Yonas Tesema Amaya
Postdoktor i kontekstuell analyse av samfunnsvitenskapelige aspekter

Telefon: 51832172
E-post: yonas.t.amaya@uis.no
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Postdoktor i kontekstuell analyse av samfunnsvitenskapelige aspekter
Telefon: 51832172
E-post: yonas.t.amaya@uis.no
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for medie- og samfunnsfag
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Unjust Manufacturing: Industrial Workers’ Struggle against Exploitation in Ethiopia.Journal of Anthropological Research.
ISSN 0091-7710.
Volum 80.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1086/728356
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Despotism on the shop floor: Foreign company labour governance in Ethiopia's industrial park.Anthropology Today.
ISSN 0268-540X.
Volum 40.
Hefte 4.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Aspiring for a Better Future: Rural Women Labour Migrants in Ethiopia’s Industrial Park.Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology.
ISSN 0066-4677.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Towards Decent Employment or a Destitute Livelihood? The Dynamics of the Agrarian Question of Labor in Ethiopia.Forum for Development Studies.
ISSN 0803-9410.
Volum 50.
Hefte 3.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Interrogating Dispossession for Development in Ethiopia.Forum for Development Studies.
ISSN 0803-9410.
Volum 49.
Hefte 1.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Resistance and Resilience: the industrial workers' struggle for a living wage in Ethiopia .
ECAS 2023 Academic Conference;
2023-05-31 - 2023-06-03.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Towards decent employment or a destitute livelihood? The dynamics of the agrarian question of labour in Ethiopia .
17th EASA Conference ;
2022-07-26 - 2022-07-29.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Aspiring labor migrants and the governance of labor in Ethiopia’s industrial park.
Department Seminar;
2022-10-24 - .
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
From Farm to Factory: Peasants Dispossession and the Quest for Industrial Labor in Ethiopia. .
2nd African Graduate Students' Conference;
2022-05-27 - 2022-05-28.
Amaya, Yonas Tesema
Ethiopia’s development by dispossession prioritises capital over community.