Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Brooks, Eva;
Dau, Susanne;
Bertel, Lykke Brogaard;
Granone, Francesca;
Edstrand, Emma;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Towards computational play : Designing open-ended play-responsive environments supporting computational thinking in early childhood education and care.
I: Design, learning, and innovation : 8th EAI International conference, DLI 2023, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6-7, 2023 : Proceedings.
ISBN 978-3-031-67306-1.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-67307-8_11
Granone, Francesca;
Johansen, Mia;
Knudsen, Glenn;
Stokke, Martin;
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Rosenlund, Mona Reitan
«We research with you, not about you»
Researchers’ and Co-researchers’ Reflections on
Communication in Inclusive Research Projects.
Consultori Familiari Oggi.
ISSN 1594-1914.
Volum 32.
Hefte 1.
Eikeland, Synnøve;
Granone, Francesca;
Kolnes, Jeanette;
Knudsen, Hege Kristin;
Mikalsen, Sølvi Lynn
Inkludering i måltidet – et partnerskaps -
samarbeid mellom Solbakken barnehage
og Universitetet i Stavanger.
I: Profesjonsutvikling i partnerskap.
ISBN 978-82-8439-254-7.
Granone, Francesca
Teacher Mediation in Coding Activities: A Case Study Using an Inclusive Research Approach in Early Childhood Education.
Formazione e insegnamento.
ISSN 1973-4778.
Volum 22.
Hefte 3.
Granone, Francesca;
Johansen, Mia;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Kvalø, Tone Merethe Kolstad
”Nothing About Us Without Us”: the first example of inclusive research in Early Childhood Education in Norway.
Consultori Familiari Oggi.
ISSN 1594-1914.
Volum 31.
Hefte 1.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Teachers’ support for children’s mathematical learning
through interactions while playing with a coding toy.
NOMAD – Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk.
ISSN 1104-2176.
Volum 28.
Hefte 3-4.
Granone, Francesca;
Stokke, Martin
The Norwegian inclusive learning environment: an analysis..
Consultori Familiari Oggi.
ISSN 1594-1914.
Robotti, Elisabetta;
Morselli, Francesca;
Granone, Francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
Outdoor mathematics education: analisi di un caso di studio sviluppato nella scuola dell’infanzia norvegese e italiana.
I: Scenari di futuro: creatività e immaginazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
ISBN 9788899338923.
Granone, Francesca
Esperienze di matematica all’aperto in Norvegia.
I: Bambini e numeri.
ISBN 978-88-8434-881-4.
Granone, Francesca;
Lund, Thomas Hammerø;
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia
Educating to democracy and critical
thinking. The Norwegian kindergarten model.
Consultori Familiari Oggi.
ISSN 1594-1914.
Volum 29.
Hefte 1.
Granone, Francesca;
Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia
The importance of partnership between teachers and parents
in children’s mathematical education.
La famiglia.
ISSN 0392-2774.
Volum 54/264.
Mussi, Valentina;
Granone, francesca;
Boragno, Corrado;
Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco;
Valbusa, Ugo;
Marolo, T
Surface nanostructuring and optical activation of lithium fluoride crystals by ion beam irradiation.
Applied Physics Letters.
ISSN 0003-6951.
Granone, francesca;
Mussi, Valentina;
Toma, Andrea;
Orlanducci, Silvia;
Terranova, Maria Letizia;
Boragno, Corrado;
Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco;
Valbusa, Ugo
Ion sputtered surfaces as templates for carbon nanotubes alignment and deformation.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach B.
ISSN 0168-583X.
Molle, Alessandro;
Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco;
Boragno, Corrado;
Moroni, RIccardo;
Granone, francesca;
Sekiba, Daiikiro;
Buzio, Renato;
Valbusa, Ugo;
Felici, Roberto;
Quiros, Carlos F.
Dense arrays of Co nanocrystals epitaxially grown on ion-patterned Cu(110) substrates.
Applied Physics Letters.
ISSN 0003-6951.
Molle, Alessandro;
Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco;
Granone, francesca;
Buzio, Renato;
Firpo, Giuseppe;
Boragno, Corrado;
Valbusa, Ugo
Temperature dependence of rippled corrugations induced on the Rh(1 1 0) surface via ion sputtering.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach B.
ISSN 0168-583X.
Buatier de Mongeot, Francesco;
Boragno, Corrado;
Granone, francesca;
Molle, Alessandro;
Moroni, RIccardo;
Sekiba, Daiikiro;
Mattera, Lorenzo;
Valbusa, Ugo;
Felici, Roberto
Co growth on nanostructured Cu(110) substrates.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
ISSN 0003-0503.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Which research interests or topics can build the basis for interdisciplinary collaboration in early mathematics education research so that we can combine and benefit from different professional backgrounds?.
The early maths research workshop in Gothenburg;
2024-04-09 - 2024-04-11.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Are there challenges in partnerships in projects with mathematics that do not appear in project concerning other themes?- How can a collaboration become a real partnership?.
The early maths research workshop in Gothenburg;
2024-04-09 - 2024-04-11.
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Granone, Francesca
Problem-solving in kindergarten.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Størksen, Ingunn;
Granone, Francesca
Examples of ECEC Research at University of Stavanger .
Nordic Evidence Based High Quality Early Childhood Education and Care Research Network for Social Justice;
Granone, Francesca
What are the mediated learning strategies in families with children with learning difficulties?.
Celebrating Reuven Feuerstein 10 years later. Recent developments in research and practice;
Granone, Francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
What mathematical knowledge is needed to overcome difficulties in everyday life?.
2024-08-04 - 2024-08-08.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Kamola, Monika
Presentation: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Computational Thinking: Related but Distinct? An Analysis of Similarities and Differences Based on an Example of a Play Situation in an Early Childhood Education Setting.
1st EdUHK International Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education and Development;
Granone, Francesca
Utvikling av ressurser for å forstå hverdagen gjennom inkluderende forskning (VERDI).
Besøk av Stiftelsen Dam;
Granone, Francesca
Inclusive research about technology in ECEC: a case
EECERA 2024;
2024-09-03 - 2024-09-06.
Granone, Francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
ISSN 0964-2633.
Volum 68.
Hefte 7.
Granone, Francesca
DiCoTe project.
EMLA nettverk;
Severina, Elena;
Undheim, Marianne;
Granone, Francesca;
Meaney, Tamsin Jillian
Profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse med matematikk i barnehagen.
Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2024;
2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24.
Severina, Elena;
Granone, Francesca
Å planlegge aktiviteter med kodeleker.
Granone, Francesca
Barnehagelærerens rolle i kodeaktiviteter.
Granone, Francesca
Å involvere alle barn i kodeaktiviteter.
Granone, Francesca;
Sandgrind, Silje Wiken;
Knudsen, Glenn
Alle barn må få lov til å utforske på sitt vis.
Granone, Francesca;
Knudsen, Glenn;
Knudsen, Hege Kristin
Partnerskap for inkluderende forskning og styrking av teknologibruk i barnehagelærerutdanning.
UiS Jubileum;
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Ploog, Helga Maria
Barnehagelæreres forventninger til bruk av digitale leker i barnehagen.
2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Granone, Francesca
En effektstudie av bruk av ressurser utarbeidet for å heve profesjonell digital kompetanse i barnehagefeltet.
EMELI- seminar om tidlig matematikk;
2023-03-22 - 2023-03-23.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Hoel, Trude;
Granone, Francesca
About FILIORUM and our projects.
Visit from Austrian kindergarten teacher educators;
2023-06-21 - .
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Sæbbe, Per Einar;
Grøsvik, Kristin;
Granone, Francesca
Forskningsperspektiver på hverdagen i barnehagen - et bokprosjekt.
oppstartssamling bokprosjekt;
2023-06-06 - .
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Mia, Johansen
Inkluderende forskning i DiCoTe.
Besøk av Erna Solberg med følge;
2023-02-23 - .
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
DiCoTe - hvor er vi nå i prosjektet.
Workshop med alle partnere i DiCoTe;
2023-02-15 - .
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Granone, Francesca;
Konca, Ahmet Sami
ECEC children playing with a coding toy: The role of mathematics, creativity and curiosity.
31st EECERA conference;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Kamola, Monika;
Granone, francesca;
Grøsvik, Kristin;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
ECEC teachers’ high-quality pedagogical strategies and approaches to support children’s curiosity and agency in problem-solving play activities with coding toys..
EECERA 31st conference;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Granone, francesca;
Grøsvik, Kristin
ECEC teachers’ high-quality pedagogical strategies and approaches to support children’s curiosity and agency in problem-solving play activities with coding toys..
EECERA 31st conference;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Kamola, Monika;
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Grøsvik, Kristin
ECEC teachers’ high-quality pedagogical strategies and approaches to support children’s curiosity and agency in problem-solving play activities with coding toys..
EECERA 31st conference;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Brooks, Eva;
Dau, Susanne;
Broggaard Bertel,, Lykke;
Granone, Francesca;
Edstrand, Emma;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Towards Computational Play. Designing Open-Ended Play-Responsive Environments Supporting Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education and Care.
8th EAI International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation (DLI 2023);
2023-11-06 - 2023-11-07.
Brooks, Eva;
Dau, Susanne;
Broggaard Bertel,, Lykke;
Granone, Francesca;
Edstrand, Emma;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Kaup, Camilla Finsterbach;
Fredskilde, Pauline
Computational play in Early Childhood Education.
Workshop at the 8th EAI International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation (DLI 2023);
2023-11-06 - 2023-11-07.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Undheim, Marianne;
Grøsvik, Kristin;
Esmaeeli, Sara
Aktuell forskning og framtidsutsikter
- Eksempel DiCoTe.
Jubileumskonferanse barnehagelærerutdanningen i Stavanger 50 år;
2023-10-27 - .
Granone, Francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
Problemløsning i barnehagen.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Supporting children’s problem-solving transfer skills in ECEC.
The EECERA 2023 Conference;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Granone, Francesca
Mia er medforsker ved Universitetet i Stavanger for å styrke inkludering og teknologibruk i barnehagen..
Contribute for the "Down Syndrome Awareness Day" 21st march 2023;
Granone, Francesca
Perspectives on diversity and inclusion and knowledge from the ongoing ECEC research project DiCoTe.
2023-06-05 - .
Granone, Francesca
Inkluderende forskning i partnerskap, for å styrke inkludering og teknologibruk i barnehagen.
Rekom - nettverk;
2023-06-02 - .
Granone, Francesca
Prosjektet DiCoTe: Increasing professional Digital Competence in Early Childhood Teacher Education with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys.
Digital nettverk;
2023-04-20 - .
Granone, Francesca
Matematica, outdoor, inclusion: tre ingredienti per l’educazione del futuro.
Summer school;
2023-07-03 - .
Granone, Francesca;
Robotti, Elisabetta
Sustainability and creativity in mathEMATICs education: the measurement in ECEC.
2023-05-25 - .
Granone, Francesca
Increasing the Digital Competences of Early Childhood Educators
2023-03-30 - .
Granone, Francesca
An example of a lecture in mathematics at Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE) based on the revised Bloom's taxonomy: description and reflections.
2023-05-09 - .
Granone, Francesca;
Johansen, Mia;
Knudsen, Glenn;
Stokke, Martin;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Pollarolo, Enrico
Inkluderende forskning i barnehageforskning: forskere og medforskeres refleksjoner om viktigheten av kommunikasjon.
Barnehageforskningsskonferanse 2023;
2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.
Granone, Francesca
Ped Talk: A journey into the method called inclusive research.
EECERA 2023;
2023-08-27 - 2023-08-29.
Granone, Francesca;
Johansen, Mia;
Knudsen, Glenn;
Stokke, Martin;
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Rosenlund, Mona Reitan
Utvikling av ressurser for å forstå hverdagen gjennom inkluderende forskning.
Konferanse om inkluderende forskning;
2023-11-29 - 2023-11-30.
Granone, Francesca
Digitalt nettverk;
2023-11-26 - .
Guro, Waksvik;
Granone, Francesca;
Knudsen, Glenn;
Knudsen, Hege Kristin
Glenn har asperger. Nå hjelper han forskerne forstå barnehagebarnas tilnærming til matematikk.
Grøsvik, Kristin;
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Justnes, Camilla Normann
ECEC teachers' pedagogical experiences and development in partnership.
EECERA 2023;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Granone, Francesca;
Fredriksson, Maria;
Størksen, Ingunn
Om FILIORUM - Senter for barnehageforskning ved Universitetet i Stavanger og eksempler fra fire av våre store forskningsprosjekter.
Besøk av det grønlandske ministeriet for barn og unge;
2023-11-30 - .
Granone, Francesca
DiCoTe - digital kompetanse i barnehagen.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Granone, Francesca
FILIORUM- Senter for barnehageforskning og prosjektet DiCoTe.
Seminar for KD og Statsforvalteren i Rogaland;
2022-11-18 - .
Granone, Francesca
Tidlig innsats, tidlig i livet.
Arendals uka;
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Solheim, Ksenia
Tidlig innsats, tidlig i livet - En sammenstilling og analyse av eksisterende kunnskap og forskning om de 1000 første dagene i et individs liv, inklusive livet i magen.
Granone, Francesca
DiCoTe Project: "Increasing professional Digital Competence in Early Childhood Teacher Education with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys". A short presentation..
Workshop intern til prosjektet;
Granone, Francesca;
Clemente, Elena Gil;
Faragher, Rhonda
Challenges experienced by children with Down Syndrome in learning mathematics: a literature review..
2022International Conference Seires IASSIDD;
Granone, Francesca;
Eikeland, Synnøve;
Knudsen, Hege Kristin;
Mikalsen, Sølvi Lynn
Et partnerskap mellom Solbakken barnehage og Universitetet i Stavanger.
Rekom - gallerivandring ;
Granone, Francesca
Inkluderende forskning i DiCoTe prosjekt (dvs ingenting er umulig).
Granone, Francesca;
Ploog, Helga Maria;
Eltervåg, Caroline;
Tengesdal, Liv Ingeborg;
Kamola, Monika;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Esmaeeli, Sara
Status om prosjektet DiCoTe: resultater og veien videre.
Granone, Francesca
Scienza senza confini: matematica in ECEC.
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Innvirkningen barnehagelæreres kroppsspråk har på ledelse av barns utforskende aktivitet.
Barnehageforskningsskonferanse 2022;
2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28.
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Papavlasopoulou, Sofia;
Granone, Francesca;
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie
Early childhood educators’ methods and approaches in leading the children to play with coding toys: A systematic literature review.
Barnehageforskningsskonferanse 2022;
2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28.
Granone, Francesca;
Johansen, Mia
Mia (26) skal være med å forske på barn, læring og inkludering.
Granone, Francesca
La mediazione da zero a tre anni (Feuerstein's approach with children from zero to three years old).
Granone, Francesca
La mediazione da tre a sei anni (Feuerstein's approach with children from three to six years old).
Granone, Francesca
Matematica, outdoor, Norvegia… Italia. Quali percorsi potremmo esplorare?.
Granone, Francesca
Matematica, outdoor, Norvegia… Italia. Quali percorsi potremmo esplorare?. ZenaMath
Granone, Francesca
Barns algoritmiske tenkning.
UH-seminar om matematikk i barnehagen 2021;
Granone, Francesca
Do "outdoors" and "argumentation" mean the same everywhere?.
Seminar "Transforming Education";
Granone, Francesca
Outdoor education and kindergarten children’s mathematical argumentation: a case study.
EECERA 2021;
2021-09-01 - 2021-09-17.
Granone, Francesca
Can networking and discussion grounded in the scientific literature be a strategy to mediate the feeling of an optimistic alternative for parents of children with special needs and for ECEC teachers who work with them?.
EECERA 2021;
2021-09-01 - 2021-09-17.
Sageidet, Barbara Maria;
Granone, Francesca;
Bergersen, Ove;
Knævelsrud, Ingeborg;
Lahmeyer, Helga Vössing
Sustainability and life management and (early childhood) teacher training in natural sciences and
mathematic didactics - using outdoor spaces with students
30th EECERA annual conference 2021 - Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies;
2021-09-01 - 2021-09-17.
Granone, Francesca
En prosjektoversikt for etablering av et forskningsnettverk.
Seminar "Transforming Education";
2021-09-20 - 2021-09-21.
Granone, Francesca
Kan kreativitet inspirere barnehagebarns analogiske tenkning mens de leker med en robot?.
Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2021;
2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.
Granone, Francesca
The Norwegian Network for Down Syndrome in Norway: development and research status.
European Down Syndrome Association annual meeting;
Granone, Francesca
Feuerstein’s “optimistic alternative” about cognitive development: from literature to practice. Reflections concerning the results of a literature review about analogical thinking in children with Down Syndrome..
World Down Syndrome Congress Dubay 2021;
2021-11-18 - 2021-11-19.
Granone, Francesca
DiCoTe: Increasing professional Digital Competence in Early Childhood Teacher Education with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys.
Start-up meeting for the project DiCoTe;
Granone, Francesca;
Morselli, Francesca;
Robotti, Elisabetta;
Pollarolo, Enrico
An outdoor mathematical experience in Italian and Norwegian kindergartens analyzed from different mediational perspectives: a case study
2020-09-28 - 2020-09-30.
Granone, francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
Evaluation of children´s development and expression of geometric thought: a case
ICSEI 2019;
2019-01-09 - 2019-01-12.
Granone, francesca
From Anecdotal Exchange to Critical Dialogue in kindergarten: a case study in Italy and Norway based on Habermas’ construct of rational behaviour.
2019-04-09 - 2019-04-11.
Granone, francesca
“Favorire la creazione di un ponte tra saperi internazionali: uno scambio tra Norvegia e Italia attraverso il pensiero logico outdoors”..
La Direzione Politiche dell’Istruzione per le Nuove Generazioni – coordinamento tecnico dei servizi per l’Infanzia Comunali e Privati;
Granone, francesca
“Mathematical teaching and
learning in outdoor environment:
a case study from Norway”..
International seminar ;
Granone, francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Morselli, Francesca;
Robotti, Elisabetta
The effectiveness of outdoors education on kindergarten children’s mathematical argumentation: a case study.
Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2019;
2019-10-16 - 2019-10-17.
Granone, francesca
"Matematikk, begreper, utforsking". Overgang fra barnehage til skole.
Samling og forelesning for realfagskommuner i pulje 4;
Sageidet, Barbara Maria;
Helland, Merete Hagen;
Granone, francesca
Sustainability, STEM and Physical Education(LiB)- Presentasjon for FILIORUM arbeidspakke «Kommunikasjon»
Arbeidspakkemøte "kommunikasjon", FILIORUM;
Granone, francesca;
Pollarolo, Enrico
En eksempelstudies evaluering av 3 år gamle barns geometriske tankegang i en
norsk og en internasjonal barnehage.
FoU i praksis;
2018-10-24 - 2018-10-25.
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Granone, francesca
Kan utematematematikk gi et godt utgangspunkt for å øke viktige kompetanser
som bidrar til en bærekraftig framtid? En eksempelstudie.
FoU i praksis;
2018-10-24 - 2018-10-25.
Granone, francesca
Matematikk og lek.
Planleggingsdag for alle de ansatte i de 4 realfagbarnehagene;