UniPed is a unit that helps the University of Stavanger (UiS) achieve excellence in education. UniPed’s goal is to foster a culture of quality-centred teaching that benefits both students and staff.
Striving for excellence in learning
The University of Stavanger aims to provide a high-quality learning environment and teaching for its students and staff. To achieve this goal, UiS has established UniPed, a unit that is responsible for developing and supporting educational activities at the university. It develops and implements quality standards and policies for teaching and learning at the university. It also provides professional development opportunities and support for university employees who are involved in educational activities.

Course Offerings from UniPed
Uniped offers courses to UiS employees, both on a basic level and also for further professionalization. These are divided into core courses and professional development courses. Some of the courses are:
Two courses open to all staff concerning digital competence in teaching are DigiSkills and Digital Literacy.
Professional Development Courses
Core Courses
Uniped offers two core courses for UiS employees. NyTi focuses on didactical issues for newly appointed staff, whereas the Basic course focuses more on higher education pedagogy and didactics in general.
On October 31, 2019, the University Board decided to introduce a comprehensive career policy that includes a merit scheme for teaching. UiS has had two calls for proposals so far and 12 colleagues have been awarded the status as merited teachers.
Following an evaluation of the scheme in 2021, the Board decided in the spring of 2022 to move forward with annual calls for proposals. At the same time measures to improve and develop the scheme were adopted (see US 25/22, in Norwegian only).
The merited teachers will be presented and approved by the university board in March of the following year. They will be rewarded with an annual sum of NOK 50,000 bto. The scheme comprises four academic categories: Førsteamanuensis, førstelektor, professor and dosent. The criteria are the same across these categories, but the assessment will be conducted in light of individual educational context and academic category. Development and quality of activities related to teaching and mentoring must be documented.
CARNorge (Collaborative Action Research Network in Norway) is an open and inclusive network for supporting Norwegian action research activities.
A professional development course designed for student assistants at the University of Stavanger, with the aim of offering foundational insights into pedagogy, advisory theory, and the facilitation of peer-supported learning within individual study programs. Spanning three modules, an exploration into higher education teaching dynamics, Norwegian mentoring traditions, and the ethical and legal responsibilities inherent to the student assistant role will be provided.