Nejm Saadallah
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Saadallah, Nejm; Heggelund, Yngve
Electrification of Oil and Gas Platforms by Wind Energy.Energies.
ISSN 1996-1073.
Volum 16.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.3390/en16073062
Gravdal, Jan Einar; Sui, Dan; Nagy, Attila; Saadallah, Nejm; Ewald, Robert
A hybrid test environment for verification of drilling automation systems. I: IADC/SPE Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference & Exhibition, Virtual, September 2021.Society of Petroleum Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-61399-742-0.
DOI: 10.2118/204064-MS
Saadallah, Nejm; Heggelund, Yngve
An Approach for Reducing Gas Turbines Usage by Wind Power and Energy Storage. I: Proceedings of 14th Modelica Conference 2021, Linköping, Sweden, September 20-24, 2021.Linköping University Electronic Press.
ISBN 978-91-7929-027-6.
DOI: 10.3384/ecp21181627
Bansal, Surbhi; Saadallah, Nejm; Selvik, Jon Tømmerås; Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim
Development of a bivariate machine-learning approach for decision-support in offshore drilling operations. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Gravdal, Jan Einar; Ewald, Robert; Saadallah, Nejm; Moi, Sonja; Sui, Dan; Shor, Roman
A New Approach to Development and Validation of Artificial Intelligence Systems for Drilling.IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications.
ISSN 2158-2297.
Ambrus, Adrian; Saadallah, Nejm; Alyaev, Sergey; Iversen, Fionn
Automatic detection of anomalous drilling operations using machine learning methods and drilling process simulations.Oil, Gas.
ISSN 0342-5622.
Volum 45.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.19225/190305
Saadallah, Nejm; Gravdal, Jan Einar; Ewald, Robert; Moi, Sonja; Daireaux, Benoit; Ambrus, Adrian; Sivertsen, Stian; Hellang, Kristian; Shor, Roman J.; Sui, Dan; Sandor, Stefan; Chojnacki, Marek; Odgaard, Jacob
OpenLab: Design and Applications of a Modern Drilling Digitalization Infrastructure.Society of Petroleum Engineering.
DOI: 10.2118/195629-MS
Cayeux, Eric; Daireaux, Benoit; Saadallah, Nejm; Alyaev, Sergey
Toward Seamless Interoperability between Real-Time Drilling Management and Control Applications. I: 2019. SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition.Society of Petroleum Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-61399-642-3.
DOI: 10.2118/194110-MS
Davidrajuh, Reggie; Saadallah, Nejm
Implementing a cohesive P-T nets with inhibitor arcs in GPenSIM.International Journal of Simulation. Systems, Science and Technology.
ISSN 1473-8031.
Volum 18.
Hefte 2.
Davidrajuh, Reggie; Saadallah, Nejm
Implementation of "Cohesive Place-Transition Nets With Inhibitor Arcs" in GPenSIM. I: First Asia Multi Conference on Mathematical Modelling & Computer Simulation, 5. - 7. December 2016.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
ISBN 9781509059720.
Saadallah, Nejm; Meling, Hein
A simple machine in a complex environment: A Petri net approach. I: 15th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES).IEEE conference proceedings.
ISBN 978-1-4244-8955-8.
s.387 -392 .
Saadallah, Nejm; Meling, Hein; Daireaux, Benoit
Modeling a drilling control system, as a Discrete-Event-System. I: International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA).IEEE conference proceedings.
ISBN 978-1-4244-9795-9.
Saadallah, Nejm; Randeberg, Erlend
Dynamic repositioning in floating wind farms.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.
ISBN 978-82-8408-126-7.
Daireaux, Benoit; Saadallah, Nejm
Drilling Data Hub.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.
ISBN 978-82-8408-084-0.
Heggelund, Yngve; Saadallah, Nejm
ELOGOW-electrification of oil and gas installations by offshore wind.
Science Meets Industry;
Gravdal, Jan Einar; Sui, Dan; Nagy, Attila; Saadallah, Nejm; Ewald, Robert
A Hybrid Test Environment for Verification of Drilling Automation Systems .
SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition 2021;
2021-03-08 - 2021-03-12.
Saadallah, Nejm
Results of a Prototype Drilling Data Aggregation System Called DDHub.
Celle Drilling 2019;
2019-09-10 - 2019-09-11.
Ambrus, Adrian; Saadallah, Nejm; Alyaev, Sergey; Iversen, Fionn
Automatic detection of anomalous drilling operations using machine learning methods and drilling process simulations .
Celle Drilling 2018;
2018-09-11 - 2018-09-12.
Davidrajuh, Reggie; Saadallah, Nejm
Implementation of “Cohesive Place-Transition Nets with Inhibitor Arcs” in GPenSIM.
2016 Asia Multi Conference on Modelling and Simulation (AMC2016);
2016-12-05 - 2016-12-07.
Saadallah, Nejm
Human Free Drilling.
IADC World Drilling 2011 Conference & Exhibition;
2011-06-15 - 2011-06-16.
Saadallah, Nejm; Daireaux, Benoit
A goal based approach on top of petri nets.
International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering;
2011-06-20 - 2011-06-21.