FILIORUM - Senter for barnehageforskning leder og deltar i en rekke prosjekter, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Her finner du en oversikt over avsluttede og pågående prosjekter FILIORUM er involvert i.
Sist oppdatert

- Agderprosjektet
- A Toolkit of Interactive Games to Support Early Childhood Learning with Conversational Agents
- Barns trivsel i barnehagen
- Computational Play in Early Childhood Education and Care
- DiCoTe - Increasing professional Digital Competence in Early Childhood Teacher Education with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys
- ECTE-DigiTools
- EMELI - Early Mathematics Education studies of Longitudinal Interventions
- EXPECT - Exploring Practices in Early Childhood of Tomorrow Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19
- GoBAN - Gode barnehager for barn i Norge
- GoBAN/BeProS - Better provision for Norway's children from early childhood education and care through primary school
- God lyd i barnehagen
- Henry - Førstehjelp for barnehagebarn
- International Collective of Children's Digital Books
- INTERSTICE - artistic encounters between artists, children and educators
- Lekbasert læring
- NBECEC- Skandinavisk database barnehageforskning
- Nordic approaches to evaluation and assessment in early childhood education and care
- Nordisk forkningssamarbeid for høy kvalitet i barnehagens virksomhet
- OTB – Omsorg for traumatiserte barn
- Personalized education: Perspective of US & Norwegian teachers
- Politics of belonging
- RECOdE - Reflecting Cultures of Education - Transnationality and Cultural Awareness in Early Childhood Education Programs
- SAYL - Stimulating Adventures for Young Learners
- Scenekunst til ALLE små
- SELMA: Social and Emotional Learning and Life Mastery in Early Childhood Education and Care
- SenseSquared. Becoming through the senses: towards artistic ways of being in the world
- Sensory books
- SPrELL - Samtalebaserte lese Praksiser i hjem og barnehage for Erfaring med Litteratur og Læring av språk
- SST(EW) - Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-being
- Stavangerprosjektet
- TALIS – Starting strong
- Tidlig innsats, tidlig i livet
- VEBB - Verktøy for didaktisk vurdering av E-bøker for Barn i Barnehage
- 100 GLADE dager