Kjetil Vikhamar Thengs

Telefon: 51831337
E-post: kjetil.v.thengs@uis.no
Rom: HG O-218
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Telefon: 51831337
E-post: kjetil.v.thengs@uis.no
Rom: HG O-218
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Linguistic identity in late medieval English churchwardens' accounts. I: Spelling Identities : Individual Orthographic Usages in English, Nordic and Constructed Languages.
Reichert Verlag.
ISBN 9783752006896.
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Local documents as source material for the study of late medieval English. I: Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027207951.
DOI: 10.1075/ahs.11.01ste
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Bergstrøm, Geir; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
The categorization of Middle English documents : interactions of function form and language. I: Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027207951.
DOI: 10.1075/ahs.11.03ste
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
The geography of Middle English documentary texts. I: Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027207951.
DOI: 10.1075/ahs.11.04ste
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Knutsford and Nantwich : Scribal variation in late medieval Cheshire. I: Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027207951.
DOI: 10.1075/ahs11.07the
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Two Staffordshires: real and linguistic space in the study of Late Middle English dialects.
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English.
ISSN 1797-4453.
Hefte 20.
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Records of real people : Linguistic variation in Middle English local documents.
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027207951.
Volum 11.
Hefte ..
Traxel, Oliver Martin; Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Mäkinen, Martti; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Current Explorations in Middle English: Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Middle English (ICOME), University of Stavanger, Norway, 2017.
Peter Lang Publishing Group.
ISBN 978-3631782057.
Hefte 56.
Stenroos, Merja; Solberg-Harestad, Kenneth; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar; Johansen, Karoline Schiølde
Present indicative verb forms in late Middle English local documents: signs of things to come?.
12th International Conference of Middle English (ICOME) 2022;
2022-08-22 - 2022-08-24.
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Genre differences in Late Middle English text production.
IES-Keio International Conference: Old and Middle English Studies: Texts and Sources;
2014-09-03 - 2014-09-05.
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Compactness of expression in late medieval English legal documents.
SELIM 26th International Conference;
2014-09-18 - 2014-09-20.
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Opening and closing formulae in Late Middle English legal documents.
3rd Middle English Scribal Texts symposium;
2014-08-19 - .
Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Literacy and text production in Late Medieval England: the evidence of documentary texts.
2014-08-21 - .
Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Middle English legal documents and the geography of written dialects.
ICOME 8 (8th international conference on Middle English);
2013-05-02 - 2013-05-04.
Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
The traces of vernacular literacy: mapping Middle English written variation.
Historical perspectives on English urban vernaculars;
Stenroos, Merja; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
The language and geography of Middle English documentary texts.
Middle English Scribal Texts symposium;
Stenroos, Merja Riitta; Thengs, Kjetil Vikhamar
Two Staffordshires: real and typological space in the study of Middle English linguistic variation.
Helsinki Corpus Festival;
2011-09-27 - 2011-10-02.