Hong Li

Førsteamanuensis i serviceinnovasjon og digitalisering

Hong Li


E-post: hong.li@uis.no

Rom: EAL H-307


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Norsk hotellhøgskole

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Li, Hong


      Paper presentation at the SHI'22 conference, titled, 'Exploring Early-Stage Implementation of Digitally Enabled Remote Care: Case Studies from Norway and China'.

      The 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (SHI 2022);

      2022-08-22 - 2022-08-24.

    • Li, Hong


      Paper presentation at the ECSCW'22 conference, titled, 'Scaling Digital Technologies to Improve Patient-Clinician Interactions: A Comparative Case Study'.

      The 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2022);

      2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01.

    • Li, Hong


      Paper presentation at the HCist'22 conference, titled, 'Introducing Digital Technologies for Remote Care in Norway and China: The DigiRemote Project'.

      International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies - 2022 Conference;

      2022-11-09 - 2022-11-11.

    • Li, Hong


      Paper presentation, titled, 'The Value of Design for Implementing Responsible Digital Innovation: An ongoing Case Study of Digital Technologies for Remote Postoperative Care in China'.

      Transparency and Opaqueness: Nordic and Chinese Perspectives on the Ethics of Managing Innovative Organisations, Sustainability & Responsible Research;

      2022-10-05 - 2022-10-07.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway