a coherent strategy to compute, measure and analyse phonon lifetimes and thermal conductivities for advanced materials. This is done in collaboration with SINTEF, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and the Technical University of Denmark
- UiScatt (2021-2023), funded by UiS, aims at the consolidation of a large-scale facilities (photon/neutron) user group within the university. It serves as a contact point between experienced and new users, strengthening the research activities and ensuring successful applications to beamtimes.