INSA Toulouse
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, also called INSA Toulouse, is located in beautiful Southern France. If you wish to combine cutting-edge science within engineering programs in a lively and multicultural city, apply!

Information about the university
Toulouse, also called the Pink City because of its ochre and brick buildings, is a centre for high technology in France. INSA Toulouse is a public, multidisciplinary and international engineering school recognized for its Engineering and Masters programmes. Its campus is located in the heart of the Rangueil scientific campus. The university has around 2800 students enrolled every year and is marked by diversity and an international study environment, with 23 % of international students. In addition, you will find sport facilities, restaurant, student clubs and associations on campus.
UiS has an Erasmus agreement with INSA Toulouse for students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, within the subject areas : Biological chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Computer Science (2 students) and Engineering ( 2 students) .
Insa Toulouse is recommended for students at MA in Risk Management
Language of instruction
Language requirements
English proficiency recommended at minimum B2 level (read upper-intermediate = 4 in English and/or German from "videregående skole" for Norwegian students). Description of proficiency levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Students who do not meet the language requirements will be offered online language courses prior the exchange period.
INSA Toulouse offers courses in French for exchange students.
The University of Bergen offers intensive French courses suitable for preparing students who are going on exchange to France. The course is available for UiS students.
GPA requirements
Total number of exchange places
2 students for Life Science and Computer Science
Tuition fee
Erasmus +-grant in combination with loan and grant from Lånekassen for eligible students.
Academic year
Spring semester: January -June
How to find subjects
Credits abroad
Information about accomodation
There are different kinds of student housing, private or student accomodation