Kåre Bredeli Jørgensen

Professor i organisk kjemi

Kåre Bredeli Jørgensen


Telefon: 51832306

E-post: kare.b.jorgensen@uis.no

Rom: KE C-223

Sted: Kjølv Egelands bygning


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for kjemi, biovitenskap og miljøteknologi

Kort om meg

My main research activity is within synthesis of polycyclic aromatic compounds where I explore metalation reactions in the synthesis and functionalization of PAHs. Small PAHs are also made by photochemistry, and we are also looking into late stage functionalization of PAHs. Synthesis of PAHs have allowed for collaboration with a number of environmental scientists that need the compounds as analytical standards or for exposure studies (Currently Sonnich Meyer at the Institute of Marine research, Bergen, and Prof. Jan Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark). As the PAHs coming out of the lab is getting larger, we are also moving focus towards material science. I have active collaboration with  Professor Daniel Gryko at the Polish Academy of Science, Poland on synthesis of helicenes by photochemical cyclization.

Read more about Research on Synthesis of PAHs at University of Stavanger. 


2000- Førsteamanuensis, Institutt for kjemi, biovitenskap og miljøteknologi, UiS

2008: Leiv Erikson mobilitetstipend: Visiting professor, V. Snieckus' gruppe, Queen's University, Kanada

1999: Postdoktor, institutt for kjemi, Universitetet i Bergen

1988: Postdoktor. Institutt for kjemi, Universitet i Tromsø

1995-1997: Postdoktor (STA-fellow) Organic chemistry laboratory, The Institute of Physical and Chemical research (RIKEN), Wakoshi (Tokio), Japan 

1995:  Dr. ing. (PhD) i organisk kjemi, Norges tekniske høgskole (NTH, nå NTNU), Trondheim.

1991-1995:  Dr.ing-student og stipendiat, Instiutt for organisk kjemi, NTH.

1989-1990: Utediplom: Southwest State University, Marshall, MN, USA, Siv.ing NTH

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Lillo, Cathrine


      First International Workshop on Growing Plants for Increased Nutritional Value.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 8276442692.

      Hefte 1.

  • Formidling
    • Tiruye, Hiwot Minwuyelet; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of PAH Metabolites by Electrochemical Oxidation.

      OKV36 Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2023-01-05 - 2023-01-08.

    • Bollabathini, Venkatesh; Ho, Quoc Duy; Rauls, Eva; Chavan, Sachin Maruti; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Pillararenes - Cage Molecules with a Potential for CO2 Capture.

      OKV36 Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2023-01-05 - 2023-01-08.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Synthesis through directed metalation strategies..



    • Bru, Håkon Olsen; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Metoder for å vurdere "grønnhet" og bærekraft til kjemiske prosesser.


      ISSN 0023-1983.

      Volum 2022.

      Hefte 2.


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      PAH synthesis by photochemical cyclization and/or directed metalation strategies.



    • Moren, Monika; Grøtting, Helene; Erling Berge, Monsen; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Photochemical Synthesis of Retene.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2022;

      2022-07-03 - 2022-07-06.

    • Tanabe, Philip; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Schlenk, Daniel


      Isomeric metabolism and toxicity of hydroxychrysenes in embryos of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).

      International Symposium on Pollution Responses in Marine Organisms;

      2022-05-22 - 2022-05-25.

    • Tanabe, Philip; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Schlenk, Daniel


      Isomeric metabolism and toxicity of hydroxychrysenes in embryos of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).

      Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting and ToxExpo;

      2022-03-27 - 2022-03-31.

    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Directed metalation and cross-coupling in the synthesis of larger PAHs.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte OKV34;

      2019-01-10 - 2019-01-13.

    • Tiruye, Hiwot Minwuyelet; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Will electrochemical oxidation of PAHs emulate oxidative metabolism?.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte OKV34;

      2019-01-10 - 2019-01-13.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of functionalized PAHs by directed metalations.

      6th CHAOS meeting;

      2019-04-03 - 2019-04-05.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Natural products: Biodiversity in the chemical domain.

      Biodiversity, towards a sustainable use of the environment;

      2019-06-03 - 2019-06-08.

    • Løvås, Mari; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Hammerø, Mats; Vinningsland, Ingrid; Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta


      Har analysert mynter fra vikingtiden.

    • Donald, Carey; Nakken, Charlotte Langeland; Sørhus, Elin; Perrichon, Prescilla; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Mayer, Philipp; Incardona, John P.; Meier, Sonnich


      Differential uptake and toxicity of alkyl-phenanthrenes in early life-stage haddock.

      20th International Symposium on Responses of marine organisms. (PRIMO 20);

      2019-05-19 - 2019-05-23.

    • Nakken, Charlotte Langeland; Donald, Carey; Sørhus, Elin; Perrichon, Prescilla; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Mayer, Philipp; Incardona, John P.; Meier, Sonnich


      Passive Dosing for Determining the Toxicity of Alkyl-Phenanthrenes to Early Life Stages of Haddock.

      20th International Symposium on Responses of marine organisms. (PRIMO 20);

      2019-05-19 - 2019-05-23.

    • Donald, Carey; Sørhus, Elin; Sørensen, Lisbet; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Rowland, Steven; Incardona, John P.; Meier, Sonnich; Da Silva, Denis


      Quantification of metabolites of alkyl-PAHs.

      International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC);

      2019-09-09 - 2019-09-12.

    • Donald, Carey; Meier, Sonnich; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Berntssen, Marc; Merel, Sylvain Alain Yves; Le Goff, Jérémie; Delèpèe, Raphaël


      New MS methods for identification of PAH-DNA adducts.

      International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC);

      2019-09-09 - 2019-09-12.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Innføring a studentaktiv læring i KJE200 Organisk kjemi.

      TN utdanningsseminar;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      NMR-spektrometri og GC-MS.

      Skolebesøk Bergeland VGS;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      NMR-spektrometri og GC-MS analyse.

      Skolebesøk Bryne VGS;


    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Snieckus, Victor; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Regioselectivity in lithiation of chrysene derivatives.

      Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte 2018;

      2018-01-11 - 2018-01-14.

    • Bjelland, Hege; Stølen, Christine; Kancherla, Sindhu; Gautvik, Sindre; Moland, Kristin; Sørensen, Lisbet; Incardona, John; Mayer, Philipp; Meier, Sonnich; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of alkylphenanthrenes - and their effect on fish embryo.

      Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte 2018;

      2018-01-11 - 2018-01-14.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of substituted PAHs by photochemical cyclization and/or directed metalation strategies.

      Visit to Taltec;


    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Snieckus, Victor; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Directed Metalations fort he Synthesis and Functionalizations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hyrdrocarbons.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum;

      2018-07-01 - 2018-07-04.

    • Tiruye, Hiwot Minwuyelet; Bjelland, Hege; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of Alkylated Phenanthrenes and Their Electrochemical Oxidation.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum;

      2018-07-01 - 2018-07-04.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Hvordan blir fisken påvirket av oljesøl.

    • Meier, Sonnich; Donald, Carey; Sørhus, Elin; Perrichon, Prescilla; Laurel, Benjamin J.; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Copeman, Louise; Thorsen, Anders; Sørensen, Lisbet; Tairova, Zhanna; Müller, Mette Helen Bjørge; Myklatun, Lars; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Durif, Caroline; Shema, Steven; Browman, Howard; Incardona, John P.


      Marine fiske egg er meget følsomme for olje forurensning.

      NFR Havforskningskonferansen;

      2018-10-24 - 2018-10-25.

    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Snieckus, Victor; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Directed metalation on larger aromatic systems.

      32. Organisk kjemiske vintermøte;

      2017-01-12 - 2017-01-15.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Molekylære maskiner - På grensen mellom science fiction og virkeligheten.

      Universitetet i Stavanger's fagdag 2017;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Verdens minste eletriske bil.

      Skolebesøk UiS - St. Olav vgs, 2. kl biologi;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Verdens minste eletriske bil.

      Skolebesøk UiS St. Olav vgs, 2. klasse Biologi;


    • Pampanin, Daniela M.; Kemppainen, Eeva; Skogland, Karianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Sydnes, Magne Olav


      Investigation of fixed wavelength fluorescence results for biliary metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).


      ISSN 0045-6535.

      Volum 144.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.10.013

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Bayer, Annette; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Total Synthesis of Tubastrine and 3-Dehydroxy Tubastrine.

      Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte OKV31;

      2016-01-07 - 2016-01-10.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli





    • Sydnes, Magne Olav; Lindback, Emil; Lorentzen, Marianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Bayer, Annette


      Synthesis of Antimicrobial Natural Products and their Analogues – Martinelline and Tubastrine .

      14th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology;

      2016-06-16 - 2016-06-18.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Intervju om Nobelprisen i kjemi, 2016.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of functionalized PAHs by photochemical cyclization and/or directed metalation strategies.



    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of functionalized PAHs by photochemical cyclization and/or directed metalation strategies.



    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Snieckus, Victor


      Directed ortho metalation on larger aromatic systems.

      17th Tetrahedron Symposium;

      2016-06-28 - 2016-07-01.

    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Snieckus, Victor; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Directed ortho metalation on larger aromatic systems.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2016;

      2016-07-03 - 2016-07-06.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Molekylære maskiner – pH heis og verdens minste bil.

      Julemøte, NKS;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Synthesis of functionalized PAHs by directed metalations.

      COST-action CA15106 (CHAOS) 1st general meeting;

      2016-09-26 - 2016-09-28.

    • Kancherla, Sindhu; Lorentzen, Marianne; Snieckus, Victor; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Directed metalation on larger aromatic systems.

      International symposium on organic synthesis -21 (ICOS-21);

      2016-12-11 - 2016-12-16.

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Kemppainen, Eeva; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Sydnes, Magne Olav


      Enantioselective total synthesis of trans-1,2-diol metabolites of 3- and 4-ring PAHs.

      Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte 2015;

      2015-01-08 - 2015-01-11.

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Kalvet, Indrek; Sauriol, Francoise; Rantanen, Toni; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Snieckus, Victor


      The rotational Barriers of ortho-aryl benzamides and ortho-aryl naphtamides.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2015-01-08 - 2015-01-11.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Lorentzen, Marianne; Bøhme, Thomas Andre


      Regiospesific synthesis of dimethylphenanthrenes.

      ISPAC 2015;

      2015-09-13 - 2015-09-17.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Photochemical synthesis of substituted chrysenes and phenanthrenes.

      International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC2015);

      2015-09-13 - 2015-09-17.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Photochemical synthesis of substituted chrysenes and phenanthrenes..

      Besøk på avdelingen;


    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Kamppainen, Eeva; Pampanin, Daniela M.; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Sydnes, Magne Olav


      Enantioselective total synthesis of trans-1,2-diol metabolites of 3 and 4-ring PAHs.

      20th International Conference on Organic Synthesis;

      2014-06-29 - 2014-07-04.

    • Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte 2015: OKV30.


      ISSN 0023-1983.

      Hefte 5.

    • Sydnes, Magne Olav; Skogland, Karianne; Marcucci, Cristian; Lorentzen, Marianne; Øysæd, Kjell Birger; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Larssen, Eivind; Bagi, Andrea; Pampanin, Daniela M.


      Indicator for Environmental Impact of Petroleum Activities: The Next Generation of Molecular Markers (iNEXT).

      5th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium;

      2014-10-22 - 2014-10-24.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Mady, Mohamed F.; Nilsen, Lyudmyla


      Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of novel 1,23-triazole coupled diaryl sulfone moieties by in situ formed azides in the CuAAC reaction.

      Ultrasonics 2014 - 1st international conference on ultrasound-based applications: from analysis to synthesis;

      2014-09-15 - 2014-09-17.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Böhme, Thomas A; Egeland, Mari; Lorentzen, Marianne; Mady, Mohamed F.; Solbakk, Michelle; Sæbø, Krister Samsonsen


      Regiospesific Photochemical Synthesis of Methylchrysenes.

      OKV29 -Organisk Kjemisk vintermøte 2014;

      2014-01-09 - 2014-01-12.

    • Böhme, Thomas A; Lorentzen, Marianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Regiospesific Synthesis of Dimethylphenanthrenes.

      OKV29 - Organisk Kjemisk Vintermøte 2014;

      2014-01-09 - 2014-01-12.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Instrumentell analyse ved kjemilaboratoriene på UiS.

      Omvisning for videregåendestudenter ved Randaberg Vgs;


    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre


      Total Synthesis of (1R, 2R)-1,2-dihydrochrysene-1,2-diol.

      28. Organisk kjemiske vintermøte;

      2013-01-10 - 2013-01-13.

    • Mady, Mohamed F.; Jørgensen, Kåre


      Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of mono and bis-1,2,3-triazoles containing sulfonyl dibenzene groups by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction.

      28. Organisk kjemiske vintermøte;

      2013-01-10 - 2013-01-23.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre; Böhme, Thomas A; Egeland, Mari; Mady, Mohamed F.; Solbakk, Michelle; Sæbø, Krister Samsonsen


      Regiospesific photochemical synthesis of methylchrysenes.

      ISPAC 2013;

      2013-09-08 - 2013-09-12.

    • Malmquist, Linus M V; Seleck, Henriette; Jørgensen, Kåre; Christensen, Jan H


      Aromatic acids are the main metabolites of sediment associated methylated PAHs exposed to the bentic invertebrate Nereis Diversicolor.

      ISPAC 2013;

      2013-09-08 - 2013-09-12.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Kjernemagnetisk resonans (NMR).

      Fagdagen 2013;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Instrumentell analyse ved kjemilaboratoriene ved UiS.

      Omvisning for elever ved Kongsgård Vgs;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Instrumentell analyse ved kjemilaboratoriene ved UiS.

      Omvisning for elever fra Hetland Vgs;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre; Heggheim, Morten; Simonova, Anna; Mæland, Yngve; Toftegård, Oscar L. A.


      Photochemical Synthesis of 3-Nitrophenanthrene.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2012-01-12 - 2012-01-15.

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre


      A general chiral building-block for the asymmetric synthesis of PAH-metabolites.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2012-01-12 - 2012-01-15.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre; Rantanen, Tony; Snieckus, Victor


      Synthesis of methylphenanthrene metabolites by directed metalation - Suzuki cross coupling strategies.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2012;

      2012-07-01 - 2012-07-04.

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre


      Total synthesis of (1R,2R)-1,2-dihydrochrysene-1,2-diol.

      Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2012;

      2012-07-01 - 2012-07-04.

    • Mady, Mohamed F.; El-Kateb, Ahmed A.; Zeid, Ibrahim F.; Jørgensen, Kåre


      Ultrasound-Assisted synthesis of Novel Homoallylic Alcohol Derivatives Containing The Sulphone Moiety in Aqueous Media.

      5th Saudi Science Conference;

      2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Fettsyrer: fra omega-3 til biodiesel.

      NRK - kunnskapskanalen NRK2;


    • Jørgensen, Kåre


      Da alkymi ble til kjemi.

      Foredrag Norsk kjemisk selskap;


    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      A general chiral building-block for the asymmetric synthesis of PAH-metabolites.

      Organisk kjemisk vintermøte;

      2011-01-06 - 2011-01-09.

    • Lorentzen, Marianne; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      A General Building-Block for the Asymmetric synthesis of PAC Metabolites.

      23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds;

      2011-09-04 - 2011-09-08.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Heggheim, Morten; Simonova, Anna; Mæland, Yngve; Toftegård, Oscar L. A.


      Photochemical Synthesis of 3-Nitrophenanthrene.

      23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds;

      2011-09-04 - 2011-09-08.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Nobelprisen i Kjemi 2010: Om hvordan en kan snekre molekyler og mulighetene det gir.

      Foredrag, Vitenskapsakademiet i Stavanger;

      2011-03-17 - .

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Nobelprisen i kjemi 2010.

      Foredrag, Norsk kjemisk Selskap, avd. Rogaland;

      2011-04-27 - .

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      The 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Efficient assembling of useful molecules for medicines and cell-phone displays.

      Torsdagsseminar i Naturvitenskap;

      2011-04-20 - .

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Fettsyrer: Fra omega-3 til biodiesel.


      2011-09-28 - .

    • Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli


      Landsmøte i Kjemi - Organisk kjemi.


      ISSN 0023-1983.

      Volum 71.

      Hefte 6.


    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Melnes, Silje; Strand, Ragnhild Beate; Jakobsen, martin Gjerde; Jacobsen, Øyvind; Langseth, Eirin; Rosenberg, marianne


      Hurra, vi skal på internasjonal konferanse! Til Bergen? 18th Internasjonal Conference on organic Synthesis, 1-6 Aug 2010, Bergen.


      ISSN 0023-1983.

      Hefte 6.


    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Rantanen, Tony; Snieckus, Victor


      Synthesis of 1-methylphenanthrene Metabolites by Directed metalation Strategies.

      92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition;

      2009-05-30 - 2009-06-30.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Rantanen, Tony; Dörfler, Thilo; Snieckus, Victor


      Synthesis of 1-Methylphenanthrene Metabolites by Directed Metalation and Suzuki Cross Coupling Strategies.

      22nd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 22);

      2009-09-20 - 2009-09-24.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Rantanen, Tony; Dörfler, Thilo; Snieckus, Victor


      Synthesis of methylphenanthrene metabolites by directed metalation-Suzuki cross coupling strategies.

      Det 24. Organisk Kjemiske Vintermøte;

      2009-01-08 - 2009-01-11.

    • Nilsen, Lyudmyla Berg; Fessner, Wolf-Dieter; Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      C-Alkylation of Aldoses with the Indium-mediated Barbier-reaction.

      24. Organisk kjemiske vintermøte;

      2009-01-08 - 2009-01-11.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      The 21st International Symposium for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.

      Polycyclic aromatic compounds (Print).

      ISSN 1040-6638.

      Volum 28.

      Hefte 4-5.


      DOI: 10.1080/10406630802378318

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Sundby, Eirik


      The 21st International Symposium for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Om tjærestoffer i Trondheim.


      ISSN 0023-1983.

      Hefte 8.


    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Nilsen, Lyudmyla Berg


      A Catalytic system for the indium-mediated Barbier-reaction.

      22. Organisk kjemiske vintermøte;

      2007-01-11 - 2007-01-14.

    • Jonsson, Grete; Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      Synthesis of hydroxychrysenes, and their use as standards in environmental monitoring.

      20. organisk kjemiske vintermøte, OKV2005;

      2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      Synthesis of hydroxychrysenes.

      20th international symposium on polycyclic aromatic compounds;

      2005-08-21 - 2005-08-26.

    • Joensen, Majbritt; Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      Photochemical Synthesis of Chrysene Metabolites.

      Organisk Kjemisk vintermøte 2003;

      2003-01-09 - 2003-01-12.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.; Hatlestad, Arne Christian; Heggø, Anne-Lise; Lloyd, Robert Andrew; Veire, Fredrik Hagir


      Photochemical synthesis and fluorescence properties of monofluorinated hydroxychrysenes.

      19th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds;

      2003-09-21 - 2003-09-25.

    • Jørgensen, Kåre B.


      Grønn kjemi.



    • Jørgensen, Kåre B; Gautun, Odd R


      Efficient Stereoselective Preparation of Protected Isodityrosines.

      8th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium;

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