Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Dahl, Bente
Kvalitativ metasyntese.
I: Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning: For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag
ISBN 9788245034868.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Madland, Ann Therese
Flerkulturell doula : brobygger i partnerskap til og med innvandrerkvinner før, under og etter fødsel.
I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.
ISBN 9788245037722.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Being with child and caring fellowship.
I: Theories and perspectives for midwifery : a Nordic view.
Studentlitteratur AB.
ISBN 978-91-44-14319-4.
Bondas, Terese
Metasynthesis-the way forward for knowledge and development in nursing .
I: Et omsorgsvidenskabeligt perspektiv som ramme for forskning : professor Emeritus Elisabeth O.C. Halls 80 år dag.
Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
ISBN 978-87-93117-63-1.
Bondas, Terese;
Hall, Elisabeth O. C.;
Wikberg, Anita
Metasynthesis in health care research.
I: Research methods in health Foundations for an evidence-based practice.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-030430-0.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
"Sykepleielederes fagansvar ved uheldige hendelser i hjemmetjenesten".
Geriatrisk sykepleie.
ISSN 1891-1889.
Volum 03.
Andersen, Ole Johan;
Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi;
Bondas, Terese
Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting : begrepsavklaring, vilkår og forskningsmuligheter.
I: Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting: vågal reise med behov for allierte.
ISBN 978-82-450-1552-2.
Bondas, Terese
Ad hoc-innovasjonsteam i det offentlige helsevesenet.
I: Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting: vågal reise med behov for allierte.
ISBN 978-82-450-1552-2.
Andersen, Ole Johan;
Gårseth-Nesbakk, Levi;
Bondas, Terese
Innovasjonsprosesser : vågal reise med behov for allierte.
I: Innovasjoner i offentlig tjenesteyting: vågal reise med behov for allierte.
ISBN 978-82-450-1552-2.
Larsson, Åsa;
Lundgren, Ingela;
Bondas, Terese
Fördjupad hälsa - kvinnors upplevelse av att planera och föda sitt barn hemma.
ISSN 0786-5686.
Volum 26.
Hefte 1.
Bondas, Terese
Finland and Sweden:qualitative research from nursing to caring.
I: Routledge International Handbook of Qualitative Nursing Research.
ISBN 978-0-415-67356-3.
Bondas, Terese;
Hall, Elisabeth O. C.;
Wikberg, Anita
Metasynthesis in Health Care Research.
I: Research Methods in Health-Foundations for evidence-based practice.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780195520064.
Bondas, Terese
Husserlian Phenomenology Reflected in Caring Science Childbearing Research.
I: Qualitative research in midwifery and childbirth.
ISBN 978-0-415-57501-0.
Bondas, Terese;
Högberg, Karin
Informationsteknikens betydelse för sjukskötarens vårdande.
ISSN 0786-5686.
Volum 21.
Hefte 3.
Lundgren, Ingela;
Karlsdottir, Inga;
Bondas, Terese
Long-term memories and experiences of childbirth in a Nordic context.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.
ISSN 1748-2623.
Volum 4.
Galvin, Kathleen;
Emami, A.;
Dahlberg, Karin;
Ekebergh, Margaretha;
Rosser, Elisabeth;
Powell, Jane;
Bach, Shirley;
Edlund, Birgitta;
Bondas, Terese;
Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth
Challenges for future caring science research: a response to providing evidence for health-care practice.
International Journal of Nursing Studies.
ISSN 0020-7489.
Volum 45.
Berg, Marie;
Bondas, Terese;
Hall, Elisabeth;
Lundgren, Ingela;
Olafsdottir, O.;
Brinchmann, Berit Støre;
Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Katri
Evidence-based care and childbearing-A critical approach.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.
ISSN 1748-2623.
Volum 3.
Bondas, Terese
Paths to nursing leadership.
Journal of Nursing Management.
ISSN 0966-0429.
Volum 13.
Kärkkäinen, Oili;
Bondas, Terese;
Eriksson, Katie
Is individualized patient care visible in documentation of care.
Nursing Ethics.
ISSN 0969-7330.
Volum 12.
Hefte 2.
Klemets, Carola;
Bondas, Terese
Pappors upplevelser av gråtande spädbarn.
ISSN 0786-5686.
Volum 17.
Hefte 2.
Bondas, Terese
Caritative leadership. Ministering to the patients.
Nursing Administration Quarterly.
ISSN 0363-9568.
Volum 27.
Hefte 3.
Eriksson, Katie;
Lindström, Unni Å.;
Bondas, Terese;
Lindholm, Lisbet;
Kasén, Anne;
Matilainen, Dahly
Den vårdvetenskapliga forskningstraditionen vid Åbo Akademi.
ISSN 0786-5686.
Volum 14.
Hefte 6.
Bondas, Terese
Finnish women's experiences of antenatal care.
ISSN 0266-6138.
Volum 18.
Bondas, Terese;
Eriksson, Katie
Women's lived expereinces of pregnancy-a tapestry of health and suffering.
Qualitative Health Research.
ISSN 1049-7323.
Volum 11.
Bondas, Terese
How women experience the presence of their partners at the birth of their babies.
Qualitative Health Research.
ISSN 1049-7323.
Volum 8.
Bondas, Terese
New mothers' experiences of postpartum care - a phenomneological follow-up study.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).
ISSN 0962-1067.
Volum 7.
Kasén, Anne;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Solbakken, Rita
Pushing the horizons of understanding in focus group dialogues- reflections from the co- moderator's perspective.
Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;
2023-10-02 - 2023-10-04.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Building a program of research.
Parents’ and professionals’ perspectives in childbearing and neonatal care: Promoting health in a collaborative and intercultural scenery 16th INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP Ferrol, Spain 2022;
2022-09-26 - 2022-09-27.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Self- organizing teams in Nursing and Caring
2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Caring in nursing leadership- an answer to challenges in municipal healthcare?.
41th Annual IAHC Conference;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Metasyntese - en introduksjon.
Forskerseminar ;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Metasyntese - avansert kvalitativ forskningsmetode.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Anchoring a theoretical model combining focusgroups and drawings.
40th AnnualIAHC Conference;
2019-05-30 - 2019-06-01.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Qualitative Research in the Development of Caring Science.
40th Annual IAHC Conference - Caring and Interprofessional Practice: Re-imagining the Patient Care Experience;
2019-05-30 - 2019-06-02.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Avdelingsledere uten fagkompetanse vil svekke pasientsikkerheten.
ISSN 0802-9768.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Avdelingsledere uten fagkompetanse svekker pasientsikkerheten.
NSFLOS seminardager 2019;
2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Clinical presence in Nordic municipal healthcare- visions for change in nursing leadership..
14th European Nurse Director Association Congress;
2019-09-12 - 2019-09-14.
Magnussen, Inger-Lise;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Alteren, Johanne
Sensory Garden and Dementia Care - "The room of closeness" - a sensory garden-patient-nurse relationship.
2019-09-12 - 2019-09-14.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Avdelingslederens fagkompetanse er avgjørende for pasientsikkerheten..
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Lederens tilstedeværelse i klinisk praksis.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Kasén, Anne
Jeg må vite at alle har det bra!
Nordiske mellomlederes perspektiv på klinisk tilstedeværelse i kommunehelsetjenesten..
Solbakken, Rita;
Kasén, Anne;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
A Theoretichal Model of Caring in Nursing Leadership.
40th Annual IAHC Conference;
2019-05-30 - 2019-06-02.
Eri, Tine Schauer;
Bondas, Terese Elisabet;
Gross, Mechthild M.;
Green, Josephine M.;
Janssen, Patricia
A balancing act in an unknown Territory: a metasynthesis of first-time mothers' experiences in early labour.
2019-09-12 - 2019-09-13.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
Childbearing research network, International research seminar (Leader), September, 12-13, 2019, University of Stavanger (;
2019-09-12 - 2019-09-13.
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
‘Qualitative Research-Methodological challenges and the role of theory in qualitative methods’ .
Doctoral School of Educational Sciences;
2019-03-25 - .
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
‘From literature reviews to meta-synthesis’.
Doctoral School of Educational Sciences;
2019-08-21 - .
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
'Meta-synthesis' .
Research seminar;
2019-06-27 - .
Bondas, Terese Elisabet
'Metasyntes - vad, varfør, hur'.
2019-10-24 - .
Solbakken, Rita;
Bergdahl, Elisabeth;
Rudolfsson, Gudrun;
Bondas, Terese
"What is caring in nursing leadership – a meta-synthesis".
European Conference of Health Workforce Education & Research ;
2018-05-24 - 2018-05-25.
Bondas, Terese
Metasynthesis and family focused nursing.
5th Nordic Conference in family focused nursing;
2018-06-03 - 2018-06-05.
Bondas, Terese
Self-organizing teams for innovative nursing care.
European Conference of Health Education and Research;
2018-05-23 - 2018-05-26.
Kasén, Anne;
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
Commuting the horizon of understanding in focus group dialogues- the co-moderator's perspective
(Presentationen inhiberades pga sjukdom).
Qualitative Health Research Conference;
2018-10-27 - 2018-10-29.
Solbakken, Rita;
Kasén, Anne;
Bondas, Terese
Anchoring a theoretical model combining focus groups and drawings
(Postern presenterades inte pga sjukdom).
Qualitative Health Research Conference;
2018-10-27 - 2018-10-29.
Magnussen, Inger-Lise;
Bondas, Terese;
Alteren, Johanne
The significance of a sensory garden in the formation of the room of closeness-An action research in a nursing home in Norway.
International Network for Health Workforce Education;
2018-05-24 - 2018-05-25.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
How do nurse managers care for elderly persons having fall events in their units?.
Wellbeing and caring in changing times;
2017-04-19 - 2017-04-21.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
Uheldige hendelser og ledelse.
Dagsseminar ;
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
Hvilke utfordringer står vi overfor når pasientsikkerhetskanpanjens fallforebygging skal innføres i kommeunene?.
Ledernettverk Omsorg, kick-off dag pasientsikkerhetskampanjen;
Magnussen, Inger-Lise;
Bondas, Terese;
Alteren, Johanne
Ny bruk av sansehager kan gi bedre demensomsorg.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
A Case Study design in two phases for in-depth understanding of a complex phenomenon.
15th Qualitative Methods Conference;
2016-05-01 - 2016-05-05.
Skarsaune, Kari;
Bondas, Terese
Forsømmer sykepleierne ansvaret ved mistanke om barnemishandling?.
Den 9:e Nordiska konferensen om barnmisshandel och omsorgssvikkt, ;
2016-05-22 - 2016-05-25.
Skarsaune, Kari;
Bondas, Terese
Blir sykepleier ansvaret forsømt ved mistanke om barnemishandling?.
Sykepleierkongressen 2016;
2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28.
Magnussen, Inger-Lise;
Bondas, Terese;
Alteren, Johanne
Symposium: Action Research - a complex collaborative ocean for possibilities. Appreciative interaction between researcher and staff in a nursing home action research - thinking outside the box..
Qualitative Methods Conference ;
2016-05-01 - 2016-05-05.
Bondas, Terese
Layered data collection and metaphor in theory development in an action research.
15th International Conference on Qualitative Methods;
2016-05-03 - 2016-05-05.
Bergdahl, Elisabeth;
Bondas, Terese
Participatory action research: Cocreating possibilities and developing nursing care by studnet activities in nursing homes.
15th International Conference on Qualitative Methods;
2016-05-03 - 2016-05-05.
Eliassen, Eli Jensine;
Holla, Sissel;
Bondas, Terese
Risiko for uheldige hendelser og mangler i sykepleie til eldre - en kvalitativ studie.
Konferanse i sykepleievitenskap;
2016-09-27 - 2016-09-28.
Sneltvedt, Torild;
Bondas, Terese
Å være en stolt nyutdannet sykepleier i kommunehelsetjenesten- hva handler det om?.
Sykepleieforskning i tiden-betydning for fremtidens helsetjeneste;
2015-06-08 - 2015-06-09.
Eliassen, Eli;
Holla, Sissel;
Bondas, Terese
Hvordan ivareta pasientsikkerhet i eldres pasientforløp i perioperativ sykepleie?.
Sykepleieforskning i tiden - betydning for fremtidens helsetjeneste.;
2015-06-08 - 2015-06-09.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
"Fallhendelser hos eldre i hjemmetjenesten i en
norsk kommune- omfang og omstendigheter".
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning.
ISSN 1504-3614.
Volum 11.
Hefte 1.
Eri, Tine Schauer;
Bondas, Terese;
Green, Josephine M.;
Gross, Mechthild M.;
janssen, patti
A balancing act in an unknown territory: a metasynhesis of first-time mothers' experiences in early labour.
Normal Labour and Birth: 10th Research Conference;
2015-06-15 - 2015-06-18.
Bondas, Terese
Keynote: Forskning i sykepleie ved Universitetet i Nordland.
Digitalization and Humanization in health education - two sides of the same issue?;
2015-10-12 - 2015-10-14.
Bondas, Terese
Metaquestions for qualitative caring science research.
Exploring Care for Human Service Professions;
2015-03-18 - 2015-03-20.
Magnussen, Inger-Lise;
Bondas, Terese;
Alteren, Johanne
Action Research - Development together with employees in nursing home..
The Third Nordic Forum for Nurse Educators;
2015-10-12 - 2015-10-14.
Sneltvedt, Torild;
Bondas, Terese
Å være stolt nyutdannet sykepleier- hva handler det om?.
2015-11-04 - 2015-11-05.
Blegen, Nina;
Eriksson, Katie;
Bondas, Terese
"Ask me what I care about the most!"
Understanding of caritative caring concerning mothers in psychiatric care.
International Human Science Research Conference;
2015-08-11 - 2015-08-13.
Klette, Gøril Salomonsen;
Evju, Anne Svelstad;
Kasén, Anne;
Bondas, Terese
Helsefremmende pleie krever tid og kunskap.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien.
ISSN 0806-7511.
Hefte 2.
Nyman, Viola;
Bondas, Terese;
Downe, Soo;
Berg, Marie
Midwives' experiences of Action Research and the nature of the first encounter on a hospital based ward.
Optimising Childbirth Across Europe;
2014-04-09 - 2014-04-10.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
"Adverse events in home care services- First line managers`comprehension of professional responsability in fall events".
6th international Nursing Management Conference;
2014-10-27 - 2014-10-29.
Klette, Gøril Salomonsen;
Evju, Anne Svelstad;
Bondas, Terese;
Kasén, Anne
Helsefremmende pleie krever tid og kunnskap.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien.
ISSN 0806-7511.
Solbakken, Rita;
Bondas, Terese
Homebound elderly recieving help from the Home Care services- a descriptive study of fall events.
17th International Nursing Research Conference;
2013-11-12 - 2013-11-15.
Bondas, Terese
Qualitative Research in Finland and Sweden: Nursing to caring.
The 32nd International Human Sciences Research Conference;
2013-08-13 - 2013-08-16.
Sneltvedt, Torild;
Bondas, Terese
Professional pride in recently graduated nurses - a process of tradition and creativity.
The 32nd International Human Sciences Research Conference;
2013-08-13 - 2013-08-16.
Lundgren, Ingela;
Begley, Cecily;
Gross, Mechthild M.;
Bondas, Terese
'Groping through the fog' a metasynthesis on women's experiences on VBAC.
TCD conference;
2013-11-06 - 2013-11-07.
Andell, Theresa;
Bondas, Terese;
Eriksson, Katie
An ethical consideration of rehabilitating as concept: To restore human dignity.
International Nursing Ehics Conference;
2012-10-04 - 2012-10-06.
Bondas, Terese
Ledarskap och samvete.
Avisa Nordland.
ISSN 1503-5964.
Hilli, Yvonne Elisabet;
Bondas, Terese
Bolognaprocessen och kvalitet i sjukskötarutbildning.
Vård i Fokus.
ISSN 0781-495X.
Volum 27.
Hefte 3.
Bondas, Terese;
Wikberg, Anita
Hälsoforskning och kvalitativa metoder i Vancouver.
Vård i Fokus.
ISSN 0781-495X.
Volum 27.
Hefte 1.
Bondas, Terese;
Wikberg, Anita
Hälsoforskning och kvalitativa metoder i Vancouver.
Volum 27.
Hefte 1.
Bondas, Terese;
Hilli, Y
Bolognaprocessen och kvalitet i sjukskötarutbildningen.
Volum 27.
Bondas, Terese
Det caritativa ledarskapet.
Vård i Fokus.
ISSN 0781-495X.
Volum 25.
Hefte 3.
Wadén, Pirjo;
Bondas, Terese
Hoitotyön johtaminen - katsaus Ylihoitajalehdessä vuosina 1989-2003 julkaistuihin johtamisartikkeleihin.
Pro Terveys.
Volum 6.