Sissel Merete Finholt-Pedersen
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Telefon: 90988434
Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet
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Kort om meg
I am post doctor at the Caring Futures: Developing care ethics for technology-mediated care practice (QUALITECH), a project financed by the Research Council of Norway.
My post doctor project is titled Professional Self-understandings and Ideals in a Technology-Mediated Relational Health Work. The aim of the project is to contribute to develop the care ethics theory for technology-mediated relational health work.
I am engaged in psycho-social studies on professional identity development and learning. In focus of this approach is the individual's previous life experiences, drawing on psychoanalytic interpretation of subjective experiences, seen as produced by societal relations and representing an inner psychological modality of culture, and cultural phenomena and society the individual is situated within.
I hold a Ph.d. from the University of Roskilde, Denmark with the dissertation A lifelong and Life-Wide Perspective on Students of Theology and Their Constructions of Themselves as Ministers (Finholt-Pedersen, 2018).
I graduated as theologian from the Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society and hold a minor in Psychology from the University of Oslo.
I a member of a research project investigating the concept of user participation in relation to infants. Questions to be investigated are if this concept is of relevance used on this group and the varieties of thinking related to this concept.
I am also involved in a research project about the infants voice and the concept of user participation for this group.
I am a member of the International Research Group for Psycho-Societal Analysis and the network Gi barna en bedre start.
My research area: relational work, professional relations, professional development, care, ethics of care, qualitative methods, interdisciplinary research, psycho social studies.