Roger Flage
Professor i risikostyring

Telefon: 51831908
Rom: KE D-323
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
Professor i risikostyring
Telefon: 51831908
Rom: KE D-323
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
Stødle, Kaia; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David; Aven, Terje
Artificial intelligence for risk analysis—A risk characterization perspective on advances, opportunities, and limitations.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.14307
Guikema, Seth; Flage, Roger
Digital twins as a security risk?.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.15749
Glette-Iversen, Ingrid; Flage, Roger
On unpredictable events in risk analysis.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 180.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Glette-Iversen, Ingrid
On the use of the term “real risk”.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.15073
Stødle, Kaia; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Identifying power outage hotspots to support risk management planning.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.17663
Chivata Cardenas, Ibsen; Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Addressing challenges in uncertainty quantification: The case of geohazard assessments.Geoscientific Model Development.
ISSN 1991-959X.
Volum 16.
Hefte 6.
Stødle, Kaia; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth D.; Aven, Terje
Data-driven predictive modeling in risk assessment: Challenges and directions for proper uncertainty representation.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.14128
Eidem, Mathias Egeland; Sha, Yanyan; Moen, Ida; Flage, Roger
Ship allision risk analysis for the 28-year-old Nordhordland bridge in Norway. I: ESREL 2023 - Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference : The Future of Safety in the Reconnected World, 3 – 7 September 2023, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-8071-1.
Glette-Iversen, Ingrid; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Extending and improving current frameworks for risk management and decision-making: A new approach for incorporating dynamic aspects of risk and uncertainty.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 168.
Glette-Iversen, Ingrid; Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
A risk science perspective on vaccines.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.14228
Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Lyng, Emily; Flage, Roger
Exposure and effects of synthetic enhanced oil recovery polymers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.Regional Studies in Marine Science.
ISSN 2352-4855.
Volum 69.
Glette-Iversen, Ingrid; Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
The concept of plausibility in a risk analysis context: Review and clarifications of defining ideas and interpretations.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 147.
Vora, Mehul Arun; Njau, John-Sigvard Gamlem; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger
Environmental risk assessment of inter-well partitioning tracer compounds shortlisted for the offshore oil and gas industry.Energy exploration & exploitation.
ISSN 0144-5987.
Chivata Cardenas, Ibsen; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Marine geohazards exposed: Uncertainties involved.Marine georesources & geotechnology.
ISSN 1064-119X.
Volum 41.
Hefte 6.
Logan, Tom McLeod; Aven, Terje; Guikema, Seth David; Flage, Roger
Risk science offers an integrated approach to resilience.Nature Sustainability.
ISSN 2398-9629.
Volum 5.
Hefte 9.
Bansal, Surbhi; Metcalfe, Caroline; Flage, Roger; Bjelland, Henrik; Jensen, Anders; Røed, Willy Solberg
Outline of a risk management framework for future transport systems. I: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022).Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 978-981-18-5183-4.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
A risk science perspective on liability/guilt and uncertainty judgements in courts.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.14037
Askeland, Tore; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Assessing the risk reducing effect of measures against intelligent attacks: Review and discussion of some common approaches.International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management (IJBCRM).
ISSN 1758-2164.
Volum 11.
Hefte 1.
Nyvik, Christine Louise Berner; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
On the Use of Standards and Guidelines as a Tool to Fulfil Regulatory Requirements.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.13672
Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger
An environmental risk assessment framework for enhanced oil recovery solutions from offshore oil and gas industry.Environmental impact assessment review.
ISSN 0195-9255.
Volum 88.
Bennett, Jackson; Rachunok, Benjamin; Flage, Roger; Nateghi, Roshanak
Mapping climate discourse to climate opinion: An approach for augmenting surveys with social media to enhance understandings of climate opinion in the United States.PLOS ONE.
ISSN 1932-6203.
Volum 16.
Hefte 1.
Rachunok, Benjamin; Bennett, Jackson; Flage, Roger; Nateghi, Roshanak
A path forward for leveraging social media to improve the study of community resilience.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
ISSN 2212-4209.
Volum 59.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Feasibility study of PRA for critical infrastructure risk analysis.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 212.
Reilly, Allison Coffey; Baroud, Hiba; Flage, Roger; Gerst, Michael D.
Sources of uncertainty in interdependent infrastructure and their implications.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 213.
Logan, Tom M.; Aven, Terje; Guikema, Seth David; Flage, Roger
The Role of Time in Risk and Risk Analysis: Implications for Resilience, Sustainability, and Management.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.13733
Flage, Roger; Askeland, Tore
Assumptions in quantitative risk assessments: When explicit and when tacit?.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 197.
Bani-Mustafa, Tasneem; Flage, Roger; Vasseur, Dominique; Zhiguo, Zeng; Zio, Enrico
An extended method for evaluating assumptions deviations in quantitative risk assessment and its application to external flooding risk assessment of a nuclear power plant.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 200.
Zeng, Zhiguo; Bani-Mustafa, Tasneem; Flage, Roger; Zio, Enrico
An integrated risk index accounting for epistemic uncertainty in probability risk assessment.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Nyvik, Christine Louise Berner; Falck, Andreas; Flage, Roger
An overview of regulatory principles for safety demonstration on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Smedbold, Hans Thore; Flage, Roger; Røyksund, Marie
Individual and overall assessment related to the work environment : Regulatory context and application in the Norwegian petroleum industry. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).
Research Publishing Services.
ISBN 9789811485930.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Reilly, Allison; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Characterizing the robustness of power-law networks that experience spatially-correlated failures.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Foundational challenges for advancing the field and discipline of risk analysis.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
Volum 40.
Hefte S1.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.13496
Stødle, Kaia; Metcalfe, Caroline Amy; Brunner, Logan; Saliani, Julian; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Dependent infrastructure system modeling: A case study of the St. Kitts power and water distribution systems.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Characterising the robustness of coupled power-law networks.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 191.
Flage, Roger
Implementing an uncertainty-based risk conceptualisation in the context of environmental risk assessment, with emphasis on the bias of uncertain assumptions.Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems.
ISSN 1028-6608.
Volum 36.
Hefte 2-4.
Flage, Roger
Maintenance optimization and its relation to safety. I: Handbook of Safety Principles.John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 978-1-118-95069-2.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Risk assessment with broad uncertainty and knowledge characterisation : an illustrating case study. I: Knowledge in risk assessment and management.John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119317890.
Flage, Roger; Berner, Christine Louise
Treatment and Communication of Uncertain Assumptions in (Semi-)quantitative Risk Assessment. I: Knowledge in risk assessment and management.John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119317890.
Bjerga, Torbjørn; Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Completeness Uncertainty: Conceptual Clarification and Treatment . I: Knowledge in risk assessment and management.John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9781119317890.
Røyksund, Marie; Flage, Roger
When Is a Risk Assessment Deficient According to an Uncertainty-Based Risk Perspective?.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
Volum 39.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.13195
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Case study of the effects of Hurricanes on the coupled electricity and water systems of St Kitts. I: Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World. Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781351174657.
Falck, Andreas; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Barrier indicators vs risk—informing operational risk management. I: Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice : Proceedings of ESREL 2016 (Glasgow, Scotland, 25-29 September 2016).
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138029972.
Askeland, Tore; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Moving beyond probabilities - Strength of knowledge characterisations applied to security.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 159.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
Creating risk management strategies based on uncertain assumptions and aspects from assumption-based planning.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 167.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Berner, Christine Louise
A comparison between a probability bounds analysis and a subjective probability approach to express epistemic uncertainties in a risk assessment context - A simple illustrative example.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 169.
Amundrud, Øystein; Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
How the definition of security risk can be made compatible with safety definitions.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Volum 231.
Hefte 3.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Review of network-theoretic approaches to characterise interdependencies in critical infrastructures. I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Hafver, A.; Eldevik, S.; Jakopanec, Irena; Drugan, Ovidiu Valentin; Pedersen, FB; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Risk-based versus control-based safety philosophy in the context of complex systems. I: Safety & Reliability, Theory and Applications.CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1138629370.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
Strengthening quantitative risk assessments by systematic treatment of uncertain assumptions.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 151.
Flage, Roger; Dubois, Didier; Aven, Terje
Combined analysis of unique and repetitive events in quantitative risk assessment.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
ISSN 0888-613X.
Volum 70.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
Comparing and integrating the NUSAP notational scheme with an uncertainty based risk perspective.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 156.
Berner, Christine Louise; Staid, Andrea; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
The use of simulation to reduce the domain of “black swans” with application to hurricane impacts to power systems.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
Volum 37.
Hefte 10.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.12742
Askeland, Tore; Flage, Roger
Utilizing knowledge-to-number-processes in smaller and less resource intensive risk assessments. I: Safety and Reliability : Methodology and Applications: Proceedings of the European safety and reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, Poland, 14-18 september 2014.
Taylor & Francis.
ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Emerging risk - Conceptual definition and a relation to black swan type of events.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 144.
Falck, Andreas; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Risk assessment of oil and gas facilities during operational phase. I: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems.CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138028791.
DOI: 10.1201/b19094-52
Hafver, Andreas; Lindberg, D.V; Jakopanec, Irena; Pedersen, Frank Børre; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Risk-from concept to decision making. I: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138028791.
Lindberg, D.V; Hafver, Andreas; Jakopanec, Irena; Pedersen, Frank Børre; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Separating variability from uncertainty when treating critical assumptions in risk assessments. I: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9781138028791.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
Qualitative versus quantitative treatment of uncertainty factors in risk assessment. I: Safety and Reliability : Methodology and Applications: Proceedings of the European safety and reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, Poland, 14-18 september 2014.
Taylor & Francis.
ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Flage, Roger; Amundrud, Øystein; Wiencke, Hermann Steen
Overall regional risk analysis of four Norwegian municipalities. I: Safety and Reliability : Methodology and Applications: Proceedings of the European safety and reliability Conference, ESREL 2014, Poland, 14-18 september 2014.
Taylor & Francis.
ISBN 978-1-138-02681-0.
Bjerga, Torbjørn; Flage, Roger
On black swans in relation to some common uncertainty classification systems. I: Safety, reliability and risk analysis : beyond the horizon : proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-2 October 2013.CRC Press.
ISBN 978-1-138-00123-7.
DOI: 10.1201/b15938-484
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Zio, Enrico; Baraldi, Piero
Concerns, Challenges, and Directions of Development for the Issue of Representing Uncertainty in Risk Assessment.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
Volum 34.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.12247
Flage, Roger
A delay time model with imperfect and failure-inducing inspections.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 124.
Aven, Terje; Baraldi, Piero; Flage, Roger; Zio, Enrico
Uncertainty in Risk Assessment - The Representation and Treatment of Uncertainties by Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Methods.
John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 978-1-118-48958-1.
Flage, Roger; Baraldi, Piero; Zio, Enrico; Aven, Terje
Probability and Possibility-Based Representations of Uncertainty in Fault Tree Analysis.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
Volum 33.
Hefte 1.
Flage, Roger
On risk reduction principles in the context of maintenance optimisation modelling.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Volum 227.
Hefte 3.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger; Baraldi, Piero; Zio, Enrico
On imprecision in relation to uncertainty importance measures. I: Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management - proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2011.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-68379-1.
Flage, Roger; Coit, David W.; Luxhøj, James T.; Aven, Terje
Safety constraints applied to an adaptive Bayesian condition-based maintenance optimization model.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 102.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Baraldi, Piero; Zio, Enrico
An imprecision importance measure for uncertainty representations interpreted as lower and upper probabilities, with special emphasis on possibility theory.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Volum 226.
Hefte O6.
Flage, Roger; Røed, Willy
A Reflection On Some Practices In The Use of Risk Matrices. I: 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, 25-29 June 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Curran Associates, Inc..
ISBN 978-1-62276-436-5.
Flage, Roger
Maintenance Optimisation and the ALARP Principle – Review and Discussion. I: 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, 25-29 June 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Curran Associates, Inc..
ISBN 978-1-62276-436-5.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Optimal periodic condition inspection and replacement policy for a binary monotone system using a counting process approach.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part O, Journal of risk and reliability.
ISSN 1748-006X.
Volum 205.
Hefte 2.
Nøkland, Thor Erik; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
A risk management approach to a maintenance decision for an ageing system. I: Reliability, Risk and Safety. Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-55509-8.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger; Baraldi, P.; Ameruso, F.; Zio, Enrico
Handling epistemic uncertainties in fault tree analysis by probabilistic and possibilistic approaches. I: Reliability, Risk and Safety. Theory and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-55509-8.
Flage, Roger; Baraldi, P.; Zio, Enrico; Aven, Terje
Possibility-probability transformation in comparing different approaches to the treatment of epistemic uncertainties in a fault tree analysis. I: Reliability, risk and safety : back to the future.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-60427-7.
Selvik, Jon Tømmerås; Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
The use of maintenance optimization modelsan empirical study from the Norwegian oil and gas industry. I: Reliability, risk and safety : back to the future.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-60427-7.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
On treatment of uncertainty in system planning.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 94.
Hefte 4.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Use of decision criteria based on expected values to support decision-making in a production assurance and safety setting.Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
ISSN 0951-8320.
Volum 94.
Hefte 9.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Expressing and communicating uncertainty in relation to quantitative risk analysis (QRA).
Reliability: Theory & Applications.
ISSN 1932-2321.
Volum 2.
Hefte 2.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Zio, Enrico
Alternative representations of uncertainty in system reliability and risk analysy : review and discussion. I: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-48516-6.
Aven, Terje; Østrem, John Stian; Thevik, Håvard J.; Flage, Roger
Risk communication and addressing uncertainties in risk assessments : presentation of a framework. I: Local management and its impact on safety culture and safety within Norwegian shipping.
CRC Press.
ISBN 978-0-415-48513-5.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Condition-based maintenance optimisation for a binary monotone system using a counting process approach. I: Reliability, risk and safety : theory and applications : supplement [of the European Safety and Reliability Conference], ESREL 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10 September 2009 / editors: Radim Bri?, C. Guedes Soares, Sebastián Martorell.
European Safety and Reliability Association.
ISBN 9788024820484.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Osmundsen, Petter
On how to evaluate decision alternatives in production and transportation systems. I: Risk, reliability and societal safety : proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference 2007 (ESREL 2007), Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 June 2007.
Taylor & Francis.
van der Meulen, Meine J. P.; Myhrvold, Tore; Haugen, Odd Ivar; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Berg, Kristin; Hafver, Andreas; Kvinnesland, Kenneth; Pedersen, Frank Børre; Zikrullah, Nanda Anugrah; Falck, Andreas; Flage, Roger; Søgård, Bjørn; Nyvik, Christine Louise Berner; Kim, Hyungjun
Demonstrating safety of software-dependent systems: With examples from subsea electric technology (Safety 4.0).
ISBN 978-82-515-0323-5.
Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger
Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of IOR solutions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf .
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim; Aven, Terje; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Flage, Roger; Røed, Willy Solberg; Wienche, Herman Steen
Petroleumstilsynet. Bruk av risikoakseptkriterier. En evaluering.
Storstein, Birgitte; Hagen, Bjarne Chr
Usikkerhet knyttet til prediksjon av brannforløp og tilgjengelig rømningstid.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Walaker, Siri Herlin; Hagen, Bjarne Chr
Usikkerhet knyttet til predikering av nødvendig rømningstid ved brann.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Flage, Roger
Risk science, an uncertainty-based risk perspective, and the use of the term «real risk».
ROCK Sessions 2024;
Aven, Terje; Cox, Louis Anthony; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David; Haas, Charles N.
Special issue: Risk science foundations in light of COVID-19.Risk Analysis.
ISSN 0272-4332.
DOI: 10.1111/risa.17686
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Risikovitenskap, Risikoforståelse og Risikovurderinger .
Seminar om risiko;
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Formalisation and advancement of fundamental risk science concepts and principles .
CRISP worskhop ;
2024-03-12 - 2024-03-13.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger; Glette-Iversen, Ingrid
Risk science – what we have achieved, where are we heading? .
Future of Risk Analysis;
Flage, Roger; Glette-Iversen, Ingrid; Aven, Terje
On the use of the term “real risk”.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2023;
2023-12-10 - 2023-12-14.
Flage, Roger
Risikoanalyse og risikostyring i et bedriftsperspektiv.
Webinar om risikoanalyse og risikostyring;
Flage, Roger
An uncertainty-based risk perspective.
RISKY concept diving: The definition of risk;
Flage, Roger
Being a Young Risk Scientist.
SRA Webinar Series;
Guikema, Seth David; Flage, Roger
U.S. National Risk Index - A Foundational Review.
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2021 (ESREL 2021);
2021-09-19 - 2021-09-23.
Vora, Mehul Arun; Gamlem Njau, John-Sigvard; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger
Environmental risk assessment of inter-well partitioning tracer compounds shortlisted for offshore oil and gas industry.
2021-12-05 - 2021-12-09.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Hva betyr det at det er «trygt» å gå i butikken under koronapandemien?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Nyvik, Christine Louise Berner; Flage, Roger; Falck, Andreas
ESREL & PSAM 2020;
2020-11-01 - 2020-11-05.
Flage, Roger
Kåret til årets risikoanalytiker: - Jeg går ikke ytterst på fjellkanten.
Flage, Roger
- Pandemi var identifisert som risiko, men beredskapen var ikke på plass.
Flage, Roger
Risk analysis: Foundations and IOR applications.
2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.
Bredesen, Rolv Erlend; Butt, Bushra; Flage, Roger
National Norwegian Guidelines: Ice-throw hazard.
Winterwind 2019;
2019-02-05 - 2019-02-06.
Flage, Roger
Tacit and explicit assumptions: Conceptual clarification and environmental risk assessment applications.
ARCEx Annual Conference 2019;
2019-10-22 - 2019-10-24.
Vora, Mehul Arun; Sanni, Steinar; Flage, Roger; Madland, Merete Vadla
Environmental risk assessment of Smart Water EOR. .
OG 21 Conference;
Flage, Roger
Current foundational issues in the field of risk analysis.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2019;
2019-12-08 - 2019-12-12.
Stødle, Kaia; Chen, Thomas Y. J.; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Pipe break hotspot identification and predictions in a water distribution network.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2019;
2019-10-19 - 2019-10-23.
Flage, Roger
Explicit and tacit assumptions in risk assessments.
Lunchseminar ved Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet;
Flage, Roger
Hvordan evaluere en risikovurdering?.
Flage, Roger
Systemising and treating uncertain assumptions in quantitative risk assessments.
Jeudis du LGI;
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Some brief concluding remarks in relation to the discussion with Floris Goerlandt and Genserik Reniers about strength of knowledge (strength of evidence) judgments in semi-quantitative risk analysis.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 108.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth
Case study of the effects of hurricanes on the coupled electricity and water systems of St Kitts.
European Safety and Reliability Conference 2018;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21.
Flage, Roger; Johnson, Caroline Amy; Guikema, Seth David
Conceptualisations of risk, vulnerability and related concepts in infrastructure research.
4th SRA Nordic Conference;
2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09.
Stødle, Kaia; Johnson, Caroline Amy; Brunner, Logan; Saliani, Julian; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Interdependent infrastructure system risk analysis of the real-world power and water distribution system at St. Kitts.
4th SRA Nordic Conference;
2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Reilly, Allison; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Characterising the robustness of power-law networks given spatially-correlated disruptions.
4th SRA Nordic Conference;
2018-11-07 - 2018-11-09.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth
Characterising the Robustness of Coupled Power-Law Networks.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2018;
2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06.
Askeland, Tore; Flage, Roger
Explicit and tacit assumptions in risk assessment – some examples and assessment strategies.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2018;
2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06.
Stødle, Kaia; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Data-driven modeling in risk analysis – Review and discussion.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2018;
2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06.
Flage, Roger
Prudent risk analysis [roundtable introduction].
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2018;
2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Comments to the article by Goerlandt & Reniers titled “On the assessment of uncertainty in risk diagrams” [Safety Sci. 84 (2016) 67–77].Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 98.
Flage, Roger
Risk analysis: Foundations and Arctic applications.
ARCEx Annual Conference 2017;
2017-05-10 - 2017-05-11.
Flage, Roger
Nye metoder for å håndtere usikkerhet og beskrive kunnskapsgrunnlaget i risikoanalyser.
Risikoforståelse - nøkkelen til bedre risikoanalyser og -styring;
Flage, Roger
The uncertainty and knowledge dimensions in risk assessment and management.
European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2017;
2017-08-18 - 2017-08-22.
Flage, Roger
The uncertainty and knowledge dimensions in risk assessment.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2017;
2017-12-10 - 2017-12-14.
Flage, Roger
Risk assessment assumptions - Uncertainty and bias.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2017;
2017-12-10 - 2017-12-14.
Guikema, Seth; Flage, Roger
Data Analytics, Risk Analysis, and Uncertainty.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2017;
2017-12-10 - 2017-12-14.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Review of Network-Theoretic Approaches to Characterise Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructure.
27th International European Safety and Reliability Conference;
2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22.
Johnson, Caroline Amy; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
The effects of hurricanes on power and water infrastructure of St Kitts.
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2017;
2017-12-10 - 2017-12-14.
Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Conceptualizing and handling uncertainty in predictive data models for risk analysis.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 2016 Annual Meeting;
2016-12-11 - 2016-12-15.
Flage, Roger
Litt om risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyser.
HMS-opplæring ved Universitetet i Stavanger 2015;
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Assumptions in quantitative risk assessments: when explicit and when tacit?.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2015;
2015-12-06 - 2015-12-10.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
The NUSAP notational scheme and semi-quantitative risk assessments.
Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2015;
2015-12-06 - 2015-12-09.
Flage, Roger
Risiko og usikkerhet – Konsepavklaringer og refleksjoner i lys av Ptils forslag til ny risikodefinisjon.
Avdelingsmøte HSEQ, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS;
Flage, Roger; Amundrud, Øystein; Wiencke, Hermann Steen
Overall regional risk and vulnerability analysis of four Norwegian municipalities.
European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2014;
2014-09-14 - 2014-09-18.
Flage, Roger
Noen refleksjoner om risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyser.
Høstsamling brannvernkontaktene ved Universitetet i Stavanger;
Flage, Roger
Risiko: Sorte svaner og perfekte stormer.
Åpent universitet;
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje
Defining emerging risk.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting 2014;
2014-12-07 - 2014-12-10.
Berner, Christine Louise; Staid, Andrea; Flage, Roger; Guikema, Seth David
Reducing the Domain of Black Swans using Model Simulations.
Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting;
2014-12-07 - 2014-12-11.
Berner, Christine Louise; Flage, Roger
Quantitative vs. qualitative treatment of uncertain assumptions in risk assessment.
The annual European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL ;
2014-09-14 - 2014-09-20.
Aven, Terje; Flage, Roger
Risk science fundamentals I: A historical perspective on the development of risk analysis as a field and science.
SRA Webinar ;
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Zio, Enrico; Baraldi, Piero
Concerns, challenges and directions of development for the issue of representing uncertainty in risk assessment.
SRA 2013 Annual Meeting;
2013-12-08 - 2013-12-11.
Flage, Roger; Aven, Terje; Baraldi, Piero; Zio, Enrico
On imprecision in relation to uncertainty importance measures.
European Safety and Reliability (ESREL) conference 2011;
2011-09-18 - 2011-09-22.
Flage, Roger
ISO 31000:2009 og ISO Guide 73 - noen refleksjoner rundt terminologi og anvendelse innen helhetlig risikostyring.
Risiko og sikkerhet i IKT-systemer;
2011-03-08 - 2011-03-09.