Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Becker, M;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Owe, Ellinor;
Easterbrook, M.;
Brown, Rupert;
Smith, P.B;
Abuhamdeh, S.;
Cendales, A.;
Garðarsdóttir, R. B.;
Torres, A.;
Camino, L.;
Bond, M.H;
Nizharadze, G.;
Amponsah, B.;
Schweiger Gallo, I.;
Prieto Gil, P.;
Lorente Clemares, R.;
Campara, G.;
Espinosa, A.;
Yuki, M.;
Zhang, X.;
Zhang, J.;
Zinkeng, M.;
Villamar, M.;
Kusdil, E.;
Çağlar, Selinay;
Regalia, C.;
Manzi, C.;
Brambilla, M.;
Bourguignon, David;
Moller, B;
Fulop, M.;
Macapagal, M. E. J.;
Pyszczynski, T.;
Chobthamkit, P.;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Kesebir, P.;
Herman, G.;
Courtois, M.;
Harb, C.;
Jalal, B;
Tatarko, A.;
Aldhafri, S.;
Kreuzbauer, R.;
Koller, S. H.;
Habtamu Mekonnen, K.;
Fischer, R.;
Milfont, T.L.;
Des Rosiers, S. E.;
Jaafar, Jas Laile;
Martin, M.;
Baguma, P.;
Lv, S.;
Schwartz, S.J.;
Gavreliuc, A.;
Fritsche, I.;
Gonzalez, R.;
Didier, N.;
Carrasco, D;
Lay, S.
Being oneself through time: Bases of self-continuity across 55 cultures..
Self and Identity.
ISSN 1529-8868.
Volum 17.
Hefte 3.
DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2017.1330222
Smith, Peter B.;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Becker, Maja;
Owe, Ellinor;
Easterbrook, M.;
Brown, Rupert;
Bourguignon, David;
Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B.;
Kreuzbauer, Robert;
Cendales Ayala, Boris;
Yuki, Masaki;
Zhang, Jianxin;
Lv, Shaobo;
Chobthamkit, P.;
Jaafar, Jas Laile;
Fischer, Ronald;
Milfont, Taciano L.;
Gavreliuc, A.;
Baguma, P.;
Bond, Michael Harris;
Martin, Mariana;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Schwartz, Seth J;
Des Rosiers, S. E.;
Tatarko, A.;
Gonzales, Roberto;
Didier, Nicolas;
Carrasco, Diego;
Lay, Siugmin;
Nizharadze, G;
Torres, Ana;
Camino, L.;
Abuhamdeh, S.;
Macapagal, M. E. J.;
Koller, S. H.;
Herman, Ginette;
Courtois, M.;
Fritsche, I.;
Espinosa, A.;
Villamar, J. A.;
Regalia, C.;
Manzi, C.;
Brambilla, M.;
Zinkeng, M.;
Jalal, B;
Kusdil, E.;
Amponsah, Benjamin;
Çaglar, Selinay;
Mekonnen, Kassahun Habtamu;
Möller, Bettina;
Zhang, Xiao;
Gallo, Inge Schweiger;
Gil, Paula Prieto;
Clemares, Raquel Lorente;
Campara, G.;
Aldhafri, S.;
Fülöp, Márta;
Pyszczynski, T.;
Kesebir, P.;
Harb, C.
Individual and culture-level components of survey response styles: A multi-level analysis using cultural models of selfhood.
International Journal of Psychology (IJP).
ISSN 0020-7594.
Volum 51.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12293
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Owe, Ellinor;
Becker, Maja;
Smith, Peter B.;
Easterbrook, Matthew J.;
Brown, Rupert;
González, Roberto;
Didier, Nicolas;
Carrasco, Diego;
Cadena, Maria Paz;
Lay, Siugmin;
Schwartz, Seth J.;
Des Rosiers, Sabrina E.;
Villamar, Juan A.;
Gavreliuc, Alin;
Zinkeng, Martina;
Kreuzbauer, Robert;
Baguma, Peter;
Martin, Mariana;
Tatarko, Alexander;
Herman, Ginette;
de Sauvage, Isabelle;
Courtois, Marie;
Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B.;
Harb, Charles;
Gallo, Inge Schweiger;
Gil, Paula Prieto;
Clemares, Raquel Lorente;
Campara, Gabriella;
Nizharadze, George;
Macapagal, Ma Elizabeth J.;
Jalal, Baland;
Bourguignon, David;
Zhang, Jianxin;
Lv, Shaobo;
Chybicka, Aneta;
Yuki, Masaki;
Zhang, Xiao;
Espinosa, Agustín;
Valk, Aune;
Abuhamdeh, Sami;
Amponsah, Benjamin;
Özgen, Emre;
Güner, E. Ulkü;
Yamakoğlu, Nil;
Chobthamkit, Phatthanakit;
Pyszczynski, Tom;
Kesebir, Pelin;
Trujillo, Elvia Vargas;
Balanta, Paola;
Ayala, Boris Cendales;
Koller, Silvia H.;
Jaafar, Jas Laile;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Fischer, Ronald;
Milfont, Taciano L.;
Kusdil, Ersin;
Çağlar, Selinay;
Aldhafri, Said;
Ferreira, M. Cristina;
Mekonnen, Kassahun Habtamu;
Wang, Qian;
Fülöp, Márta;
Torres, Ana;
Camino, Leoncio;
Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira;
Fritsche, Immo;
Möller, Bettina;
Regalia, Camillo;
Manzi, Claudia;
Brambilla, Maria;
Bond, Michael Harris
Beyond the 'East-West' dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood.
Journal of experimental psychology. General.
ISSN 0096-3445.
Volum 145.
Hefte 8.
DOI: 10.1037/xge0000175
Gausel, Nicolay
What Does “I Feel Ashamed” Mean? Avoiding the Pitfall of Definition by Understanding Subjective Emotion Language.
I: Psychology of shame: new research.
Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-63321-033-2.
Gausel, Nicolay
Social work as a profession: Made insecure by its own history and Abraham Flexner?.
I: Social work practices: global perspectives, Challenges and educational implications.
Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-63321-315-9.
Gausel, Nicolay
Self-reform or self-defense? Understanding how people cope with their moral failures by understanding how they appraise and feel about their moral failures.
I: The walk of shame.
Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-62618-164-9.
Owe, E.;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Becker, M;
Brown, Rupert;
Smith, P. B.;
Spike, W. S. L.;
Easterbrook, M.;
Gadre, T.;
Zhang, X.;
Gheorghiu, M.;
Baguma, P.;
Tatarko, A.;
Aldhafri, S.;
Zinkeng, M.;
Schwartz, S. J.;
Des Rosiers, S. E.;
Villamar, J. A.;
Habtamu Mekonnen, K.;
Regalia, C.;
Manzi, C.;
Brambilla, M.;
Kusdil, E.;
Caglar, S.;
Gavreliuc, A.;
Martin, M.;
Jianxin, Z.;
Lv, S.;
Fischer, R.;
Milfont, T. T.;
Torres, A.;
Camino, L.;
Kreuzbauer, R.;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Buitendach, J. H.;
Silveira Lemos, F. C.;
Fritsche, I.;
Moller, B.;
Harb, C.;
Valk, A.;
Espinosa, A.;
Jafaar, J. L.;
Yuki, M.;
Ferreira, M. C.;
Chobthamkit, P.;
Fulop, M.;
Chybicka, A.;
Wang, Q.;
Bond, M. H.;
Gonzalez, R.;
Didier, N.;
Carrasco, D.;
Paz Cadena, M.;
Lay, S.;
Garðarsdóttir, R. B.;
Nizharadze, G.;
Pyszczynski, T.;
Kesebir, P.;
Herman, G.;
de Sauvage, I.;
Courtois, M.;
Yamakog˘lu, N.;
Abuhamdeh, S.;
Mogaji, A.;
Bourguignon, D.;
Özgen, E.;
Macapagal, M. E. J.;
Koller, S. H.;
Amponsah, B.;
Misra, G.;
Kapur, P.;
Vargas Trujillo, E.;
Balanta, P.;
Cendales Ayala, B.;
Schweiger Gallo, I.;
Prieto Gil, P.;
Lorente Clemares, R.;
Campara, G.;
Jalal, B.;
Jalal, B
Contextualism as an Important Facet of Individualism-Collectivism: Personhood Beliefs Across 37 National Groups.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
ISSN 0022-0221.
Volum 44.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1177/0022022111430255
Gausel, Nicolay
Analysing shame: Shame as a relational network of emotion-experience.
‘Researching Shame’ Conference;
Gausel, Nicolay
The complexity of shame.
Days of Applied Psychology;
2023-09-29 - 2023-09-30.
Gausel, Nicolay
Om UIS sin psykologisatsning.
Presentasjon på ViD. Oslo;
Gausel, Nicolay
Days of Applied Psychology – Current challenges in psychological science;
2022-09-23 - 2022-09-24.
Gausel, Nicolay
Days of Applied Psychology – Current challenges in psychological science;
2022-09-23 - 2022-09-24.
Gausel, Nicolay
Internasjonalisering og slaget i Stavanger .
Gausel, Nicolay
What does “I feel ashamed” mean? It depends....
Invited presentation - George Mason University;
Gausel, Nicolay
Hva er aller viktigst i universitets og høgskolesektoren? Administrasjon! .
Gausel, Nicolay
Dealing with unpleasant experiences: Bypassed shame and aggression..
EASP - Small group meeting on "defense after failure".;
2017-05-25 - 2017-05-28.
Gausel, Nicolay
Skam versus skyld hos overgripere.
Høgskolen i Østfold;
Gausel, Nicolay
Tilgivelse og forsoning i Liberia: Betydningen av følt skam.
Jakten etter kunnskap;
Gausel, Nicolay
Hva er poenget med at det skal forskes på høgskoler?.
Gausel, Nicolay
What does “I feel ashamed” mean?.
EASP Medium size meeting;
2016-04-15 - 2016-04-16.
Gausel, Nicolay
Put to Shame--and Better for It.
Løkkeberg, Stine Eileen Torp;
Gausel, Nicolay
Risking the social bond: Explaining avoidance and repair motivation associated with withholding or disclosing unpleasant information.
EASP Medium size group meeting ;
2016-05-14 - 2016-05-17.
Gausel, Nicolay
Barsking reddet av sammenbrudd.
Gausel, Nicolay
Research explodes the myth of a 'West v. Rest' cultural divide.
Gausel, Nicolay
Emosjoners betydning for kommunikasjonen mellom hjelper/bruker.
2015-02-06 - 2015-02-07.
Gausel, Nicolay
Stigma – konsekvenser for samfunnet, hjelpere og klienter.
2015-03-06 - 2015-03-07.
Gausel, Nicolay
Derfor får skolen skylda når barna dropper ut.
Gausel, Nicolay
Revenge or repair? Adopting perpetrator or victim focus explain responses in ongoing conflicts.
9th Annual International Conference on Psychology ;
2015-05-25 - 2015-05-26.
Løkkeberg, Stine Torp;
Gausel, Nicolay
To Withhold or to Disclose? How Communicating Unpleasant Information Elicit either Self-Defensive or Self-Improve Motivations
Oral Presentation;
2015-06-24 - 2015-06-28.
Gausel, Nicolay
Seeking repair or seeking revenge?.
Research visit University of Cologne;
Gausel, Nicolay
Årsak og konsekvens til drop-out: Kan det forhindres?.
Seminar for sosialpedagogiske rådgivere;
Gausel, Nicolay
Skammas tilbakekomst.
Gausel, Nicolay
Seeking retribution or seeking repair?
Adopting perpetrator or victim focus helps explain responses in reciprocal intergroup conflict
The 17th Conference on social and Community Psychology;
2015-11-05 - 2015-11-06.
Løkkeberg, Stine Torp;
Gausel, Nicolay
To withhold or to disclose? How communicating unpleasant information can elicit either self-defensive or self-improvement motivations.
The 17th Conference on Social and Community Psychology, oral presentation;
2015-11-05 - 2015-11-06.
Gausel, Nicolay
Hva skjer med oss når vi gleder oss, blir sinte eller sørger i flokk?.
Gausel, Nicolay
En helsefremmende skole... Okei, og så?.
Markering av Askim videregående skole sin status som helsefremmende skole;
Gausel, Nicolay
Vi kan være oss selv..
Gausel, Nicolay
Å fortelle noen at de skal dø..
Gausel, Nicolay
Forsker på å fortelle deg at du skal dø.
Gausel, Nicolay
Forsker på hvordan man bør gi dødsbudskapet.
Gausel, Nicolay
What does “I feel ashamed” mean? Avoiding the pitfall of definition by accepting subjective emotion language.
Invited presentation - School of Psychology, University of Kent;
Gausel, Nicolay
Betydningen av aksept i kommunikasjon med klienter.
Seminarrekke ved den Sosialpedagogiske Høgskolen;
2014-01-24 - 2014-01-25.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Agostino, Mazziotta;
Friederike, Feucthe
The Consortium of European Research on Emotion ;
2014-03-27 - 2014-03-28.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.
Resolving the paradox of shame: Feelings about moral failure and risk to social-image explain pro-social and self-defensive motivation. Paper presented as a part of the symposium: “Shame’s many faces: Approach? Avoid? Moral”, co-convened by Colin Wayne Leach and Nicolay Gausel.
The 17th EASP triennial general conference;
2014-07-09 - 2014-07-12.
Gausel, Nicolay
Rethinking shame.
Invitert fremlegg av forskningsresultater for Universite de Lorraine, Metz;
Gausel, Nicolay
Resolving the paradox of shame: Feelings about moral failure and risk to social-image explain pro-social and self-defensive motivation.
The 25th APS Annual Convention;
2013-05-23 - 2013-05-26.
Gausel, Nicolay
Kommunikasjon og emosjoner.
Seminarrekke ved den Sosialpedagogiske Høgskolen;
2013-01-11 - 2013-01-12.
Gausel, Nicolay
Truet av multikulturalisme: Hvordan bruken av nasjonale flagg og verdier skjuler moderne rasisme.
2013-09-24 - .
Gausel, Nicolay
Hvordan bruken av nasjonale flagg og verdier skjuler moderne rasisme.
Gausel, Nicolay
Immorality and the concern for self-image and social-image.
Invitert fremlegg av forskningsresultater for University of Kent, UK;
Gausel, Nicolay
Angrep eller forsoning? Betydningen av følt skam og følt avvisning i forbindelse med moralske feil.
Gausel, Nicolay
Intervju omkring skam og avvisningsopplevelser i forbindelse med brudd på samfunnets forventninger.
Gausel, Nicolay
Seminarrekke ved den Sosialpedagogiske Høgskolen;
2012-09-29 - 2012-09-30.
Gausel, Nicolay
Intervju omkring lystigheten som gjerne kommer i vårsola.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Mazziotta, Agostino;
Feuchte, F.;
Leach, Colin Wayne
Seeking revenge or seeking repair? The role of shame and the loss of respect between perpetrators and victims in Liberia.
European Association of Social Psychology: Small Group Meeting on Reconciliation in intergroup contexts: The divergent perspectives of perpetrator and victim groups.;
2012-09-01 - 2012-09-04.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.
Bypassed shame and the rise of revenge – emotional responses just two hours after the 22nd of July Oslo terror bomb.
The Consortium for European Research on Emotion;
2012-05-02 - 2012-05-05.
Mazziotta, Agostino;
Feuchte, F.;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Nadler, A.
Enhancing reconciliation by remembering one’s ingroup perpetrated transgressions: A Liberian field-experiment.
European Association of Social Psychology: Small Group Meeting on Reconciliation in intergroup contexts: The divergent perspectives of perpetrator and victim groups;
2012-09-01 - 2012-09-04.
Gausel, Nicolay
Concern for self-image and social-image in the management of moral failure: Rethinking shame.
the XIII Conference on Social and Community Psychology;
2011-11-03 - 2011-11-04.
Gausel, Nicolay
Being old enough to be a part of it: Wanting to undo the self and behaviour in response to shame and guilt experiences.
the International Society for Research on Emotion;
2011-07-26 - 2011-07-29.
Gausel, Nicolay
Shame-rage or rejection-rage: Understanding why “shame” leads to externalized anger and blame.
the European Association of Social Psychology, Triennial Conference;
2011-07-12 - 2011-07-16.
Cakal, Huseyin;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Turner, Rihannon
Inter-group anxieties in different populations.
Social Psychology Section Annual Conference ;
2011-09-01 - 2011-09-02.
Mazziotta, Agostino;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Feucthe, Friederike;
Nadler, Arie
Construal of victimhood and perpetration and its role for reconciliation: A Liberian field-experiment.
European Association of Social Psychology, Triennial Conference;
2011-07-12 - 2011-07-16.
Bourguignon, David;
Herman, Ginette;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Stinglhamber, F.
Why group identification is protective only for some stigmatised groups: A stereotype explanation.
European Association of Social Psychology, Triennial Conference;
2011-07-12 - 2011-07-16.
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Gausel, Nicolay
Moved by moral condemnation: Distinct feelings of rejection, inferiority and shame.
European Association of Social Psychology, Triennial Conference;
2011-07-12 - 2011-07-16.
West, Keon;
Turner, Rihannon;
Gausel, Nicolay;
Cakal, Huseyin
Restructuring inter-group anxiety.
European Association of Social Psychology, Triennial Conference;
2011-07-12 - 2011-07-16.
Gausel, Nicolay
Flattening of emotional expressions and the rise of revenge – initial responses during 22nd of July.
Fagmøte for kultur og samfunnspsykologi;
Gausel, Nicolay
Liberia: To take revenge or to forgive?.
Fagmøte for kultur og samfunnspsykologi;
Gausel, Nicolay
Tilgivelse og forsoning – viktigheten av å forstå oppfattelser og emosjoner i arbeid med overgriper og offer.
Gausel, Nicolay
Sosial angst – en ting eller flere?.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.
Shame-rage or rejection-rage: Understanding why ?shame? leads to externalized anger and blame.
The Annual Conference 2010 of the British Psychological Society;
2010-04-14 - 2010-04-16.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Leach, Colin Wayne
Gravity keeps my head down, or is it maybe shame? Exploring the effects of bypassed shame, unidentified shame and expressed shame.
The importance of emotions in social work;
2010-04-08 - 2010-04-09.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Leach, Colin Wayne
Gravity keeps my head down, or is it maybe shame? Exploring the effects of bypassed shame, unidentified shame and expressed shame.
The importance of emotions in social work;
2010-04-08 - 2010-04-09.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.
What if people find out? The role of shame and rejection in response to immorality and its exposure.
The importance of emotions in social work;
2010-04-08 - 2010-04-09.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Leach, Colin Wayne;
Vignoles, Vivian L.
What if they find out? The role of shame, inferiority and rejection in response to immorality and its exposure.
The Annual Conference 2010 of the British Psychological Society;
2010-04-14 - 2010-04-16.
Gausel, Nicolay
Uncovering the pro-social potential of shame with a differentiated model of shame-related appraisals and feelings.
Gausel, Nicolay
Veiledning og konflikthåndtering.
Gausel, Nicolay
Avdekking av skammens pro-sosiale potensial ved hjelp av en modell som skjelner mellom skamrelaterte opplevelser og følelser.
Gausel, Nicolay
Gruppeutvikling, gruppeprosesser og veiledning i grupper.
Gausel, Nicolay
Hvorfor benytter vi veiledning som pedagogisk verktøy? Fordeler og ulemper.
2010-08-18 - 2010-12-01.
Gausel, Nicolay;
Vignoles, Vivian L.;
Leach, Colin Wayne
Gravity keeps my head down, or is it maybe shame? Exploring the effects of bypassed shame, unidentified shame and expressed shame.
Changing Emotions;
Gausel, Nicolay
Avdekking av skammens pro-sosiale potensial ved hjelp av en modell som skjelner mellom skamrelaterte opplevelser og følelser Doktorgrad.