Kristoffer Svendsen
Førsteamanuensis i rettsvitenskap

Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avdeling for regnskap og rettsvitenskap
Førsteamanuensis i rettsvitenskap
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avdeling for regnskap og rettsvitenskap
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Liability and Compensation for Offshore Oil Pollution Damage in the Arctic: Comparing Norwegian and Russian Law.
Brill | Nijhoff.
ISBN 978-90-04-50981-8.
Volum 52.
Hefte ..
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Younes, Boulares
Offshore Wind: A Comparative of the United States and Norway.
Fordham Environmental Law Review.
ISSN 1079-6657.
Volum 36.
Hefte 1.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Statutory liability regulation versus contractual risk allocation in upstream oil and gas : the Norwegian case. I: Knock-for-knock indemnities and the law : Contractual limitation and delictual liability.Informa Law.
ISBN 9781032074085.
Vogel, Zoe; Svendsen, Kristoffer
The Huntington Beach Spill: an Analysis under the Oil Pollution Act.
International Energy Law Review.
ISSN 1757-4404.
Hefte 2.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Balan, Gaëtan
Deep-Sea Mining; State Control and Enforcement Measures.
International Energy Law Review.
ISSN 1757-4404.
Hefte 6.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Liability and Compensation for Activities in the Area. I: The Law of the Seabed: Access, Uses, and Protection of Seabed Resources..Brill | Nijhoff.
ISBN 978-90-04-39156-7.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
International Oil Spill Disputes.
Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL).
ISSN 1875-418X.
Volum September.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
The Nikkel Diesel Oil Spill: Liability and Compensation.
International Energy Law Review.
ISSN 1757-4404.
Hefte 8.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Palmer, Vernon Valentine
Pure Economic Loss. I: Managing the Risk of Offshore Oil and Gas Accidents: The International Legal Dimension.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781786436733.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Contractual Allocation of Risk vs. Statutory Liability Regulation of Risk in Upstream Oil and Gas under the Norwegian Petroleum Act Chapter 7.
ISSN 1266-6912.
Volum 24.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Civil Liability for Exploration and Exploitation of Offshore Oil and Gas in the Arctic: the situation in the Barents Sea. I: Wealth and miseries of the oceans: Conservation, Resources and Borders.
ISBN 9788417279028.
Ravna, Øyvind; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Securing the Coastal Sámi Culture and Livelihood. I: Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas.Routledge.
ISBN 9781472471505.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Compensation of Harm to the Marine Natural Environment Caused by Petroleum Spills in the Barents Sea: An Analysis of Norwegian and Russian Law.
Ocean Yearbook.
ISSN 0191-8575.
Volum 30.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
The Impact of Choice-of-law Rules in Cross-border Pollution Damage Caused by Petroleum Spills from Offshore Rigs and Installations: The Case of the Barents Sea.
The Yearbook of Polar Law.
ISSN 1876-8814.
Volum 8.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Compensation for harm to the marine natural environment caused by petroleum spills in the Barents Sea: An analysis of Norwegian and Russian law.Ocean Yearbook.
ISSN 0191-8575.
Volum 30.
Hefte 1.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Kompaniets, Andrey
Regulation Of The Russian Federation Petroleum Licensing Regime. I: Regulation Of The Upstream Petroleum Sector. A Comparative Study of Licensing and Concession Systems..Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781783470105.
Chircop, Aldo; Bunik, Ivan; McConnell, Moira; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Course Convergence? Comparative Perspectives on the Governance of Navigation and Shipping in Canadian and Russian Arctic Waters.Ocean Yearbook.
ISSN 0191-8575.
Volum 28.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Russia Increases Oil Supplies to China.
International Energy Law Review.
ISSN 1757-4404.
Volum 32.
Hefte 2.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
The method of calculating the amount of damages inflicted to water bodies as a consequence of breaching Russian water legislation.
International Energy Law Review.
ISSN 1757-4404.
Hefte 5.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Stavang, Endre; Gordon, Greg
Knock-for-knock indemnities and the law : Contractual limitation and delictual liability.
Informa Law.
ISBN 9781032074085.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Handl, Günther
Managing the Risk of Offshore Oil and Gas Accidents: The International Legal Dimension.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781786436733.
Ekblom, Sara; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Recognised but not protected? The human right to safe drinking water and protection of foreign investments in water utility .
Universitetet i Bergen.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Compensable damage ex delicto as a result of harm in the Barents Sea caused by petroleum spills from offshore installations. A Norwegian and Russian comparative legal analysis of conflict of laws, the concept of harm, losses suffered by third parties, and environmental damage and its valuation and calculation, caused by petroleum spills from offshore oil rigs and installations in the Barents Sea.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Siekiera, Joanna
Hvordan lage en stat? Den russiske måten.
Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania.
ISSN 2703-707X.
Hefte 03.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Sjøberg, Espen A.
Uber er arbeidsgiver.
Dagens næringsliv.
ISSN 0803-9372.
Svendsen, Kristoffer; Sjøberg, Espen A.
Uber styrer sine sjåfører med teknikker som brukes i dataspill og gambling.
Kunnskapsmagasinet Kristiania.
ISSN 2703-707X.
Røsæg, Erik; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Ansvar for grenseoverskridende forurensning – Norge/Russland.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Contractual allocation of risk vs. statutory liability regulation of risk in upstream oil and gas under the Norwegian Petroleum Act Chapter 7.
Legal and Economic Perspectives on Contractual Limitation of Delictual Liability: the case of knock for knock clauses or critical look at contractual limitation, principles and practice;
Svendsen, Kristoffer
The Importance of Comparative Law in Arctic Jurisprudence.
St. Petersburg International Legal Forum;
2016-05-18 - 2016-05-20.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Cross-border risks and regulatory solutions.
Authors’ workshop "New uses and abuses of the seabed – legal challenges”;
2016-06-01 - 2016-06-02.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage in the Arctic.
Law of the Sea;
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Возмещение нефтяных разливов, вызванных морскими установками в Баренцевом Море (Compensation of oil spills caused by offshore installations in the Barents Sea).
2016-12-12 - .
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Возмещение нефтяных разливов, вызванных морскими установками в Баренцевом Море (Compensation of oil spills caused by offshore installations in the Barents Sea).
Open lecture, Institute of Law;
2016-12-14 - .
Svendsen, Kristoffer
The impact of choice-of-law rules in cross-border pollution damage caused by petroleum spills from offshore rigs and installations. The case of the Barents Sea.
Polar Law Symposium;
2015-09-23 - 2015-09-26.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Grenseoverskridende oljesøl fra petroleumsinnstallasjoner i Barentshavet. Norske og russiske erstatningsregler og utmåling av miljøskade.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Opportunities in Norway, after a PhD.
Transitioning Scottish Energy Law PhD Graduates into Employment;
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Legal aspects of petroleum spills from offshore installations in the Arctic. The case of the Barents Sea.
Guest lecture;
Røsæg, Erik; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Ansvar for grenseoverskridende forurensning – Norge/Russland.
Det 38. Bergenske petroleumsrettssymposium;
2015-12-01 - 2015-12-03.
Røsæg, Erik; Svendsen, Kristoffer
Legal aspects of oil spills in the Barents Sea.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Billigere å grise til norsk natur.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
A tougher approach towards indigenous people in the Russian North.
Arctic Review on Law and Politics.
ISSN 1891-6252.
Volum 4.
Hefte 1.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Putin Confronts Civil Society.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Medvedev’s swansong – Russian WTO accession?.
Svendsen, Kristoffer
Liability and Insurance . I: Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781803923680.