Eva Stina Maria Jakobsson
Professor em.

Telefon: 51831527
E-post: eva.jakobsson@uis.no
Rom: HG Q-243
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Kort om meg
Eva Jakobsson, Professor Ph D
Born: 2 December 1956
Nationality: Swedish
Department of Cultural Studies and Language
University of Stavanger
4036 Stavanger, Norway
(+47) 51 83 15 27
From 2010-: University College of Stavanger (now University of Stavanger), Associate professor, professor from 2021.
2018-2019: Vrije University, Amsterdam, Visiting professor.
2015 March: EHESS, Paris (l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociale), Visiting professor.
2013 Jan.-June: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, Research fellow (http://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/index.html)
2010 - : University of Stavanger, Associate professor, History
2010, spring: University of Stavanger, Associate professor, Risk Management and Societal Safety
2009, spring: Centre for Advanced Study, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter, Oslo: Postdoctor fellow on the project Understanding the role of water in history and development.
2008-2010, University of Stavanger, Academic leader of the Ph D program; Risk management and societal safety, Faculty of Social Sciences, (20%).
2008-2010, University of Stavanger, Deputy member of the Doctorate committee, Faculty of Social Sciences.
2006-2009, University of Stavanger, Postdoctor, Risk Management and Societal Safety
2004-2006: University of Stavanger, Head of department, Deptartment of Cultural Studies and Languages.
2003: University College of Stavanger, Associate professor.
2000-2002: Rogaland Research, Researcher.
1997-1999: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Researcher
1997: Gothenburg University, PhD in history
1995-1997: Rogaland Research, Holder of scholarship
1991, autumn, BI Norwegian School of Management, Centre for Business History, Visiting graduate student.
1991: Regional Archives in Gothenburg, Archivist assistant.
1989-1994: Gothenburg University, Graduate student.
1984-1988: Härjulfskolan, Sveg: Upper secondary school teacher.
1982-1984: Strömkralsskolan, Trollhättan, Upper secondary school teacher.
1982: Gothenburg University, Teacher’s training college.
ASSIGNMENTS (inter alia)
2016-2019: Deadly Dreams. The Cultural History of Poison, 1850-2010, project adviser.
2019: Co-organizer for the roundtable "Future River histories. Narrating the river of the Antroposcene", the world congress for environmental history, Florianopolis, Brazil juli 2019.
2019: Presented “Political debates about the water Levels of Lake Vänern”, Vereninging voor Water Staats Geschiedenis (Netherlands Water History Associaiton), Amsterdam 21 mars 2019.
2017: Presented “The Water Kingdom. A Linnaean Description of Pre-moderns Waters Through the Eyes of an 18th Century Hydrological Study”. European Society for Environmental History 2017 conference, Zagreb.
2017: Presented “Water knowledge through the eyes of an 18th century natural historian”. Knowing nature. The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge; Beijing, China.
2016: Presented “Scandinavian transnational water histories”. Workshop Aquativ histories in transnational and global perspectives; Thübingen university, Germany.
2015 -2019 : Historisk tidsskrift (The Norwegian Historical Journal), Member of editorial board.
2014-2015: University of Stavanger, Coordinator, history, Dept. for Cultural Studies and Languages.
2013: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, http://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/index.html, Carson fellow, from summer 2013 Alumni.
2013: Seventh Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History, Organizing session.
2012-: Vänerlandskapet LTSER (Long Term Socio Ecological Research), Management team.
2010-2011: 27th Congress of Nordic Historians sessions: Flows of Food, Folk, and Thought: Environmental Histories of the Nordic Countries, Organizing session together with Dolly Jørgensen and Finn Arne Jørgensen.
2010-: The Environment in History: International Perspectives, International Editorial Committee.
2008-: Danube Environmental History Initiativ, Member of network.
2008-2011: European Society for Environmental History, Member of prize committee.
2008-2009: European Society for Environmental History, Member of nomination committee.
2007-2010: The Karmøy history book project, 19th century, Member of reference group, historical adviser.
1999-2004: European Society for Environmental History, Nordic regional representative.
2001-2004: Swedish National Committee for the History of Technology, Member of board.
2003-2005: The Norwegian National History Organization (HIFO), Member of board.
2000-2001: International Water History Association, conference in Bergen 2001, Member of program committee.
2021: Member of Agder Academy of Science and Letters.
2004: Member of Stavanger Aecademy of Science and Letters.
Review of Peder Anker, The Power of the Periphery. How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World, Cambridge University Press 2020. In Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 100, 2/2021, pp. 184-187.
Keep the water flowing: Premodern Swedish water management. In Conservations roots : Managing for sustainability in preindustrial Europe 1100–1800, Berghahn Books 2020, pp. s.178-200.
Stockholm’s changing waterscape: A long-term perspective on a city and its flowing water. In Urbanizing nature: actors and agency (Dis)connecting cities and nature since 1500, Routledge 2019, pp. 197-216.
Elisabeth Edland frå Mosterøy - kvinneliv og bygdefeminisme. I Ætt og heim: lokalhistorisk årbok for Rogaland for 2018, pp. 73-98.
together with Markus K. Drotz, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Eva Gustavsson, and Lars Göran Nilsson,?Lake Vänern, A Historical Outline?, in Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, , 17:4, 2015, p 323-330.
A History of Flowing Water, in Making Tracks: Human and Environmental Histories, eds. Christof Mauch, Helmuth Trischler, Lawrence Culver, Shen Hou, and Katie Ritson, Rachel Carson Center ? Perspectives, 2013/5, pp. 97-100.
Ditching from a water system perspective. Draining the Swedish water landscape 1200-1900, in Water History 2013/3, pp. 349-367. DOI: 10.1007/s12685-013-0089-8
Review of Pritchard, Sara B. Confluence: The Nature of Technology and the Remaking of the Rhône, Humanities & Social Sciences Online 2012, http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=34090.
together with Roald Berg, ?Klarälven i storpolitiken?, in Klarälven, eds. Ibsen, Hilde; Svensson, Eva; Nyberg, Lars, Karlstad University Press 2011, pp. 47 ? 62. (River Klar in international politics)
Accident investigations. A historical perspective on societal safety in Norway and Sweden 1970-2010, Scandinavian Journal of History Vol. 36, No. 2. May 2011, pp. 206?229.
The history of flowing water policy in Sweden: from natural flow to industrialized rivers. In A History of water, Volume 5, edited by Terje Tvedt and Richard Coopey, Tauris, London 2010.
Understanding Lake Vänern. Science history perspectives on Sweden?s largest lake, 1600- 1900, Willy Østreng (ed): Transference. Interdisciplinary Communications 2008/2009, Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, January 2010. (Internet publication: http://www.cas.uio.no/publications_/transference.php).
Narratives about the river and the dam. Some reflections on how historians perceive the harnessed river. In Hauken, Å. Dahlin (ed): Technological society - multidisciplinary and long-time perspectives. Seminarrapport Utstein kloster 2008. Haugaland Akademi. Stavanger 2008.
Ove Njå, Eva Jakobsson, Sverre Nesvåg, Høyrisikogrupper i vegtrafikken. Identifisering av undergrupper. Rapporter fra Universitetet i Stavanger, nr 16/2008. (Risk groups in road traffic. Identifying undergroups)
Review of Unique Environmentalism: A Comparative Perspective, by Gunnar Grendstad, Per Selle, Kristin Strømsnes, and Øystein Bortne. New York: Springer, 2006, in Environmental History, vol 13, nr 3, July 2008.
Review of: Högselius, Per: När folkhemselen blev internationell : elavregleringen i historiskt perspektiv, in Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm ; 2008(128):3, pp. 580-581.
Att förstå Vänern. Vetenskapshistoriska perspektiv på Sveriges största sjö 1600-1900. In Arbete, kultur, politik. En vänbok till Lennart K Persson. Eds. Aijmer, Malmstedt m fl. Göteborg 2007.
Review of: Åsmund Svendsen: Østfolds historie, bind 4, Fylke i grenseland, Heimen. Tidsskrift for lokal og regional historie, 2007.
together with Roald Berg, Nature and Diplomacy. The Struggle over the Scandinavian Border rivers in 1905, nr 3-4/06 in Scandinavian Journal of History, pp. 270-289.
together with Terje Tvedt (eds), A History of Water. Water Control and River Biographies, vol I, Tauris: London 2006.
Kan en sjö ha en historia? Några tankar om Mälaren i ett vattenhistoriskt perspektiv?, in Björn Hallerdt (red.), Mälardalens vattenvägar i industrihistoriskt perspektiv, Stockholm 2003. (Does a lake have a history? Some thoughts on Lake Mälaren in a water history perspective.)
Industrialization of Rivers: A water system approach to hydropower development, i Technology, Knowledge and Policy , winter 2002, vol 14, nr 4.
Introduktionen av wc i Stockholm ? ett vattensystemperspektiv på staden. In Polhem. Tidskrift för teknikhistoria 1999, nr 2-4 (published 2002). (The introduction of the WC in Stockholm. A water system perspective on the city).
together with Aud Middelksen Tretvik, Miljøhistorie i Europa: ny organisation og konferanse, in HIFO-nytt nr 5, 2001.
together with Terje Tvedt, Rapport från vattenhistorisk konferens i Bergen den 10-12 augusti 2001, in HIFO-nytt nr 6, 2001.
Den teknologiske veven, cronicle in Stavanger Aftenblad 28 sep 2001.
Flottning: konflikter och politik om vatten, in Flottning. Vattendragen, arbetet, berättelserna. Nordiska museets förlag 2000. (Timber floating; conflicts and politics of water)
ke Rusck. In Svenskt biografiskt lexikon 2000.
Konfliktlinjer i svensk vattenhistoria. Från bergslag till bondebygd 1999. (Conflict perspectives on Swedish water history)
Review of: Hilde Ibsen: Menneskets fotavtrykk. En økologisk verdenshistorie. HIFO-nytt 1998.
Hege Buytendorp, Eva Jakobsson and Odd-Einar Olsen. IT-nettet. Store visjoner og små resultater. Rapport, Rogalandsforskning 1997.
Industrialisering av älvar. Studier kring svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad 1900-1918. Göteborg 1996. Ph d-thesis. (Industrialization of rivers. Studies in Swedish hydro power development 1900-1918.)
Wårt till så betydlig del af watten genomskurna Land: Svensk vattenrättshistoria i ett internationellt perspektiv", in Miljöhistoria på väg. Artiklar presenterade vid Miljöhistoriskt Möte 1995. Ed. B-O Linnér/ J Svidén. Tema V Rapport 22, Tema Vatten i natur och samhälle, Linköpings universitet 1996. ([ ? ] Swedish water legislation history in an international perspective.)
Svensk vattenkraftproduktion. Bildandet av Det svenska systemet. Arbeidsnotat 1995/58. Handels-høyskolen BI, Sandvika/Oslo 1995. (Swedish hydropower production. The establishment of the Swedish System)
Miljö- och teknikhistoria. En forskningsöversikt. TRITA-HOT 95/1006, Avdelningen för teknik- och vetenskapshistoria, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm 1995. (Environmental history and history of technology. A research survey)
Rapport från miljöhistorisk konferens i Las Vegas 8-11 mars 1995. In HIFO-nytt nr 2 1995 and in Polhem 1995/4. (Report from an environmental history conference in Las Vegas 8-11 March 1995)
"Industrialized Rivers: The Development of Swedish Hydropower", in Nordic Energy Systems. Historical Perspectives and Current Issues, ed A Kaijser/ M Hedin, Canton, Mass, 1995.
Vargöfallet. En kraftmätning mellan privata och statliga intressen, in Polhem 1993/1.
Värmlands vita kol. Om utbyggnad av vattenkraft i Värmland, in Värmlands Museums årsbok 1993. (The white coal of Värmland. About developing Hydropower in Värmland)
Norsk och svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad. En komparation. In Polhem 1992/3. (Norwegian and Swedish hydropower development. A comparision)
Vattenkraftens utbyggnad - både politisk och teknisk historia, in Elbranschen nr 2 1992.
Review of: Nils Forsgren?s Den effektfulla älven. Stänk från Luleälvens kraftfulla historia, i Polhem 1991/1.
POLHEM 1983-1989, in Polhem 1990/4.
Tidiga miljöstrider i Gullspång and Fiskodling i Gullspång - för etthundra år sedan, in Tidning för Skaraborgs län den 5 juli 1989 respektive den 24 augusti 1990.
"Landets utseende är behageligt" : om Amnehärad i den Sundholmska samlingen / [Eds. Eva Jakobsson and Sune Jakobsson], Amnehärad : Amnehärads hembygdsförenings skriftserie, 0282-1532., 1984.