Torfinn Havn
Professor II i korrosjon

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi
Professor II i korrosjon
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi
Havn, Torfinn
Materialtekniske utfordringer i prosjekter med fokus på "Cost Cutting".
Norsk Metallografisk Forening;
2015-06-04 - 2015-06-06.
Havn, Torfinn; Glomnæs, Bernt
"Use of High Strength steel materials in the mooring system for a fixed offshore platform".
Nordic Corrosion Congress 2015;
2015-05-20 - 2015-05-22.
Havn, Torfinn
"Materials and certificates".
Norsk Sveiseteknisk Forbund;
Dotel, Utsav Raj; Bakrachevska, Elena; Austbø, Shane C Gjelnes; Hemmingsen, Tor Henning; Havn, Torfinn
Corrosion resistance of tubing after bending.
16th Nordic Corrosion Congress;
2015-05-20 - 2015-05-22.
Havn, Torfinn
Corrosion under Insulation, the problem is solved..
NCC 2015;
2015-05-19 - 2015-05-22.
Havn, Torfinn
"Corrosion Testing of Duplex stainless steels".
Norsk Materialteknisk selskap;
2014-06-04 - 2014-06-05.
Havn, Torfinn
Background for and recent Development of corrosion testing of Duplex stainless steel..
Norsk Korrosjonsteknisk Forening;
2014-06-12 - 2014-06-13.
Havn, Torfinn
The value of employing Norsok M-650 when specifying CRA for Subsea Applications and its potential for Down Hole Materials..
ATI Oil & Gas 2013 Materials Technology Seminar;
2013-04-12 - 2013-04-15.
Havn, Torfinn
Lean Duplex stainless steels.
Robust Materialvalg Offshore;
2012-10-12 - 2012-10-13.
Havn, Torfinn
Duplex stainless steels, passed, present and future.
Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap;
2012-06-04 - 2012-06-05.
Havn, Torfinn
Heat Treatment: The Achilles heel of High Alloyed Stainless Steels..
Corrosion Solutions 2011;
2011-09-25 - 2011-09-30.
Havn, Torfinn
Use of 316 SS in water systems offshore. Limitations and Possibilities..
Corrosion Solution Conferense;
2009-09-14 - 2009-09-18.
Havn, Torfinn
Experience With Titanium and 316 SS installed offshore Norway.
The Marine Corrosion Forum;
Havn, Torfinn
Titanium experience offshore Norway.
Corrosion Solution Conference;
2007-09-12 - 2007-09-15.
Havn, Torfinn
Use of Lean Duplex as structural material.
Duplex Conference;
2007-06-04 - 2007-06-07.
Havn, Torfinn
Engineering materials exposed to seawater containing hypochlorine and hypochlorite in sea water..
NACE 2007;
2007-03-20 - 2007-03-24.
Hörnlund, Erik; Fossen, Jørn; Hauger, Stian; Haugen, Christine; Havn, Torfinn; Hemmingsen, Tor
Hydrogen Diffusivities and Concentrations in 520M Carbon Steel under Cathodic Protection in 0.5M NaCl and the Effect of Added Sulphite, Dithionite, Thiosulphate, and Sulphide.
Volum 2.
Hefte 1.
Havn, Torfinn
Formation and Transport of Hydrogen in Steel based on observation of crack Growth rate..
European Federation of Corrosion;
2006-01-01 - 2006-01-04.
Havn, Torfinn
A review of previous work in the Field of Hydrogen Embrittlement, Corrosion Fatigue, Stress corrosion cracking and Hydrogen in Steel..
European Federation of Corrosion;
2006-01-01 - 2006-01-04.
Hemmingsen, Tor; Havn, Torfinn; Hörnlund, Erik; Ferkingstad, Håkon; Voll, Frank
Use of aluminium and zinc anodes for cathodic protection of produced water tanks and separators.
Eurocorr 2005;
2005-09-04 - 2005-09-08.
Havn, Torfinn; Hemmingsen, Tor; Hörnlund, Erik; Eriksen, Kristian
Comparison of corrosion resistance of two duplex stainless steels after simulated welding.
Eurocorr 2005;
2005-09-04 - 2005-09-08.
Hörnlund, Erik; Havn, Torfinn; Hemmingsen, Tor
The effect of sulphur compounds on hydrogen permeation rate in steel.
56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 042-023 / 4B-003-O The effect of sulphur compounds on hydrogen permeation rate in steel Erik Hörnlund*, Jørn Fossen, Stian Haug;
2005-09-25 - 2005-09-30.
Havn, Torfinn
Utprøving og kontroll av materialers egenskaper.
Overflatedagene 2005;
2005-10-08 - 2005-10-10.
Havn, Torfinn
Korrosjon og korrosjonsbeskyttelse i offshore industrien. Erfaringer etter 30 års drift.
Norsk forening for vedlikehold;
2005-10-04 - 2005-10-05.
Havn, Torfinn
Valg av materialer I olje og gass industrien. Erfaringer med Norsok M-001.
Norsk forening for vedlikehold;
Havn, Torfinn
Material selection for critical oil & gas piping systems in Norwegian water.
Corrosion Solutions;
2005-09-10 - 2005-09-13.
Havn, Torfinn
GRE- hvorfor brukes det ikke mer?.
Drifts og vedlikeholdsdagene i Rogaland. Offshore Prosessanlegg og rørledninger.;
2005-11-22 - 2005-11-23.
Havn, Torfinn; Hemmingsen, Tor
Safe use of Al-bronze components in 22Cr duplex stainlesssteel equipment.
NACE Corrosion 2004;
Havn, Torfinn
Corrosion Fatigue of Steel in Seawater.
NACE 2002;
2002-04-20 - 2002-04-25.
Havn, Torfinn; Hardli, Lars; Aagotnes, Nils Olav; Hemmingsen, Tor
Investigation of use of 316 SS in seawater protected by carbon steel.
Corrosion 2002;
2002-04-07 - 2002-04-11.