Naeem Khademi
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi- tunnelsikkerhet

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Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi- tunnelsikkerhet
Telefon: 51831177
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Khademi, Naeem; Bjelland, Henrik; Nilsson, Erik Gøsta; Boletsis, Costas
RiskTUN: An ICT-based Concept for a Risk-aware Decision Support System for Tunnel Safety. I: Proceedings from the Tenth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security.
ISBN 978-91-897-57899.
Martin Rodriguez, Aitor; Khademi, Naeem
Evaluation Study of Inertial Positioning in Road Tunnels for Cooperative ITS Applications.IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
ISSN 2153-0009.
Hefte 26.
Martin Rodriguez, Aitor; Khademi, Naeem
On the suitability of BBR congestion control for QUIC over GEO SATCOM networks. I: ANRW '22: Proceedings of the Workshop on Applied Networking Research.Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
ISBN 978-1-4503-9444-4.
Khademi, Naeem; Sommer, Morten
Intelligent and ultra-reliable connectivity for safety services in road tunnels : A system architecture. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Kuhn, Nicolas; Ros, David; Baba Bagayoko, Amadou; Kulatunga, Chamil; Fairhurst, Gorry; Khademi, Naeem
Operating ranges, tunability and performance of CoDel and PIE.Computer Communications.
ISSN 0140-3664.
Volum 103.
Papastergiou, Giorgos; Fairhurst, Gorry; Ros, David; Brunstrom, Anna; Grinnemo, Karl-Johan; Hurtig, Per; Khademi, Naeem; Tüxen, Michael; Welzl, Michael; Damjanovic, Dragana; Mangiante, Simone
De-Ossifying the Internet Transport Layer: A Survey and Future Perspectives.IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
ISSN 1553-877X.
Volum 19.
Hefte 1.
Khademi, Naeem; Ros, David; Welzl, Michael; Bozakov, Zdravko; Brunstrom, Anna; Fairhurst, Gorry; Grinnemo, Karl-Johan; Hayes, David; Hurtig, Per; Jones, Tom; Mangiante, Simone; Tüxen, Michael; Weinrank, Felix
NEAT: A Platform- and Protocol-Independent Internet Transport API.IEEE Communications Magazine.
ISSN 0163-6804.
Volum 55.
Hefte 6.
Khademi, Naeem; Welzl, Michael; Armitage, Grenville; Ros, David; Zander, Sebastian; Fairhurst, Gorry
Alternative Backoff: Achieving Low Latency and High Throughput with ECN and AQM. I: 16th International IFIP TC6 Networking Conference, Networking 2017.ISBN 978-3-901882-94-4.
Islam, Safiqul; Welzl, Michael; Gjessing, Stein; Khademi, Naeem
Coupled congestion control for RTP media.Computer communication review.
ISSN 0146-4833.
Volum 44.
Hefte 4.
Islam, Safiqul; Welzl, Michael; Gjessing, Stein; Khademi, Naeem
Coupled congestion control for RTP media. I: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Capacity sharing workshop.Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
ISBN 978-1-4503-2991-0.
Welzl, Michael; Gjessing, Stein; Khademi, Naeem
Less-than-best-effort service for Community Wireless Networks: Challenges at three layers. I: 11th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services.IEEE conference proceedings.
ISBN 978-1-4799-4937-3.
Khademi, Naeem; Welzl, Michael; Gjessing, Stein
Experimental evaluation of TCP performance in multi-rate 802.11 WLANs. I: 2012 IEEE international symposium on a world of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks, WoWMoM.IEEE conference proceedings.
ISBN 978-1-4673-1238-7.
Khademi, Naeem; Welzl, Michael; Lo Cigno, Renato
On the uplink performance of TCP in multi-rate 802.11 WLANs. I: NETWORKING'11 Proceedings of the 10th international IFIP TC 6 conference on Networking.Springer.
ISBN 978-3-642-20797-6.
Khademi, Naeem
Reducing Latency in Internet Access Links with Mechanisms in Endpoints and within the Network.
Universitetet i Oslo.
Islam, Safiqul; Welzl, Michael; Gjessing, Stein; Khademi, Naeem
Coupled Congestion Control for RTP Media.
ISBN 978-82-7368-405-9.
Hefte 440.
Khademi, Naeem; Ros, David; Welzl, Michael
The New AQM Kids on the Block: Much Ado About Nothing?.
Universitetet i Oslo.
ISBN 82-7368-399-0.
Khademi, Naeem
RiskTUN: An ICT-based Concept for a Risk-aware Decision Support System for Tunnel Safety.
Tenth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS);
2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28.
Khademi, Naeem
Novel C-ITS Use-cases for Road Tunnels using Emerging 5G Communication Technologies.
Nordic Edge/UiS Research Symposium on Smart Cities – Enabling Smart Cities: From current communication technologies to 5G and beyond;
Khademi, Naeem; Roth, Helen
VIA at NordicEdge: How can digital twins contribute to safety in urban underground tunneling systems?.
Khademi, Naeem
ICT-based Tunnel Safety: a Case for Procedural and Parametric 3D Modelling of Norwegian Road Tunnels.
The second European conference on tunnel renovation;
Khademi, Naeem; Welzl, Michael; Armitage, Grenville; Gjessing, Stein
Improving the Fairness of Alternative Backoff with ECN (ABE).
IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) ;
2016-11-07 - 2016-11-10.
Papastergiou, Giorgos; Grinnemo, Karl-Johan; Brunstrom, Anna; Ros, David; Tüxen, Michael; Khademi, Naeem; Hurtig, Per
On the Cost of Using Happy Eyeballs for Transport Protocol Selection.
Applied Networking Research Workshop;
Armitage, Grenville; Khademi, Naeem
Using Delay-Gradient TCP for Multimedia-Friendly ‘Background’ Transport in Home Networks.
38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013);
2013-10-21 - 2013-10-24.
Khademi, Naeem
AP buffer sizing in IEEE 802.11 WLANs.
2012 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2012);
2012-06-25 - 2012-06-28.
Khademi, Naeem; Othman, Mohamed
Least Attained Service Queue Management for ns-2 Network Simulator.
2010 Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development;
2010-05-07 - 2010-05-10.
Khademi, Naeem; Othman, Mohamed
Guaranteeing Per Station and Per Flow Fairness of Downstream and Upstream Flows over IEEE 802.11 WLAN.
2009 International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology;
2009-12-16 - 2009-12-18.