Marjan Shamsi
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Telefon: 51831178
Rom: EOJ SV-213
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avd. for innovasjon, led. og mark.føring
Kort om meg
Marjan Shamsi is a research fellow and Ph.D. candidate in organization and leadership at the Department of innovation, leadership, and marketing at UiS Business School. Her research interests are organizational psychology, occupational well-being, organizational climate and culture, Leadership behavior, innovation, and digitalization.
Marjan holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She has several experiences in quantitative research in organizational studies.
She has previous professional experience in the Human Resources Management field. For instance, she has four years of experience as an assessment center specialist and a one-year of experience as a human resource specialist.