Øystein Jensen

Professor em.

Øystein Jensen


Telefon: 51833718

E-post: oystein.jensen@uis.no

Rom: EAL H-204C


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Norsk hotellhøgskole


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Jensen, Øystein; Kim, Hyangmi; Chen, Joseph S.


Framework on managed visitor attraction : A supply-side perspective.

Advances in Hospitality And Leisure.

ISSN 1745-3542.

Volum 18.


DOI: 10.1108/S1745-354220220000018005

Kvalsvik, Fifi Tjan; Øgaard, Torvald; Jensen, Øystein


Environmental factors that impact the eating behavior of home-living older adults.

International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances).

Volum 3.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnsa.2021.100046

Chen, Joseph S.; Wang, Wei; Jensen, Øystein; Kim, Hyangmi; Liu, Wan-Yu


Perceived impacts of tourism in the Arctic.

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change.

ISSN 1476-6825.

DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2020.1735403

Lindberg, Frank; Jensen, Øystein


Adventure regime of tourism experiences.

Current Issues in Tourism.

ISSN 1368-3500.

DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1854196

Blumenthal, Veronica Isabel; Jensen, Øystein


Consumer immersion in the experiencescape of managed visitor attractions: The nature of the immersion process and the role of involvement.

Tourism Management Perspectives.

ISSN 2211-9736.

Volum 30.


DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2019.02.008

Jensen, Øystein; Li, Yuan; Uysal, Muzaffer


Visitors’ satisfaction at managed tourist attractions in Northern Norway: Do on-site factors matter?.

Tourism Management.

ISSN 0261-5177.

Volum 63.


DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2017.06.025

Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank; Kieti, Damiannah; Åmo, Bjørn Willy; Nampushi, James


How Local Traditions and Way of Living Influence Tourism. Basecamp Explorer in Maasai Mara,Kenya and Svalbard, Norway. I: Nature Tourism.


ISBN 978-1-138-96173-9.


Jensen, Øystein


Særegne kompetanseformer blant turoperatører for rundreiser til Skandinavia. I: Filosofi og ledelse : en antologi om dialogen som nøkkel til forståelse.

Hertervig Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-8217-228-8.


Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank; Østergaard, Per


How Can Consumer Research Contribute to Increased Understanding of Tourist Experiences? A Conceptual Review.

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

ISSN 1502-2250.

Volum 15.


DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2015.1065591

Lindberg, Frank; Jensen, Øystein; Østergaard, Per


Den opplevelsesbaserte vending: Konsumentforskningens bidrag til forståelse av turisme i lys av opplevelsesøkonomi. I: Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen.

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-02-42894-5.


Jensen, Øystein


Hvordan skape effektive turistattraksjoner?. I: Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen.

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-02-42894-5.


Jensen, Øystein; Skallerud, Kåre


Konklusjoner : overordnede perspektiver. I: Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen.

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-02-42894-5.


Jensen, Øystein; Chen, Joseph S.; Korneliussen, Tor


Cultural-Geographic Influences of Destination Images: A Case of Northern Norway . I: Advances in Hospitality and Leisure.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

ISBN 978-1-78560-271-9.


DOI: 10.1108/S1745-354220150000011001

Jensen, Øystein


Approaches for the evaluation of visitor experiences at tourist attractions. I: Creating experience value in tourism.

CABI Publishing.

ISBN 978-1-78064-348-9.


Jensen, Øystein


The activation of local service suppliers by incoming tour operators in a "developing" destination - the case of Madagascar.

Current Issues in Tourism.

ISSN 1368-3500.

Volum 12.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1080/13683500802549689

Davidrajuh, Reggie; Jensen, Øystein



Management International Conference Proceedings.

ISSN 1854-4312.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1.


Jensen, Øystein


Interplay between local service suppliers and incoming tour operators : the case of Madagascar. I: Tourism strategies and local responses in Southern Africa.

CABI Publishing.

ISBN 184593508X.


Jensen, Øystein


Marketing Norway. I: Nordic tourism : issues and cases / [edited by] C. Michael Hall, Dieter K. Müller and Jarkko Saarinen.

Channel View Publications.

ISBN 9781845410933.


Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein


Main Factors for Customers´Choices of Restaurants´. I: Culinary Arts and Sciences VI - Global, National and Local Perspectives.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 82-7644-294-3.


Davidrajuh, Reggie; Jensen, Øystein


Towards Modeling the Economies of Personal Relationships in Dyadic Business Exchanges.

Issues in Information Systems.

ISSN 1529-7314.

Volum 8.

Hefte 2.


Jensen, Øystein; Hansen, Kai Victor


Consumer values among restaurant customers.

International Journal of Hospitality Management.

ISSN 0278-4319.

Ellingsen, Kristen Albert; Jensen, Øystein; Jensen, Øystein


Tilgjengelighet og distribusjon i reiselivet. I: Perspektiver på markedsføring av reiseliv.


ISBN 8245002496.

Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein; Gustafsson, Inga-Britt


The Meal Experiences of á la Carte Restaurant Customers.

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

ISSN 1502-2250.

Volum 5.

Hefte 2.


Roper, Angela; Jensen, Øystein


The Dynamics of the Norwegian Package Tour Industry.

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

ISSN 1502-2250.

Volum 5.

Hefte 3.


Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein; Gustafsson, Inga-Britt


Payment - an undervalued part of the meal expereience?.

Food Service Technology.

ISSN 1471-5732.

Volum 4.

Hefte 2.


Jensen, Øystein; Korneliussen, Tor; Korneliussen, Tor


Discriminating perceptions of a peripheral 'Nordic destination' among European tourists.


Volum 3.

Hefte 4.


Jensen, Øystein


Reiselivets distribusjonssystemer. I: Turisme. Fenomen og næring. Jens Kr. Sten Jacobsen & Arvid Viken (red.).

Gyldendal Akademisk.


Jensen, Øystein


Service quality and the distribution chain for inclusive tours. I: Tourism Distribution Channels. Practices, issues and transformations. Edited by: Dimitrios Buhalis & Eric Laws.



Jensen, Øystein


Den styrte turistattraksjonen. I: Arvid Viken (red.): Turisme. Tradisjoner og trender.

Gyldendal Akademisk.


Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank


The consumption of a tourist attraction : a modern, post-modern and existensial encounter perspective. I: Interpretive consumer research : paradigms, methodologies & applications.

Handelshøjskolens Forlag.


Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank


The consumption of a tourist attraction: A modern, post-modern and an existential encounter perspective. I: S.C. Beckmann & R.H. Elliott (editors): Interpretative Consumer Research. Paradigms, Methodologies & Applications.

Copenhagen Business School Press.


Jensen, Øystein


Destinasjonsmarkedsføring. I: J.Kr.S. Jacobsen og A. Viken (red.): Turisme. Stedet i en bevegelig verden.



Jensen, Øystein; Viken, Arvid; Jacobsen, Jens Kr. Steen


Reiselivets distribusjonssystemer. I: Turisme. Fenomen og næring.



Jensen, Øystein; Sanches, R.; Heene, A.; Thomas, H.


Competence development by small firms in a vertically-constrained industry structure. I: Dynamics of competence-based competition : Theory and pract ice in the new strategic management.


Jensen, Øystein


Vekst i turisttrafikken - for enhver pris?.


Volum 9.

Hefte 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Jensen, Øystein; Skallerud, Kåre


Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen.

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-02-42894-5.

Jensen, Øystein; Skallerud, Kåre


Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen: det store bildet. I: Innovativ og opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping i reiselivsnæringen.

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

ISBN 978-82-02-42894-5.


Hauge, Jarleiv; Jensen, Øystein


Fjord Norge AS: Vurdering og framtidsperspektiv.

Hefte 323.


Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank


The climbing of Kilimanjaro as a multifaceted dynamic immersive experience .

The 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research ;

2024-09-18 - 2024-09-20.

Jensen, Øystein


A framework for a managed visitor attraction planned product.

Catch your right path for better future;


Jensen, Øystein; Kristiansen, Adrian Aleksander


Virtual Game Tours (VGT)/Discovery Tours as platform for mediating acheological cultural sites?.

MMI seminar ;


Jensen, Øystein


Case study of Ndere Cultural Centre – research problem, approach and results.

Open seminar;


Grahn, Åsa Helen; Jensen, Øystein; Hansen, Håvard


Ferielandet blir testet.

Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank


Adventure tourism as extraordinary consumer experiences? Conceptual discussion from CCT perspective.

ATLAS Annual conference 2019;

2019-09-17 - 2019-09-20.

Grahn, Åsa Helen; Jensen, Øystein


The importance of memorable experiences for destinations competiveness.

Tourism conference;

2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09.

Jensen, Øystein; Åmo, Bjørn Willy


Visitor travel purpose and visit importance as indicators on preferences at managed attraction sites: means, methods and experience patterns.

5th annual International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Research (THoR);

2017-12-11 - 2017-12-12.

Jensen, Øystein


Bærekraftig turisme i Afrika.

Offentlig seminar om bærekraftig turisme i Afrika;


Jensen, Øystein


Muligheter og barrierer for utviklingen av økoturisme på Madagaskar.

Møte i Vennskapsforeningen Norge - Madagaskar Vest;


Jensen, Øystein


Muligheter og barrierer for utviklingen av økoturisme på Madagaskar.

Madagaskar forum.

ISSN 1504-4750.

Hefte 1.


Jensen, Øystein



Formidlingsdagen og museum Hack;


Jensen, Øystein


Towards a generic approach to a Managed Visitor Attraction Product.

CAUTHE 2017;

2017-02-07 - 2017-02-10.

Jensen, Øystein


Conditions for local entrepreneurs in developing destinations to be attractive partners for foreign operators - theoretical perspectives, illustrations and dilemmas.

Atlas Africa Research Conference 6 -9 June 2017;

2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09.

Jensen, Øystein


Managed visitor attraction as product system.

International seminars' week;

2017-11-20 - 2017-11-24.

Jensen, Øystein


Attempt of a Generic Definition of a Managed Visitor Attraction Product.

Seminar at Gothenburg Business School, Sweden;

2016-11-04 - .

Jensen, Øystein


Creating experience value by co-creation –perspectives and challenges.

University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia;

2016-11-17 - .

Jensen, Øystein


Utvikling av bærekraftig turisme på Madagaskar: Hvorfor har ikke Madagaskar utviklet seg som en stor turismedestinasjon når for eksempel andre øyer i det Indiske hav har klart det?.

Presentasjon ved Vennskapsforeningen Norge-Madagaskar, Avdeling Øst, Oslo;

2016-02-18 - .

Jensen, Øystein; Prebensen, Nina Katrine


Innovation and Value Creation in Experience-based Tourism.

Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

ISSN 1502-2250.

Volum 15.


DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2015.1066093

Jensen, Øystein


Hvor viktig er reiselivsnæringen?.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Fjelldal-Soelberg, Frode; Lindberg, Frank; Jensen, Øystein



Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing and Management;

2012-05-31 - 2012-06-03.

Jensen, Øystein



International conference - Global sustainable tourism;

2010-11-15 - 2010-11-19.

Jensen, Øystein


The role of news criteria for the appearance of special events in the mass media ? an illustrative discussion.

19th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research;

2010-09-22 - 2010-09-24.

Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein


Consumer values among restaurant customers.

ICCAS 05 - International Conference of Culinary Arts and Science;

2005-06-27 - 2005-07-01.

Jensen, Øystein


Competence building by cooperative relationships between local tourism firms and between local tourism firms and global tour operators: A research sketch for a case study in Madagascar.

Recent Development in Tourism Research;

2005-10-06 - 2005-10-08.

Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein; Gustafsson, Inga-Britt


Main factors for customers' choices of restaurants.

The 13th Nordic Tourism Research Conference;

2004-11-04 - 2004-11-07.

Hansen, Kai Victor; Jensen, Øystein; Gustafsson, Inga-Britt


Payment – an under-valued part of the meal experience?.

Fourth International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences Global and National Perspectives - ICCAS 03;

2003-06-23 - 2003-06-27.

Jensen, Øystein


Criteria in the selection of exchange partners: significance of a dynamic relational perspective.

Culture and Collaboration in Distribution Networks. The inaugural meetings of the IMP Groups Asia. Proceedings. December 11-13, 2002, Perth, Australia.;

2002-12-11 - 2002-12-13.

Jensen, Øystein


Benefits and drawbacks of dyadic inter-firm exchange dominated by individual social relationships versus collective, norm-based relationships.

Marketing Networks in a Global Economy. A joint research symposium of EMAC and ANZMAC.;

2002-12-16 - 2002-12-17.

Roper, Angela; Jensen, Øystein; Jegervatn, Rolf-Harald


Internationalisation of Tour Operators: A case study of Norwegian subsidaries.

The 11th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14th to 17th November 2002. Arranged by TOUREC, Götenborg University, School of Eceonomics and Commercial Law.;

2002-11-14 - 2002-11-17.

Jensen, Øystein


Fjord Norges rolle for markedsføring og utvikling av Vestlandet som reisemål - en vurdering ut fra en grov evaluering av virksomheten.

Reiselivskonferansen for Rogaland 2002. Arrangert av Rogaland fylkeskommune, Næringsseksjonen/Rogaland Reiseliv;

2002-11-28 - 2002-11-29.

Jensen, Øystein


Service Quality of Managed Tourist Attractions - a Conceptual Discussion.

SERVSIG 2001, The American Marketing Association's Service Marketing Special Interest Group. Hosted by Macquarie University, Graduate School of Management.;

2001-05-26 - 2001-05-28.

Jensen, Øystein


Trust versus formal contracts in exchange relationships between tourism firms - "how and why?".

Leisure and Tourism. Joint Research Seminar between Griffith University, The University of Queensland and Southern Cross University. Hosted by University of Queensland.;


Jensen, Øystein


Dimensions of trust.

"Ravings on research". Research seminar on Southern Cross University.;


Perry, Chad; Jensen, Øystein


Approaches to combining induction and deduction in one research study.

Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) 2001.;

2001-12-04 - 2001-12-06.

Jensen, Øystein; Borch, Odd-Jarl


Effective governance within inter-firm relationships : the role of individual social norms.

Strategic Management Society 19th Annual International Conference "Winning Strategies in a Deconstructing World".;

Jensen, Øystein


Styring av vertikalt samarbeid gjennom individuelle sosiale relasjoner.

FIBE-konferansen ved Norges Handelshøyskole.;

Jensen, Øystein; Lindberg, Frank


The Consumption of a Tourist Attraction: A modern, Postmodern, and an Existential Encounter Perspective.

EIASM workshop on Interpretative Consumer Research;

Jensen, Øystein


An analysis of the Distribution Process of Service Elements Within an Inclusive Tourism Product.

The Eighth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference;

Jensen, Øystein; Korneliussen, Tor; Korneliussen, Tor


Discriminating perceptions of a "Nordic Destination" among European tourists. Hosted by Research Centre of Bornholm.

The "9th Nordic Tourism Research Conference";

2000-10-12 - 2000-10-14.

Jensen, Øystein


Critical Factors in the Choice of Cooperative Partners: A Study of Exchange Relationships between Tour Operators and Service Providers within the European Tourist Industry.

Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy Research Conference (ANZMAC) 2000. Hosted by Griffith University.;

2000-11-28 - 2000-12-01.

Jensen, Øystein


Nasjonalparker som reiselivsprodukt - kan vi lære noe av det kanadiske nasjonalparksystemet?.


Hefte 01.feb.


Kunstnerisk produksjon

Skjøld, Sindre; Jensen, Øystein


Øystein Jensen: Ikke så rund som en kule.