Elham Ghazimatin
Førsteamanuensis i markedsføring

Telefon: 51831038
E-post: elham.ghazimatin@uis.no
Rom: EOJ SV-237
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring
Kort om meg
Elham is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Stavanger (UiS). She received her PhD in marketing from the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her primary research interest is the governance of temporary organizations or so-called projects. Using secondary data and econometric methods, she examines how projects can be organized for superior performance. Her research has appeared in top-tier marketing journals including, the Journal of Marketing (JM) and the Journal of Marketing Research (JMR).
Elham has also been awarded prestigious prizes and recognition, including:
The Inaugural Winner of the Robert Lusch Early Career Research Award. The Robert Lusch Early Career Research Award recognizes a scholar who has published an article early in their career in an AMA (American Marketing Association) journal. The selected article pushes boundaries and introduces novel theories and/or conceptual frames to better understand consumers, markets, and marketing actions. Nominees are also evaluated on their demonstration of contributions in other areas of scholarship and a tradition of service demonstrated by Professor Robert Lusch to the discipline. The AMA Foundation announced the first-ever winner of this award, Elham Ghazimatin, for her 2021 Journal of Marketing article, "Mobilizing the Temporary Organization: The Governance Roles of Selection and Pricing", co-authored by Erik A. Mooi and Jan B. Heide.
A finalist for the AMA Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award, which recognizes the article published in the Journal of Marketing that makes the most significant contributions to marketing theory.
The Australia-New Zealand's Marketing Academy prize for best doctoral research.
Elham teaches two courses at UiS Business School:
Principles of Marketing - BØK250 - Bachelor's level
Digital Marketing - MSB109 - Master's level