Kenan Dikilitas

Rom: AR Ø-316
Sted: Arne Rettedal
Divisjon for utdanning
Avdeling for universitetspedagogikk
Rom: AR Ø-316
Sted: Arne Rettedal
Divisjon for utdanning
Avdeling for universitetspedagogikk
Ballldaǧ, Sezgin; Dikilitas, Kenan
Non-Native Parents Raising a Bilingual Child in Turkey.Darnioji daugiakalbystė.
ISSN 2335-2019.
Volum 24.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.2478/sm-2024-0006
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
A Systematic Rapid Review of Empirical Research on Students’ Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education.Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education (NJSRE).
ISSN 2704-1883.
Volum 2.
Hosseini, Mehrdad; Bahrami, Vahid; Dikilitas, Kenan
From research reading and doing to research use: Tracking trajectories of becoming research-informed second language teachers.System (Linköping).
ISSN 0346-251X.
Volum 125.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Öztüfekçi, Ali
English language teachers’ implementation of collaborative translanguaging.System (Linköping).
ISSN 0346-251X.
Volum 126.
Arefian, Mohammad Hossein; Çomoğlu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
Understanding EFL teachers’ experiences of ChatGPT-driven collaborative reflective practice through a community of practice lens.Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 1750-1229.
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
EFL teachers learning to translanguage through loop input: implications for their identity-reconstruction.Language Awareness.
ISSN 0965-8416.
Yuksel, Dogan; Dikilitas, Kenan; Webb, Rhian; Kaya, Sibel
Exploring EMI students’ attitudes towards translanguaging and English language proficiency threshold across different disciplines.International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
ISSN 1367-0050.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
Identity reconstruction through reflection and reflexivity: a new journey beyond the Ph.D. dissertation.Reflective Practice.
ISSN 1462-3943.
Volum 24.
Hefte 3.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bahrami, Vahid; Erbakan, Nil Tugce
Bilingual education teachers and learners in a preschool context: Instructional and interactional translanguaging spaces.Learning and Instruction.
ISSN 0959-4752.
Volum 86.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice
Exploring the Practical Impacts of Research Engagement on English Language Teaching: Insights from an Online Community of Practice.Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science.
ISSN 2336-2375.
Volum 16.
Hefte 1.
Gülşen, Erhan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(Re)construction of teacher identities in a soft-CLIL context.Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (JICB).
ISSN 2212-8433.
Volum 11.
Hefte 2.
Jensen, Ida Bruheim; Dikilitas, Kenan
A scoping review of action research in higher education: implications for research-based teaching.Teaching in Higher Education.
ISSN 1356-2517.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Griffiths, Carol
EMI in the Nordic and Baltic Countries.Second Language Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 2193-7648.
Webb, Rhian; Yuksel, Dogan; Dikilitas, Kenan
Discipline-specific attitudinal differences of EMI students towards translanguaging.International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.
ISSN 0019-042X.
Basar, Serhat; Comoglu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
Teacher study groups as a collaborative platform for action research: an ecological perspective.Professional Development in Education.
ISSN 1941-5257.
Eryilmaz, Rukiye; Dikilitas, Kenan
Identity tensions of in-service teacher educators: A narrative inquiry.Language Teaching Research.
ISSN 1362-1688.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Çomoglu, Irem
Pedagogical and conceptual principles of teacher professional learning in TESOL: Teacher stories from Turkey. I: A Sociopolitical Agenda for TESOL Teacher Education.Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350262843.
Köylü, Zeynep; Dikilitas, Kenan
Syntactic and lexical complexity in CLIL and EFL written production: Evidence for ELF as a WEs paradigm in Turkey. I: Acquisition and Variation in World Englishes : Bridging Paradigms and Rethinking Approaches.Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter).
ISBN 9783110733723.
Öztüfekçi, Ali; Dikilitas, Kenan
Engaging in systematic digital reflection : A case of pre-service English teachers . I: Exploring the principles of reflective practice in ELT : Research and perspectives from Turkey.
Equinox Publishing.
ISBN 9781800502987.
Aslan, Ayca; Erten, Ismail Hakki; Dikilitas, Kenan
In-Service EFL teachers’ engagement in reflexive practice via video enhanced observation .Reflective Practice.
ISSN 1462-3943.
Volum 23.
Hefte 3.
Akbana, Yunus Emre; Dikilitas, Kenan
EFL Teachers' Sources of Remote Teaching Anxiety: Insights and Implications for EFL Teacher Education.Acta Educationis Generalis.
ISSN 2585-741X.
Volum 12.
Hefte 1.
Coşkun, Zeynep Nesrin; Dikilitas, Kenan
Uncovering Fears, Challenges, and Motives of an Adult Learner with Dyslexia through Metaphors.
LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network.
ISSN 2630-0672.
Volum 15.
Hefte 1.
Yemez, Nazmiye; Dikilitas, Kenan
Development of verbal creativity by bilingual and English as foreign language learners in kindergarten to 8th grade schools.Creativity Studies.
ISSN 2345-0479.
Volum 15.
Hefte 1.
Arkin, Erkan; Dikilitas, Kenan
Turkish undergraduates' perspectives on EMI : A framework induced analysis of policies and processes. I: English as the medium of instruction in Turkish higher education : Policy practice and progress.Springer.
ISBN 9783030885960.
Ilknur, Eginli; Dikilitas, Kenan
Examining the Interplay between English Language Teachers’ Mindset and Researcher Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Use of Action Research.
i.e.: inquiry in education.
ISSN 2154-6282.
Volum 14.
Hefte 1.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bahrami, Vahid
Teacher Identity (re)Construction in Collaborative Bilingual Education: The Emergence of Dyadic Identity.TESOL Quarterly.
ISSN 0039-8322.
DOI: 10.1002/tesq.3168
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
The impact of translanguaging-driven training on in-service EFL teachers: Complexity theory prism.Linguistics and Education.
ISSN 0898-5898.
Volum 71.
Griffiths, Carol; Dikilitas, Kenan
Developing Teacher and Learner Autonomy.
Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL).
ISSN 2146-1732.
Volum 12.
Hefte 2.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
Transformative mentoring in a pre-school bilingual context in Turkey. I: International perspectives on mentoring in English language education .Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030992606.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Serra, Mariana; Mazzei, Ruben Daniel
Mentoring presence for supporting international teacher-researchers. I: International perspectives on mentoring in English language education .Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030992606.
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
Current developments in mentoring in English language education. I: International perspectives on mentoring in English language education .Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030992606.
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
Mentoring in English language education : Using current transnational practices to inform the future. I: International perspectives on mentoring in English language education .Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030992606.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Comoglu, Irem
The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.
ISSN 2192-1032.
Volum 11.
Hefte 1.
Inceçay, Volkan; Dikilitas, Kenan
Online peer observation: Reflections on a process-based job-embedded professional development activity through video recordings.Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
ISSN 0742-051X.
Volum 120.
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
Translanguaging as a way to fostering EFL learners’ criticality in a hybrid course design.System (Linköping).
ISSN 0346-251X.
Volum 110.
Ural, Onur; Dikilitas, Kenan
Identity Formation and Career Prospects of Bilingual Professionals: Blending Language Skills to Create Novel Applications to Career Pursuits.Darnioji daugiakalbystė.
ISSN 2335-2019.
Volum 21.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.2478/sm-2022-0013
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yaşar; Dikilitas, Kenan
Translanguaging in the development of EFL learners’ foreign language skills in Turkish context.Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 1750-1229.
Zilli, Pattamawan Jimarkon; Wanphet, Phalangchok; Dikilitas, Kenan
Pre-service Teachers’ Digital Experiences through Digital Pedagogical Practices in Norway.Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
ISSN 2535-4051.
Volum 5.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.7577/njcie.4230
Consoli, Sal; Dikilitas, Kenan
Research Engagement in Language Education.Educational Action Research.
ISSN 0965-0792.
Khurram, Bushra Ahmed; Dikilitas, Kenan; Zafar, Hadia
Transnational professional development practices in TESOL teacher education. I: Mobility of knowledge practice and pedagogy in TESOL teacher education : Implications for transnational contexts.Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030641405.
Reynolds, Kate; Dikilitas, Kenan; Close, Steven
Introduction to TESOL : Becoming a language teaching professional.
John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119632696.
Ballidag, Sezgin; Dikilitas, Kenan
Preparatory School Teachers' Self-Directed Online Professional Development.Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (IJLTR.
ISSN 2322-1291.
Volum 9.
Hefte 3.
Akayoglu, Sedat; Satar Coen, Muge; Dikilitas, Kenan; Cirit, Nazli Ceren; Korkmazgil, Sibel
Digital Literacy practices of Turkish pre-service EFL teachers.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).
ISSN 1449-3098.
Volum 36.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.14742/ajet.4711
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon E.
Preschool English teachers gaining bilingual competencies in a monolingual context.System (Linköping).
ISSN 0346-251X.
Volum 91.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Comoglu, Irem
Pre-service English teachers’ reflective engagement with stories of exploratory action research.European Journal of Teacher Education.
ISSN 0261-9768.
Öztüfekçi, Ali; Dikilitas, Kenan
An Investigation of an Early Bilingual Child: Phonological Development at its Finest?.
Journal of English as an International Language.
ISSN 2200-2006.
Volum 15.
Hefte 1.
Göktürk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Dikilitas, Kenan
Evaluating an Online Professional Learning Community as a Context for Professional Development in Classroom-based Research.
ISSN 1072-4303.
Volum 24.
Hefte 3.
Comoglu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
Learning To Become An English Language Teacher: Navigating The Self Through Peer Practicum.Australian Journal of Teacher Education.
ISSN 0313-5373.
Volum 45.
Hefte 8.
Karacan, Cemil Gökhan; Dikilitas, Kenan
Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Italian-Turkish Bilingual Students: Impact of Simultaneous and Sequential Acquisition.Darnioji daugiakalbystė.
ISSN 2335-2019.
Volum 17.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.2478/sm-2020-0013
Karakaya, Merve; Dikilitas, Kenan
Perceptions of the students and the teachers towards the use of code switching in EFL classrooms.
The Literacy Trek.
ISSN 2602-3768.
Volum 6.
Hefte 1.
Candan, Karolin; Dikilitas, Kenan
The perception of university students and instructors towards cooperative learning .
Journal of Advanced Education Studies.
ISSN 2687-3087.
Volum 2.
Hefte 1.
Dilber, Ece; Dikilitas, Kenan
The use of DIU in an ESP setting in Turkey. I: Pedagogic and instructional perspectives in language education : The context of higher education.Peter Lang Publishing Group.
ISBN 978363180440-7.
DOI: 10.3726/b16464
Dikilitas, Kenan
Teacher autonomy and good language teachers. I: Lessons from good language teachers.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781108489263.
Mumford, Simon; Dikilitas, Kenan
The autoethnography of an re-emerging researcher identity and its impact on EAP teaching. I: Language teacher identity in TESOL : Teacher education and practice as identity work.
ISBN 9780429342875.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
Teacher autonomy development through reading teacher research: agency, motivation and identity.Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 1750-1229.
Volum 13.
Hefte 3.
Senaydin, Ferah; Dikilitas, Kenan
Exploring child bilingual identity in Turkish context: a single case study.International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
ISSN 1367-0050.
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
English language teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for grammar instruction: implications for teacher educators.Language Learning Journal.
ISSN 0957-1736.
Kaya, Mehmet Haldun; Dikilitas, Kenan
Constructing, Reconstructing and Developing Teacher Identity in Supportive Contexts.
Asian EFL Journal.
ISSN 1738-1460.
Volum 21.
Hefte 1.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bostancioglu, Ali
Inquiry and research skills for language teachers.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030211363.
Sanchez, Hugo Santiago; Dikilitas, Kenan
Developing Academic Writing Literacy While Responding to Tutor Written Feedback.
ISBN 978-3-030-01254-0.
Volum 30.
Hefte 30.
Mumford, Simon; Dikilitas, Kenan
Pre-service language teachers reflection development through online interaction in a hybrid learning course.Computers & Education.
ISSN 0360-1315.
Volum 144.
Senaydin, Ferah; Dikilitas, Kenan
Action research for self-evaluation of teaching.
The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.
ISSN 2192-1032.
Volum 8.
Hefte 2.
Dikilitas, Kenan
Teacher researchers. I: Qualitative research topics in language teacher education.Routledge.
ISBN 978-1-138-61814-5.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Tanis, Ayfer
Exploring CLIL in Turkish context: Teacher and student voices.
Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
ISSN 2314-3576.
Volum 07.
Hefte 02.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Wyatt, Mark
Learning teacher-research-mentoring: stories from Turkey.Teacher Development.
ISSN 1366-4530.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Yayli, Demet
Teachers’ professional identity development through action research.ELT Journal.
ISSN 0951-0893.
Volum 72.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1093/elt/ccy027
Tanis, Ayfer; Dikilitas, Kenan
Turkish EFL Instructors’ Engagement in Professional Development.Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics (EJAL).
ISSN 2149-1135.
Volum 4.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.32601/ejal.460628
Kirkgoz, Yasemin; Dikilitas, Kenan
Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education.
ISBN 978-3-319-70213-1.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Hanks, Judith
Developing Language Teachers with Exploratory Practice: Innovations and Explorations in Language Education.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-3-319-75734-6.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Kesli Dollar, Yesim; Mede, Enisa
English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Involvement in High-Stakes Testing in Turkey.
ISBN 978-3-319-77175-5.
Gary, Barkhuizen; Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan; Wyatt, Mark
Empowering Teacher-researchers, Empowering learners.
ISBN 978-1-912588-11-4.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Griffiths, Carol
Developing Language Teacher Autonomy through Action Research.
ISBN 9783319844794.
Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan; Smith, Richard; Mark, Wyatt
Developing Insights into Teacher-research.
ISBN 978-1-901095-98-2.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
Supporting the writing up of teacher research: peer and mentor roles.ELT Journal.
ISSN 0951-0893.
Volum 70.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1093/elt/ccw014
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish university.Educational Action Research.
ISSN 0965-0792.
Volum 24.
Hefte 4.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Marshall, Timothy James; Shahverdi, Masoumeh
A Practical Guide to Understanding and Implementing Challenge-Based Learning.
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-3-031-67010-7.
Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan
The Routledge Handbook of Language Teacher Action Research.
ISBN 9781003367352.
Volum 10.
Hefte 12.
Jimarkon, Pattamawan ; Dikilitas, Kenan
Critical intercultural in the internationalization of higher education.
ISBN 9781032437743.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Reynolds, Kate
Research methods in language teaching and learning : A practical guide.
John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119701637.
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
International perspectives on mentoring in English language education .
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 9783030992606.
Hefte ..
Dikilitas, Kenan; Rambla, Xavier
Handbook for leaders in higher education: Developing and designing institutional policies for digitally enhanced (hybrid/blended) teaching and learning.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Mede, Enisa; Dikilitas, Kenan; Atay, Derin
Pedagogic and instructional perspectives in language education : The context of higher education.
Peter Lang Publishing Group.
ISBN 978363180440-7.
Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Dikilitas, Kenan
Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community.
ISBN 9781912588206.
Keles, Serap; Dikilitas, Kenan
Systematic reviews workshop for educational research.
Systematic reviews workshop ;
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Students’ ChatGPT Use in Higher Education.
ECER 2024 Conference;
2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30.
Sædberg, Leif Tore; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap; Dikilitas, Kenan
Forskere ønsker klare retningslinjer for bruk av ChatGPT i høyere utdanning.
Pezzotta, Micol; Watson, Lisa Jean; Dikilitas, Kenan
Role of stakeholders in co-creating higher education of the future.
MNT konferanse;
2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17.
Watson, Lisa; Pezzotta, Micol; Dikilitas, Kenan
Defining Future Subsurface Education Needs in Collaboration with the Energy Industry: SUBSET: SUBSurface Education for the Energy Transition .
Tekna Members Event;
2023-09-12 - .
Watson, Lisa; Pezzotta, Micol; Dikilitas, Kenan
From identifying workforce needs to co-creating courses.
Increasing work relevance in education: Collaboration between universities and industry;
2023-06-09 - .
Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Tsagari, Dina; Dikilitas, Kenan
Developing Research Literacy of Pre-service Language Teachers in Norway.
2022-09-15 - 2022-09-17.
Dikilitas, Kenan; Reynolds, Kate Mastruserio
Introduction to research methods in language teaching and learning. I: Research methods in language teaching and learning : A practical guide.
John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119701637.