Gianfranco Nencioni
Førsteamanuensis i datateknikk

Telefon: 51832832
Rom: KE E-428
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Kort om meg
Gianfranco Nencioni is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, Norway, from 2018. He is leading the Computer Networks (ComNet) research group. He is the principal investigator of 5G-MODaNeI, a project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. His research activity is focused on modelling and high-performance solving of resource allocation problems in wired and wireless networks.
Dette forsker jeg på
Research Interests
- Mathematical Modelling and Optimization
- Dependability and Energy-Efficiency
- Routing, Network Design, and Resource Allocation
- Emerging (Wired and Wireless) Networking Technologies (i.e. , SDN, NFV, 5G)
Research in Progress
- 5G Management and Orchestration for Data and Network Integration (5G MODaNeI)
Website: - Smart sustainable cities research network
Akademisk bakgrunn
- 2009-2011 Ph.D. in Information Engineering, University of Pisa (Italy)
- 2006-2008 M.S. in Telecommunication Engineering, University of Pisa (Italy)
Previous Positions
- 2015-2018 Postdoctoral fellow, NTNU (Norway)
- 2012-2015 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Pisa (Italy)
Current Teaching
Past Teaching
- BYGG905 – Foundational Issues in City and Regional Planning - Smart Cities: interdisciplinary introduction and wireless communications
- DAT230 – Communication Technology I
- TTM4110 – Dependability and Performance with Discrete Event Simulation (NTNU): fundamentals of probability
- TTM4150 – Internet Network Architecture (NTNU): SDN and Internet QoS
- TTM4158 – Dependability and Performance Design (NTNU): mathematics background and network dependability