Technical University of Munich
The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, accounts for major advancements in the field of natural sciences. TUM is one of the best universities in Germany and has several awarded scientists and Nobel Prize winners. The Technical University of Munich strives for excellent teaching and research quality.

Information about the university
TUM is located in the city of Munich, in the State of Bavaria, one of the most important technological centers in Germany and Europe. TUM is composed of 14 facultiesand provides education to a large number of students. The university has more than 42.000 students enrolled, 27% of them international students and 35% women. TUM is know for good quality education and was in 2016 ranked as the best German university in the QS World University Ranking.
The Faculty of Science and Technology has an Erasmus+-agreement with TUM within Social Science/ engineering/information technology/electronic and physics..
Language of instruction
Language requirements
GPA requirements
Total number of exchange places
Faculty of Social Sciences
2 students per semester from Master in Energy, Environment and Society.
Faculty of Science and Technology
2 master students per semester at Department of Mechanical Engineering.
2 master students per semester at Department of Informatics.
2 master students per semester at Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
2 master studens per semester at Deartment of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering.
2 master students per semester at Department of Physics.
Tuition fee
At TUM, you will be required to pay a student fee of €129, 40 per semester (as of summer term 2018, subject to change), including the Student union fee of €62 and the solidarity premium for the Semester Ticket of €67,40.
Erasmus+-grant in combination with loan and grant from Lånekassen for eligible students.
Academic year
Autumn semester: October 1st – March 31st
Spring semester: April 1st – September 30th
The dates are subject to change. Please check the website.
If the exchange semester ends later than the following semester starts at UiS, the institute/faculty (in collaboration with the partner institution) will assist you so you are not delayed in your studies.
There are various possibilities for facilitation: you might take courses that do not require you to be present during the examination period, you might be exempted from compulsory teaching at UiS or you might be given an extended deadline for submission of bachelor's and master's theses. Contact your study coordinator at the department for more information.
How to find subjects
TUM offers several programs and courses in English, most on master level.
General information about courses
At least 60 % of the courses must be selected from one department:
Subject Overview for Master in Energy, Environment and Society: TUM School of Governance.
For Faculty of Science and Technology: Subject overview for all master of science programs: TUonline.
Master of Structures and Materials (strucural engineering): School of Engineering and Design
Master Computer Science /Master Applied Data Science: School of computation, Information and technology
Master Robot Technology and Signal Processing : School of computation, Information and technologyor School of Engineering and Design
Master Computational Engineering : School of computation, information and technology or School of Engineering and Design
Master of Mathematics and Physisc :Department of Physics
There might be restrictions on course election, please read the information for the individual department.
Credits abroad
TUM does not have on-campus accommodation.Applications for mobility programs such as Erasmus+ do not include the provision of a room and the search for a room is quite difficult. You need to apply for a place either in a private dormitory or on the private market.