Erin Margaret McTigue
Forsker i utdanningsvitenskap

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforsking
Forsker i utdanningsvitenskap
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforsking
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Feedback Practices on Young Students’ Oral Reading: A Systematic Review.Review of Educational Research.
ISSN 0034-6543.
McTigue, Erin ; Jensen, Maria Therese; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith
The role of school leader support on teacher’s engagement during intervention implementation.International Journal of Leadership in Education.
ISSN 1360-3124.
Alves-Wold, Aline; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
The ABCs of writing motivation: a systematic review of factors emerging from K–5 students’ self-reports as influencing their motivation to write.Frontiers in Education.
ISSN 2504-284X.
Volum 9.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Teachers’ Feedback on Oral Reading: A Critical Review of its Effects and the use of Theory in Research.Educational Psychology Review.
ISSN 1040-726X.
Volum 36.
Hefte 4.
Beachy, Rachel; Guo, Daibao; Wright, Katherine Landau; McTigue, Erin
The Teachers’ Perceptions and Knowledge of Reading Assessment Survey: A Validation Study.Reading & Writing Quarterly.
ISSN 1057-3569.
Alves-Wold, Aline; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Assessing Writing Motivation: a Systematic Review of K-5 Students' Self-Reports.Educational Psychology Review.
ISSN 1040-726X.
Volum 35.
Hefte 1.
Wright, Katherine Landau; Hodges, Tracey; Julianne, Wenner; McTigue, Erin
The Rubric for scientific writing : A tool to support both assessment and instruction. I: Assessing disciplinary writing in both research and practice.IGI Global.
ISBN 9781668482629.
McTigue, Erin ; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Jensen, Maria Therese
Co-Teaching Implementation: How Do School Leaders Support Teachers?.Education Sciences.
ISSN 2227-7102.
Volum 13.
Hefte 12.
McTigue, Erin Margaret; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith
Key Question for Literacy Co-Teachers: What Possibilities Do We Have Together?.The Reading teacher.
ISSN 0034-0561.
Volum 76.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.1002/trtr.2121
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Foldnes, Njål; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Shared responsibility between teachers predicts student achievement: A mixed methods study in Norwegian co-taught literacy classes.Journal of educational change.
ISSN 1389-2843.
Håland, Anne; Wagner, Åse Kari Hansen; McTigue, Erin Margaret
How do Norwegian second-grade teachers use guided reading? The quantity and quality of practices.L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature.
ISSN 1567-6617.
Volum 21.
Zimmer, Wendi; McTigue, Erin ; Matsuda, Noboru
Development and validation of the teachers’ digital learning identity survey.International Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0883-0355.
Volum 105.
Hodges, Tracey; Wright, Katherine L.; McTigue, Erin
The Preservice Teacher Self-Efficacy for Writing Inventory (PTSWI): A tool for measuring beliefs about writing.Assessing Writing: An International Journal.
ISSN 1075-2935.
Volum 49.
Scott, Chyllis; Miller, Diane; Washburn, Erin; McTigue, Erin
Preparing teachers for literacy instruction across and within the disciplines : The what and the how. I: Learning to teach : Curricular and pedagogical considerations for teacher preparation .
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
ISBN 9781475860184.
Guo, Daibao; McTigue, Erin ; Matthews, Sharon D.; Zimmer, Wendi
The impact of visual displays on learning across the disciplines: A systematic review.Educational Psychology Review.
ISSN 1040-726X.
McTigue, Erin ; Schwippert, Knut; Uppstad, Per Henning; Lundetræ, Kjersti; Solheim, Oddny Judith
Gender Differences in Early Literacy: Boys’ Response to Formal Instruction.Journal of Educational Psychology.
ISSN 0022-0663.
DOI: 10.1037/edu0000626
Håland, Anne; Hoem, Toril Frafjord; McTigue, Erin
The Quantity and Quality of Teachers’ Self‑perceptions of Read‑Aloud Practices in Norwegian First Grade Classrooms.Early Childhood Education Journal.
ISSN 1082-3301.
Guo, Daibao; Zhang, Shuai; Wright, Katherine Landau; McTigue, Erin
Do You Get the Picture? A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Graphics on Reading Comprehension.AERA Open.
ISSN 2332-8584.
Volum 6.
Hefte 1.
Wagner, Åse Kari Hansen; Skaftun, Atle; McTigue, Erin Margaret
Literacy practices in co-taught early years classrooms. Study protocol: The Seaside case..Nordic Journal of Literacy Research.
ISSN 2464-1596.
Volum 6.
Hefte 4.
Wright, Katherine Landau; Hodges, Tracey S.; McTigue, Erin
A validation program for the Self-Beliefs, Writing-Beliefs, and Attitude Survey: A measure of adolescents' motivation toward writing.Assessing Writing: An International Journal.
ISSN 1075-2935.
Volum 39.
Hodges, Tracey S.; Wright, Katherine Landau; McTigue, Erin
What Do Middle Grades Preservice Teachers Believe about Writing and Writing Instruction?.Research in Middle Level Education Online.
ISSN 1940-4476.
Volum 42.
Hefte 2.
McTigue, Erin ; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Walgermo, Bente R.; Frijters, Jan; Foldnes, Njål
How can we determine students' motivation for reading before formal instruction? Results from a self-beliefs and interest scale validation study.Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
ISSN 0885-2006.
Volum 48.
McTigue, Erin ; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Zimmer, Wendi K.; Uppstad, Per Henning
Critically Reviewing GraphoGame Across the World: Recommendations and Cautions for Research and Implementation of Computer‐Assisted Instruction for Word‐Reading Acquisition.Reading Research Quarterly.
ISSN 0034-0553.
DOI: 10.1002/rrq.256
McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Spelereglar for digitale lesespel.
ISSN 0332-7264.
Hefte 2.
Hodges, Tracey S.; Wright, Katherine L.; Wind, Stefanie A.; Matthews, Sharon D.; Zimmer, Wendi K.; McTigue, Erin
Developing and examining validity evidence for the Writing Rubric to Inform Teacher Educators (WRITE).Assessing Writing: An International Journal.
ISSN 1075-2935.
Volum 40.
Guo, Daibao; Zimmer, Wendi K.; Matthews, Sharon D.; McTigue, Erin
Critical analysis of research on the impact of visual literacy for learning: strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for improvement.Journal of Visual Literacy (JVL).
ISSN 1051-144X.
Volum 38.
Hefte 3.
McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Getting Serious About Serious Games: Best Practices for Computer Games in Reading Classrooms.The Reading teacher.
ISSN 0034-0561.
DOI: 10.1002/trtr.1737
Håland, Anne; McTigue, Erin ; Hoem, Toril Frafjord
Writing in First Grade: The Quantity and Quality of Practices in Norwegian Classrooms.Early Childhood Education Journal.
ISSN 1082-3301.
Coleman, Julianne; McTigue, Erin ; Dantzler, John
What Makes a Diagram Easy or Hard? The Impact of Diagram Design on Fourth-Grade Students’ Comprehension of Science Texts.The Elementary school journal.
ISSN 0013-5984.
Volum 119.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1086/698819
Hodges, Tracey; McTigue, Erin ; Wright, Katherine L.; Franks, Amanda; Matthews, Sharon
Transacting With Characters: Teaching Children Perspective Taking With Authentic Literature.Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
ISSN 0256-8543.
Volum 32.
Hefte 3.
McCrudden, Matthew T.; McTigue, Erin
Implementing Integration in an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study of Belief Bias About Climate Change With High School Students.Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
ISSN 1558-6898.
Yang, Xinyuan; Li-Jen, Kuo; Ji, Xuejun; McTigue, Erin
A critical examination of the relationship among research, theory, and practice: Technology and reading instruction.Computers & Education.
ISSN 0360-1315.
Volum 125.
Scott, Chyllis; McTigue, Erin ; Miller, Diane; Washburn, Erin
The what, when, and how of preservice teachers and literacy across the disciplines: A systematic literature review of nearly 50 years of research.Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
ISSN 0742-051X.
Volum 73.
Guo, Daibao; Wright, Katherine Landau; McTigue, Erin
A Content Analysis of Visuals in Elementary School Textbooks.The Elementary school journal.
ISSN 0013-5984.
Volum 119.
Hefte 2.
DOI: 10.1086/700266
Wright, Katherine Landau; Hodges, Tracey S.; Zimmer, Wendi K.; McTigue, Erin
Writing-to-Learn in Secondary Science Classes: For Whom Is It Effective?.Reading & Writing Quarterly.
ISSN 1057-3569.
Solheim, Oddny Judith; Rege, Mari; McTigue, Erin
Study Protocol: “Two Teachers” A randomized controlled trial investigating individual and complementary effects of teacher-student ratio in literacy instruction and professional development for teachers .International Journal of Educational Research.
ISSN 0883-0355.
Volum 86.
Hodges, Tracey; Feng, Luxi; Kuo, Li-Jen; McTigue, Erin
Discovering the literacy gap: A systematic review of reading and writing theories in research.Cogent Education.
ISSN 2331-186X.
Volum 3.
Hefte 1.
Wright, Katherine; Franks, Amanda; Kuo, Li-Jen; McTigue, Erin ; Serrano, Jinnava
Both theory and practice: Science literacy instruction and theories of reading.International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
ISSN 1571-0068.
Volum 14.
Hefte 7.
McCrudden, Matthew; Barnes, A.; McTigue, Erin ; Welch, Catherine; MacDonald, E
The effect of perspective-taking on reasoning about strong and weak belief-relevant arguments.Thinking and Reasoning.
ISSN 1354-6783.
Miller, Diane; Scott, Chyllis; McTigue, Erin
Writing in the Secondary Level Disciplines: A Systematic Review of Context, Cognition & Content.Educational Psychology Review.
ISSN 1040-726X.
Alves-Wold, Aline
Young students’ motivation to write: An investigation of K-5 students’ own responses and of the self-reports used to capture their voices.
ISBN 978-82-8439-234-9.
Hefte 757.
Solheim, Oddny Judith; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; McTigue, Erin
Utnytt potensialet ved å være to! Refleksjonsguider til godt tolærersamarbeid i lese- og skriveopplæringen.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7649-200-2.
Solheim, Oddny Judith; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; McTigue, Erin
To lærere - mange muligheder. Udnyt potentialet i samarbejdet om læse- og skriveundervisningen.
ISBN 978-87-94409-54-4.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; McTigue, Erin
Definisjoner og måling av undervisningskvalitet i førstespråksfaget på ungdomstrinnet og i videregående - en systemaisk oversikt.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; McTigue, Erin ; Tengberg, Michael
Undervisningskvalitet i førstespråksfaget i ungdomsskolen og videregående. En systematisk litteraturoversikt.
Skriv! Les! 2024;
2024-05-07 - 2024-05-08.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente R.; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Tilbakemeldinger i leseopplæring – en mulighet for elevmedvirkning? En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang..
Skriv! Les! 2024;
2024-05-06 - 2024-05-08.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente R.; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Motiverende tilbakemeldinger på elevers høytlesing..
Nasjonal lesekonferanse 2024;
2024-03-18 - 2024-03-19.
Aksnes, Ann-Charlotte; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Bakken, Arild Michel; McTigue, Erin Margaret
Norsklæreres forståelse av engasjement i lesing av skjønnlitteratur på videregående skole.
Nettverkseminar for litteraturdidaktisk forskning i Norden;
2024-03-19 - 2024-03-20.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; McTigue, Erin ; Tengberg, Michael
Quality in L1 instruction. A Systematic literacure review.
ARLE IFTE Conference Connections and disruptions. Unsettling L1 education: Intersections of place, identity and technology;
2024-06-18 - 2024-06-22.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Feedback on students oral reading – a case for student agency: A systematic review.
International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2024;
2024-08-28 - 2024-08-30.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Exploring the impact of checklist on teachers assessments and feedback on students oral reading.
International Conference on Motivation (ICM) 2024;
2024-08-28 - 2024-08-30.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin Margaret
The transformative potential of checklist on teachers feedback and promoting student agency.
ALER 2024;
2024-11-07 - 2024-11-09.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Endre læreres tilbakemeldingspraksis: Effekten av et observasjonsverktøy .
Onsdagspresentasjon Nasjonalt Lesesenter;
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Checklists transform teachers’ feedback practices .
ALER 2024;
2024-11-07 - 2024-11-09.
Alves-Wold, Aline; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
The ABCs of Writing Motivation.
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR);
2023-07-19 - 2023-07-22.
Alves-Wold, Aline; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Assessing Writing Motivation: a systematic review of K-5 students' self reports.
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI);
2023-08-22 - 2023-08-26.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Foldnes, Njål; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Shared responsibility between team teachers predicts student achievement - A Norwegian study.
EARLI 2023 Education as a hope in uncertain times;
2023-08-22 - 2023-08-26.
Grønli, Karianne Megard; Walgermo, Bente R.; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Feedback practices on students’ oral reading – towards student agency? A systematic review.
SSSR Conference;
2023-07-20 - 2023-07-22.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Foldnes, Njål; Uppstad, Per Henning; McTigue, Erin
Shared responsibility between teachers predicts student achievement in co-taught literacy classes.
13th ARLE Conference;
2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17.
Walgermo, Bente Rigmor; McTigue, Erin Margaret; Uppstad, Per Henning
Student's voices: A systematic review of writing motivation in early elementary education.
SIG-Writing Conference;
2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22.
Alves-Wold, Aline; Walgermo, Bente R.; McTigue, Erin ; Uppstad, Per Henning
Student's voices: A systematic review of writing motivation in early elementary education.
SIG-Writing Conference;
2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22.
Hoem, Toril Frafjord; Håland, Anne; McTigue, Erin
Hva er kvantiteten og kvaliteten på høytlesingspraksiser på første trinn i Norge?.
Noles forskingskonferanse;
2019-03-11 - 2019-03-13.
Solheim, Oddny Judith; McTigue, Erin ; Lundetræ, Kjersti; Uppstad, Per Henning; Schwippert, Knut
Hvor tidlig oppstår kjønnsforskjeller i lesing? En studie av hvordan gutter og jenters leseferdighet utvikler seg gjennom de to første årene på skolen.
Skriv!Les! Nordisk forskerkonferanse om lesing og skriving;
2019-05-07 - 2019-05-09.
Hoem, Toril Frafjord; Håland, Anne; McTigue, Erin
Hva er kvantiteten og kvaliteten på læreres høytlesingspraksiser på første trinn i Norge?.
SkrivLes konferansen 2019;
Hoem, Toril Frafjord; Håland, Anne; McTigue, Erin
Hva er kvantiteten og kvaliteten på læreres høytlesingspraksiser på første trinn i Norge?.
NNMF 7: Morsmålsfaget som fag og forkningsfelt;
2019-10-23 - 2019-10-24.
McTigue, Erin ; Solheim, Oddny Judith; Walgermo, Bente R.; Foldnes, Njål; Frijters, Jan c
Measuring multiple dimensions of early literacy motivation through self-report at school entry.
17th Biennial EARLI Conference for research on learning and instruction;
2017-08-28 - 2017-09-02.