The CIESL-project aims at gaining knowledge on teachers' implementation of classroom interaction when participating in a governmental initiated intervention on classroom management, and how teachers' learning are linked to student learning and outcome. okuserer på klasseleiing.

Moreover, we intend to investigate how organizational factors promote or hinder teachers' implementation of classroom interaction skills and subsequently student outcome.
Knowing what needs to be done is different from knowing how to do it, and both types of knowledge are critical to developing stronger research-practice connections. Much has been written about "what works" in classroom interaction; much less has been written about how teachers implement knowledge into practice.
A mixed methods design is applied in order to shed light on the research questions. The study has three parallel aspects: The effectiveness study (teacher and student survey), the implementation study (teacher survey), and the selected case studies(classroom observation, teacher and student interviews) to address the implementation of classroom interaction and student outcome in more depth.
Although a complex research design, this diverse approach to data collection provides greater opportunities for mapping, analyzing and interpretation, allowing for more holistic understandings of the research area than would have been gained if relying on a single paradigm or approach. To enhance quality and generate new insights into the field we will cooperate with international colleagues with extended expertise in the field.
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education (NCLB) has a mandate to support teacher education institutions and schools nationally. Moreover, partners from teacher education at Telemark University College and the University of Stavanger teach future teachers. Findings will be utilized in this.
Research Team
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Publications from the INTERACT project
Articles from the project. Use the DOI-link to read abstract.
Accompanying the teacher ‘into’ the classroom
In the INTERACT research project, teachers receive guidance from their own specially trained coaches. “I am lucky to be ...
INTERACT – quality in classroom interactions
The goal of the INTERACT project is to investigate how digital video-based dialogue can support teachers in the work of ...