Sadaf Basharat
Stipendiat i samfunnsøkonomi

Telefon: 51831981
Handelshøgskolen UiS
Avdeling for samfunnsøkonomi og finans
Kort om meg
I am a PhD Fellow at the Department of Economics, UiS Business School and Law. My research focuses on measuring and analyzing aspects of social and emotional well-being of children and educators in the Early Childhoold Education and Care (ECEC) sector. I am part of the SELMA project, a large Randomized Control Trial focusing on the development and evaluation of an intervention to promote kindergarten children’s social and emotional learning and development.
Methodological interests
- Validation of measurement instruments
- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
- Multi-level modelling
- Analysis of Large-Scale Assessment Data
- Master in Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation, Centre for Educational Measurement (CEMO), University of Oslo (2022)
- Master of Public Policy, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (2018)