Norwegian courses and social science for
foreigners with higher education

We offer Norwegian language courses and social science course for adults with a background of higher education. Our courses are intensive and have a fast progression. Spring courses will be open for registration in mid October, starting end of January. Fall courses will be open for registration in mid april, starting end of August. Please read all the information below, to the course you want to apply!

Publisert Sist oppdatert



A1 - A2 - B1 - B2

Teaching method

Class room

Next course

Autumn 2024



Course fee

NOK 8.500,- per Norwegian course NOK 7500,- 75 hrs Social science course Devide course fee You can choose to divide the fee into three parts

It is important to get quickly started, because speaking and understanding Norwegian is crucial for participating in society "»

Former prime minister , Erna Solberg

A1 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education

The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework will be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language level A1.

International Students. Photo by Mimi Thian


Tuesdays and Thursdays 16:30 - 19:00 
Starting date: 27.08.2024, last day of teaching: 05.12.2024.
In total 85 hours of teaching. All classes are held at campus, University of Stavanger.

The course will be held in class rooms. However, if the authorities change the regulations connected to the Corona situation, online education might be used instead.

Please read all the information below.

No teaching in week numbers 9 and 13.
You will receive all practical information closer to starting date.​ 


Closing date for registration: 05.08.2024.
An enrollment of 15 participants is needed to run the course.

Course fee

NOK 8.500,- + teaching material. Please mark «” as a secure e-mail address, as some of our outgoing e-mails may end up in your junkmail.
Books: Has not been clarified.
You can buy the books in the bookstore at campus.

Please note that

Registration is binding. If you do not want to participate, cancellation is equal to the registration deadline!
The invoice will be sent to you at the same time as starting date for the course.
Cancellation later than last day of registration will result in 25 % of the course fee.
Cancellation after the course has started, or total absence, results in 100 % of the course fee.
Paid course fee will not be refunded.

International students at UiS can also apply for this course, but be aware that there is a course fee!


A background of higher education and a legal residency permit in Norway.
Work experience
No knowledge of Norwegian is required for beginners level.


Non-credit course. An attendance of 85% is required, for a diploma of completed course.
Written and oral test will be held at the end of the course. A diploma is provided after the course for each participant. The certificate of participation/diploma will be sent to the stated address.

Learning outcomes

After completing level 1, students should be able to:

  • understand clearly spoken Norwegian on subjects relating to everyday life
  • talk about known subjects with a limited vocabulary
  • pronounce Norwegian in a way that does not interfere with communication
  • read textbooks and similar texts on subjects relating to everyday life
  • know the basic rules of Norwegian grammar

University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian courses from Kompetanse Norge, and has since 2017.

We would like to emphasize that these language courses do not qualify to further studies at universities in Norway!

You will find more information about "Norskprøve" here.

Please click here to apply for the Norwegian course - level A1
Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time.

Please note that changes may occur.

A2 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education

The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework will be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language level A2.


Tuesdays and Thursdays 16:30 - 19:00
Starting date: 27.08.2024 last day of teaching 05.12.2024.
In total 85 hours of teaching. All classes are held at campus, University of Stavanger.

The course will be held in class rooms. However, if the authorities change the regulations connected to the Corona situation, online education might be used instead.

Please read all the information below

No teaching in week numbers 9 and 13.
You will receive all practical information closer to starting date..


Closing date for registration: 05.08.2024.
An enrollment of 15 participants will be needed to run the course.

Course fee 

NOK 8.500,- + teaching material. Please mark «” as a secure e-mail address, as some of our outgoing e-mails may end up in your junkmail.
Books: Has not been clarified.
You can buy the books in the bookstore at campus. 

Please note that

The registration is binding. If you do not want to participate, cancellation is equal to the registration deadline!

The invoice will be sent to you at the same time as starting date for the course

Cancellation later than last day of registration will result in 25 % of the course fee

Cancellation after the course has started, or total absence, results in 100 % of the course fee

Paid course fee will not be refunded.


A background of higher education and a legal residency permit in Norway 

Work experience

Completed level  A1


Non-credit course. An attendance of 85% is required, for a diploma of completed course.
Written and oral test will be held at the end of the course. A certificate is provided after completed course.
The certificate of participation/diploma will be sent to the stated address.

Learning outcomes

After level 2 students should be able to:

  • understand oral presentation on everyday life current issues from family and social life
  • talk about known topics
  • initiate conversations and express opinions about familiar topics
  • understand the main ideas of radio and television programs
  • read textbooks and simple authentic texts
  • have sufficient command of both oral and written Norwegian which errors that do not interfere with communication

University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian courses from kompetanse Norge, and has been since 2017.

We would like to emphasize that these language courses do not qualify to further studies at universities in Norway!

You will find more information about "Norskprøve" here.

Please click here to Apply for the Norwegian course - level A2

Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time. note that changes may occur.

B1 Norwegian course for foreigners with higher education

The course aims to improve your skills in writing, listening, speaking and reading Norwegian. The course also gives an aspect of the Norwegian culture. The teaching methods are communicative and require active participation. Some homework must be expected. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of Language level B1.

Internasjonale studenter undervisning


Tuesdays and Thursdays 16:30 - 19:00
Starting date: 27.08.2024, last day of teaching: 05.12.2024.
In total 85 hours of teaching. All classes are held at campus, University of Stavanger.

The course will be held in class rooms. However, if the authorities change the regulations connected to the Corona situation, online education might be used instead

Please read all the information below.

No teaching in week numbers 9 and 13.
You will receive all practical information closer to starting date. 


Closing date for registration: 05.08.2024.
An enrollment of 15 participants is needed to run the course.

Course fee

NOK 8.500,- + teaching material. Please mark «” as a secure e-mail address, as some of our outgoing e-mails may end up in your junkmail.
Books: Has not been clarified.
You can buy the books in the bookstore at campus.

Please note that

Registration is binding. If you do not want to participate, cancellation is equal to the registration deadline!

The invoice will be sent to you at the same time as starting date for the course.

Cancellation later than last day of registration will result in 25 % of the course fee.

Cancellation after the course has started, or total absence, results in 100 % of the course fee.

Paid course fee will not be refunded


A background of higher education and a legal residency permit in Norway. 

Work experience

Completed level A2.


Non-credit course. An attendance of 85% is required, for a diploma of completed course.
Written and oral test will be held at the end of the course. A diploma is provided after the course for each participant. The certificate of participation/diploma will be sent to the stated address.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the main points in written and oral presentation related to familiar topics.
  • Give a presentation, written and orally, about known topics.
  • Participate actively in conversations and express thoughts, point of views related to everyday life, work and interests.
  • Read and understand the main points in textbooks, simple articles, and newspaper.
  • Have sufficient command of both oral and written Norwegian which errors that do not interfere with communication.

University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian courses from Kompetanse Norge, and has been since 2017.

We would like to emphasize that these language courses do not qualify to further studies at universities in Norway.

You will find more information about "Norskprøve" here.

Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time.

Please note that changes may occur.

Please click here to Apply for the Norwegian course - level B1

B2 Norskkurs for utlendinger med høyere utdanning

Kurset tar sikte på å forbedre dine ferdigheter i å skrive, lytte, snakke og lese norsk. Kurset inneholder kunnskap om norsk kultur. Undervisningsmetodene er kommunikative og krever aktiv deltakelse på kurset. Noen lekser må påregnes.

Kvinnelige studenter undervisning studerer


Mandag og onsdag 16:30 – 19:00
Starter mandag 26.08.2024. Siste undervisningsdato er 04.12.2024.

Totalt 85 timer med undervisning.
Alle klassene avholdes på campus Ullandhaug, Universitetet i Stavanger.

Kurset blir holdt i klasserom. Imidlertid, hvis myndighetene endrer regelverket knyttet til Corona-situasjonen, kan det midlertidig bli brukt nettbasert undervisning.

The B2 Norwegian course is for students who has completed level B1, and should be able to read Norwegian. Therefore, the information about B2 is in Norwegian.

Vennligst les all informasjon om kurset

Ingen undervisning i ukene 9 og 14.

Du vil motta all praktisk informasjon nærmere startdato.

Pensum følger de standardiserte målene i det europeiske rammeverket for språknivå B2.

Kurset forbereder deg til Test i norsk. Høyere nivå.

Kurs avgift: NOK 8500,- + undervisningsmateriell. Vennligst marker «” som en sikker e-post, da våre e-poster kan havne i søppelposten.

Bok: Har ikke blitt avklart.
Det vil bli mulighet for å få kjøpt den i bokhandelen på campus.

Påmeldingsfrist er: 05.08.2024.

NB: Minimum 15 deltakere for å starte opp kurset.

Vennligst merk at påmeldingen er bindende. Avmeldingsfrist er lik påmeldingsfrist.

Kursavgiften blir fakturert ved kursstart.

Ved avmelding etter at påmeldingsfristen for det enkelte kurs er utløpt, blir du belastet 25% av kursavgiften. Ved avmelding etter kursets oppstart eller ved manglende frammøte, blir hele kursavgiften belastet. Innbetalt kursavgift refunderes ikke.


Høyere utdanning, oppholdstillatelse i Norge


Fullført nivå B1


Dette kurset gir ikke studiepoeng.  Det kreves deltagelse på 85% for et vitnemål om fullført kurs.
Skriftlig og muntlig test vil bli avholdt i slutten av kurset. Deltakerbevis/vitnemål sendes til oppgitt adresse.


På dette nivået kan du forstå komplekse framstillinger, også faglige diskusjoner innenfor eget fagområde og uttrykke deg klart og nyansert i et vidt spekter av emner. Du kan gi uttrykk for synspunkter og argumentere for og imot ulike alternativer, samt delta i samtaler spontant og med stor grad av flyt i språket.

Du kan lese mer om kompetansemål for nivå B2 fra side 20 i læreplan i norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere, se her. 

University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian courses from Kompetanse Norge, and 
has been since 2017.

We would like to emphasize that these language courses do not qualify to further studies at universities in Norway!

You will find more information about "Norskprøve" here.

Ønsker du å vite mer om prøver se KOMPETANSE NORGE

Her finner du også prøver du kan øve på.

Klikk her for å melde deg på norskkurs nivå B2

Inquiries regarding information that is already stated on the website, is expected to have a longer response time.

Med forbehold om endringer.

75 hrs Social science

Our course is an introduction to the Norwegian society. The teaching methods are communicative, and students will be challenged to use the new knowledge actively. The syllabus follows the standardized objectives of the European Framework of language, and the curricula follows the national “Læreplan i norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere.”

outdoor life

The topics that will be discussed are divided into three modules

  1. Education, skills and the labour market
    - School and education
    - Working life
    - Critical thinking and digital judgement

  2. Family, health and daily life
    - New in Norway
    - Families
    - Leisure activities
    - Health
    - Personal finances
    - The right to a free and independent life
  3. Norway before and now
    - This is Norway
    - History
    - Human rights and democracy
    - Sustainability


Monday and Wednesday 16:30 - 19:00

Starting date: 26.08.2024, last day of teaching: 25.11.2024

In total 75 hours of teaching. All classes are held at campus, University of Stavanger.


Closing date for registration: 05.08.2024

An enrollment of 15 participants will be needed to run the course.

Teaching language: English.

No teaching in week numbers 9 and 13.

You will receive all practical information closer to starting date.

NOK 7500,- + teaching material

Course fee

Books: TBD

Please note that

Registration is binding

The invoice will be sent to you at the same time as starting date for the course.

Cancellation later than last day of registration will result in 25 % of the course fee.

Cancellation after the course has started, or total absence, results in 100 % of the course fee.

Paid course fee will not be refunded


A background of higher education and a legal residency permit in Norway.


This is a non-credit course.
An attendance of 85% is required, for a diploma of completed course.
Written and oral test will be held at the end of the course. A diploma is provided after the course for each participant. The certificate of participation/diploma will be sent to the stated address.

The University of Stavanger is an approved provider of Norwegian lessons and “samfunnskunnskap” as part of the hours needed for appliance for residency permit.

Please click here to apply

Please note that changes may occur

Contact persons

Divisjon for utdanning
UiS etter- og videreutdanning