Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
LP based heuristics for the multiple knapsack problem with assignment restrictions.
Annals of Operations Research.
ISSN 0254-5330.
Volum 146.
Hefte 1.
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål;
Gouveia, Luis
A note on hop-constrained walk polytopes.
Operations Research Letters.
ISSN 0167-6377.
Volum 32.
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
Complete description of a class of knapsack polytopes.
Operations Research Letters.
ISSN 0167-6377.
Volum 31.
Foldnes, Njål;
Dahl, Tobias Gulden
Det er alvorlige feil og mangler i forskningen på sosiale medier.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Foldnes, Njål;
Dahl, Tobias Gulden
Har vi et kappløp mot bunnen?.
Dagens næringsliv.
ISSN 0803-9372.
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Foldnes, Njål
Kvalitetsrapport av gjennnomført kartleggingsprøve 2023, 3 klasse.
Kvalitetsrapport av gjennnomført kartleggingsprøve 2023, 3 klasse;
Støle, Hildegunn;
Mangen, Anne;
Foldnes, Njål
Leseprøve på papir og digitalt. PIRLS 2021.
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Foldnes, Njål
School entry detection of reading difficulties using machine learning on gameplay process data.
FLIP+ 7th Annual event 2024;
2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.
Alves-Wold, Aline;
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Foldnes, Njål
Assessing writing motivation: The influence of pictorial supports on young students' responses.
Sig-Writing conference;
2024-06-26 - 2024-06-28.
Gunnerud, Hilde Lowell;
Foldnes, Njål;
Magyari, Lilla;
Solheim, Oddny Judith
Struggling reader or not? The answer depends on the reading test.
SSSR 2024;
2024-07-10 - 2024-07-17.
Gunnerud, Hilde Lowell;
Foldnes, Njål;
Magyari, Lilla;
Solheim, Oddny Judith
Struggling reader or not? The answer depends on the reading test.
Skriv! Les! 2024;
2024-05-07 - 2024-05-08.
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Walgermo, Bente Rigmor;
Foldnes, Njål;
Bakken, Arild Michel
Equitable Digital Vocabulary Assessment: What Item Formats do We Need to Build a Fair Vocabulary Test?.
AEA-Europe 2024;
2024-11-06 - 2024-11-09.
Dahl, Tobias Gulden;
Foldnes, Njål
Full forvirring om barn og sosiale medier.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Arntzen, Julie;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Foldnes, Njål
Are late-emerging reading problems truly late - or gradually emerging?.
EARLI 2023;
2023-08-22 - 2023-08-27.
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Foldnes, Njål;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
McTigue, Erin
Shared responsibility between team teachers predicts student achievement - A Norwegian study.
EARLI 2023 Education as a hope in uncertain times;
2023-08-22 - 2023-08-26.
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Nortvedt, Guri A.;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Haram, Henrik;
Bratting, Karianne Berg;
Foldnes, Njål
The Adaptive Models of
New National Screening Tests
in Reading and Numeracy
for Grade 1 and 3 in Norway
- possibilities and limitations.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA-Europe);
2023-11-01 - 2023-11-04.
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Foldnes, Njål
Society for Scientific studies of reading - annual conference /SSSR) ;
2023-07-19 - 2023-07-22.
Støle, Hildegunn;
Mangen, Anne;
Foldnes, Njål
PIRLS 2021: En utforsking av modalitetseffekt på flere nivå.
Lesesenterets onsdagspresentasjon;
Foldnes, Njål;
Jensen, Maria Therese;
Peterson, Jacqueline Michelle
Relations between Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Classroom Climate and Reading Comprehension in Norwegian Elementary Classrooms..
2023-04-13 - .
Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Foldnes, Njål;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
McTigue, Erin
Shared responsibility between teachers predicts student achievement in co-taught literacy classes.
13th ARLE Conference;
2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17.
Foldnes, Njål
Learning to Read in a Digital Age: Children’s Contemporary
Reading Experiences: Early detection of struggling readers
using machine learning on data from a serious literacy app.
Twenty-Ninth Annual SSSR Conference;
2022-07-01 - 2022-07-05.
Arntzen, Julie;
Foldnes, Njål;
Solheim, Oddny Judith
Hvordan utvikler lesing og motivasjon for lesing seg for elever som strever med henholdsvis avkoding og/eller språkforståelse på første trinn? .
SkrivLes! Nordisk Forskerkonferanse om lesing, skriving og literacy;
2022-05-10 - 2022-05-11.
Arntzen, Julie;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Foldnes, Njål
Utvikling av leseforståelse og motivasjon for elever som strever med avkoding eller språkforståelse på første trinn.
SkrivLes ;
2022-05-10 - 2022-05-11.
Walgermo, Bente Rigmor;
Foldnes, Njål;
Uppstad, Per Henning
Motivational Dynamics of interest, self-concept and skill within a reading test situation.
NERA Conference Reykjavík 2022;
2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03.
Bakken, Arild Michel;
Walgermo, Bente Rigmor;
Foldnes, Njål;
Uppstad, Per Henning
Adaptvurder: A formative adaptive reading test for third grade in norway .
IACAT 22 Frankfurt 8th Conference: Enhancing testing and assessment in the digital age with computerized adaptive testing;
2022-09-20 - 2022-09-22.
Foldnes, Njål;
Svendsen, Paal
Elever skal game for å avdekke lese- og skrivevansker.
Foldnes, Njål;
Vogt, Kaja
Gaming i norsken.
Foldnes, Njål
The flipped classroom in a large class of first-year business students: Performance and perceptions.
Cramérsällskapet. svens statistisk forening;
2021-10-26 - .
Foldnes, Njål
NRK rogaland om GAMEPLAY .
Foldnes, Njål;
Foldnes, Njål
Forskere vil bruke maskinlæring for å avdekke skrivevansker.
Thomson, Jenny;
Foldnes, Njål;
Lundetræ, Kjersti;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Njå, Morten Bergsten;
Uppstad, Per Henning
Can childrens instructional gameplay Activity be used as a diagnostic indicator of Reading difficulties?.
Skriv!Les! Nordisk forskerkonferanse om lesing og skriving;
2019-05-07 - 2019-05-09.
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Foldnes, Njål;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Solheim, Oddny Judith
First Grade Reading Skill and Motivation Dynamics.
Sig EARLI 2018 – Learning and development in early childhood;
2018-08-29 - 2018-08-31.
McTigue, Erin ;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Walgermo, Bente R.;
Foldnes, Njål;
Frijters, Jan c
Measuring multiple dimensions of early literacy motivation through self-report at school entry.
17th Biennial EARLI Conference for research on learning and instruction;
2017-08-28 - 2017-09-02.
Wagner, Åse Kari H.;
Foldnes, Njål;
Lundetræ, Kjersti;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Uppstad, Per Henning
På sporet - effekt av tidlig innsats for andrespråkselever
med risiko for å utvikle lese- og
SkrivLes! 2017 Nordisk forskerkonferanse om lesing og skriving;
2017-05-09 - 2017-05-11.
Strand, Olaug;
Wagner, Åse Kari H.;
Foldnes, Njål
Flerspråklige elevers leseresultater i PIRLS 2016.
PIRLS konferanse;
Uppstad, Per Henning;
Foldnes, Njål;
Lundetræ, Kjersti;
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Wagner, Åse Kari H.
Effect of early intervention for minority children at-risk for reading difficulties.
National Network series on Perspectives on Developmental Deficits;
Foldnes, Njål;
Hagtvet, Knut Arne
The Choice of Product indicators in latent variable interaction models.
Two-Day Research SEminar;
2014-05-05 - 2014-05-06.
Foldnes, Njål
The effect of kurtosis on the power of two test statistics.
SEM working group annual meeting;
2010-02-25 - 2010-02-26.
Foldnes, Njål
Testing Structural Equation Models: The effect of Kurtosis.
7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology;
2008-09-01 - 2008-09-05.
Dahl, Geir;
Flatberg, Truls;
Foldnes, Njål;
Gouveia, Luis
The Jump Formulation for the Hop-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem.
The 8th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference;
2006-03-30 - 2006-04-02.
Foldnes, Njål;
Mørken, Knut Martin;
Vistnes, Arnt Inge
En ny verden: Datamaskinen, beregninger og realfagsundervisning.
ISSN 1500-4538.
Volum 28.
Hefte 3.
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
A randomized algorithm for the multiple knapsack problem with assignment restrictions.
Int. network optimization conf.;
2003-10-27 - 2003-10-29.
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
On hop-constrained walk polytopes.
18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming;
2003-08-18 - 2003-08-22.
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
Polyhedral Properties of certain 0/1 Knapsack Polytopes.
IFORS 2002;
2002-07-09 - .
Dahl, Geir;
Foldnes, Njål
Complexity of certain multiple knapsack problems.
Nordic Mathematical Prog. Society Conference;
2002-09-20 - .