The reason of 98% of the failures of mechanical systems and 60% of the failures of structures subjected to variable loading conditions is fatigue.

A main field of research and teaching activities of the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science (IMBM) is the design of offshore structures, machine components, subsea systems, buildings, bridges etc. Fatigue damage accumulation modeling and life-time prediction of engineering structures under service loading are main research areas of the FSIG-UiS group. The research portfolio of our experts contains a significant number of research monographs, publications, editorial and review service for high-impact international journals, participation in research projects and collaboration with important industries. Furthermore, their results have international recognition by independent researchers from the academy and industry. Currently, the research team is working on improvement of methods and models for structural design, life-time prediction and health monitoring of structures and machine parts. The FSIG-UiS has access in modern facilities.
Associated Universities
Monographs & books
See the list of books written by this research group.
- Gerhard Ersdal, John V. Sharp, Alexander Stacey, Ageing and Life Extension of Offshore Structures: The Challenge of Managing Structural Integrity, Willey 2019.
- John V. Sharp, Gerhard Ersdal, Underwater Inspection and Repair for Offshore Structures 1st Edition, Willey 2021.
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Composite Materials in Piping Applications, Destech publications, 2013
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Computational and Experimental Analysis of Damaged Materials, Transworld Research Network, 2007
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Essentials of the Finite Element Method, Elsevier, 2015
- Gerhard Ersdal, Ageing and Life Extension of Offshore Facilities, 2022
Correia won the first Philo Mechanicus Award
José A.F.O. Correia got the award for outstanding achievements in Fatigue and Structural Integrity of Engineering Structures.

The Philo Mechanicus Award was first established by COTech – University of Stavanger to distinguish personalities with scientific and academic careers that have earned recognition from their peers worldwide.
Dimitrios Pavlou, the chairman of the Computational Mechanics and Structural Integrity Session, bestowed to José A.F.O. Correia the award. The ceremony took place at University of Stavanger, Norway.
The prize recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field through practice, research, teaching and/or outstanding leadership. Recently, the award began to be sponsored by the Alexandria Engineering Journal and Elsevier. The selection process will be carried out by the award committee chaired by UiS, members of the AEJ journal and invited members nominated by UiS, who will indicate the winners every year.
Philo Mechanicus (Latin for "Philo the Engineer"), was an ancient Greek engineer, physicist and writer on mechanics, who lived during the latter half of the 3rd century BC. Philo was the author of a large work, the Syntaxis, which contained the following sections:
- General mathematics;
- Mechanics;
- Harbour Construction;
- Siege Engine Construction;
- Pneumatics;
- Automatons;
- Preparations for Seiges;
- Siegecraft
Formal presentation of the award, which consists of a trophy/medal, a certificate, and maybe a travel offer to visit Stavanger, may take place at the Computational Mechanics and Structural Integrity Session organized by COTech (Computational Methods & Ocean Technology) conference.
Research award to Sudath Siriwardane
Professor Sudath Siriwardane recently received an award for his contributions to the International Journal of Structural Integrity.

Siriwardane received the award for his contributions to the International Journal of Structural Integrity. The prize winners were announced on 22 December 2023.
Siriwardane is professor of construction engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science. He works particularly with modeling of fatigue damage and stress on large structures.
Congratulations on the award!
Editors and reviewers
The members of FSIG-UiS group are Associate Editors, Academic Editors, Topic Editors, or Editorial Board Members in the following international journals.

- Dimitrios Pavlou, Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal “Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering” – Impact Factor 11.775 (1st of 134 journals in Civil Engineering – 2019 Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics):
- Dimitrios Pavlou and Sudath Siriwardane, Associate Editors of the Journal of “Maritime Engineering”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Academic Editor at the journal “Advances in Civil Engineering”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Associate Editor of the “Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Editorial Board member of “International Journal of Structural Integrity”
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Topic editor of the Journal “Dynamics”, MDPI publisher,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Editorial Board member at the journal “International Journal of Ocean Systems Management”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Honorable Editor, “Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Editorial board member, “Pipeline Science and Technology”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Editorial board member, “Journal of Materials Science and Research”,
- Dimitrios Pavlou, Editorial board member,”Журнал «Наука и технологии трубопроводного транспорта нефти и нефтепродуктов», (Level 1),
Reviewers in the following fatigue journals:
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics
- International Journal of Solids and Structures
- Engineering Failure Analysis
- Mechanics Research Communications
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
- International Journal of Fatigue
- Composite Structures
- Composites Part B
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
- Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Applied Mathematical Modelling
- Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Proceedings of Royal Society – A
- Journal of Pipeline Engineering
- Strojniski vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation
- Journal of Zhejiang University – SCIENCE A, Publisher: Springer
- Journal of Engineering Mathematics
- International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control
- Transactions on Civil and Architecture Engineering
- Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences
- Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation
- Energies-MDPI Dynamics-MDPI
Research and PhD projects
Completed and ongoing projects.

PhD projects
- Load sequence effects and mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in offshore structures, Kristen Rege
- Life extension of offshore structures: a conceptual framework and fatigue damage models, Ashish Aeran
- Structural integrity of steel bridges: Environment-assisted cracking, Nirosha Adasooriya
- Fatigue Damage Assessment of Steel Structures and Components: Improvements in stress-life approach, Chandima S. Bandara
- Stress and Failure of Degraded Offshore Structures, Mostafa Atteya
- Fatigue damage prediction of structural steel and AM/3D printing materials: Novel experimental techniques, Fredrik Bjørheim
- Structural health monitoring of offshore structures based on fluid-structure and fatigue- corrosion interaction models, Hadi Pezeshki
- Fatigue capacity of suspensions bridges with an orthotropic deck in steel or aluminum, Bruno Villoria
Research projects
Members of the FSIG-UiS group have participated in the following projects:
- Fatigue Meter for Offshore Structures, Supported by Valide TTO, 2015-2016
- Design of a fuel cells powered drone for offshore structures inspection, Supported by Nordic Unmanned S.A., industrial PhD, 2018.
- UTFORSK project: 4-year funding by The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU), Russian/Norwegian collaboration in Offshore and Ocean Technology in Arctic Environment, 2018.
- Investigation on Aluminium-Lithium alloys for Damage Tolerant Application, E.C., BRITE/EURAM, Project reference: BREU0128. Funded under: FP2-BRITE/EURAM 1. Coordinator: Deutsche Aerospace Airbus GmbH, participants: Aérospatiale Société Nationale Industrielle SA, British Aerospace, Defence Research Agancy (DRA), NLR, Dassault Aviation SA, 1992.
- Civil Aircraft Potection Against Ice (CAPRI), Project Ref. AERO 0008. Funded under: FP2-AERO 0C. Coordinator: British Aerospace Defence. Participants: Aérospatiale Société Nationale Industrielle, DASSAULT AVIATION, Fokker Aircraft, Lucas Aerospace, Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH (MBB), Alenia Aerospazio, University College Dublin, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 1990.
- Crashworthiness for Commercial Aircraft. Project ref. Aer20030, Funded under: Fp3-Aero 1c. Coordinator British Aerospace. Participants: Aérospatiale Société Nationale Industrielle, Bae Systems; Centre D'essais Aeronautique de Toulouse; Cranfield Impact Centre Ltd., Cad Fem Gmbh, Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus Gmbh, Eads - Construcciones Aeronauticas S.A., Engineering System International, Fokker Aircraft Bv, German Aerospace Centre, Mecalog Sarl, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research – TNO, Office National D'etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Rwth), Stichting Nationaal Lucht- En Ruimtevaart Laboratorium, University Of Liverpool, 1993.
- Advanced Aluminium-Precision Casting for Integrally Net-Shape-Components (ADVACAST) E.C., BRITE / EURAM, Project reference: BREU0401. Funded under: FP2-BRITE/EURAM 1. Coordinator: Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH (MBB). Participants: Ciral, Metallurgical Industrial Research and Technological Development Center SA, Technische Universität München, Thyssen Feinguss GmbH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Experience in fatigue and NDT tests:
The members of academic staff who are working on Fatigue have extensive laboratory experience to the following topics:
- Fatigue life estimation of steel structures considering the loading sequence effect.
- Grain-scale plasticity based multi-axial fatigue model for tubular joints.
- Fracture-fatigue interaction effect of steel structures under accidental loadings: (Ultra-low cycle fatigue)
- Verification of code given stress concentration factors of tubular joints
- Fatigue life estimation of existing steel structures under time-dependent structural degradation
- Development of full range fatigue curve for corroded structural detail
Selected publications
Our researchers have contributed to a long list of journal publications. Here is a selection.

Pavlou, Dimitrios. A deterministic algorithm for nonlinear, fatigue-based structural health monitoring. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 2021 p. 1-23
Bjørheim, Fredrik; Siriwardane, Sudath C.; Pavlou, Dimitrios. A review of fatigue damage detection and measurement techniques. International Journal of Fatigue 2021 ;Volume 154.
Pavlou, Dimitrios. The theory of the S-N fatigue damage envelope: Generalization of linear, double-linear, and non-linear fatigue damage models. International Journal of Fatigue 2018 ; Volume 110. p. 204-214
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Inner flow-induced buckling of FRP catenary risers. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2020; Volume 142.(6) p. 1-28
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Soil–Structure–Wave Interaction of Gravity-Based Offshore Wind Turbines: An Analytical Model. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2020 ; Volume 143.(3)
Adasooriya, Mudiyan Nirosha Damayanthi; Hemmingsen, Tor; Pavlou, Dimitrios. S-N curve for riveted details in corrosive environment and its application to a bridge. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS) 2020 ;Volume 43.(6) p. 1199-1213
Adasooriya, Mudiyan Nirosha Damayanthi; Pavlou, Dimitrios; Hemmingsen, Tor. Fatigue strength degradation of corroded structural details: A formula for S‐N curve. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS) 2019 p. 1-13
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Fatigue design challenges: Recent linear and nonlinear models. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019 ;Volume 700.(1) p. 1-8
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Longitudinal-flexural-torsional dynamic behavior of liquid-filled pipelines: An analytic solution. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2019 ;Volume 142.(1) p. -
Pavlou, Dimitrios; Correia, Jose Antonio. Dynamic response of pipelines under impact and harmonic loading. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Maritime Engineering 2019 ;Volume 172.(1) p. 15-22
Rege, Kristen; Grønsund, Jørgen; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Mixed-mode I and II fatigue crack growth retardation due to overload: An experimental study. International Journal of Fatigue 2019 ;Volume 129. p. 1-12
Rege, Kristen; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Effect of stop holes on structural integrity of offshore structures: a numerical model. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Maritime Engineering 2019 ;Volume 172.(1) p. 3-14
Rege, Kristen; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Stress intensity factors for circumferential through‐wall cracks in thin‐walled cylindrical shells subjected to tension and torsion. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (FFEMS) 2019 ;Volume 42.(5) p. 1062-1074
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Mode I+II fatigue crack growth delay by stop-holes. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 2018 ;Volume 10. p. -
Adasooriya, Mudiyan Nirosha Damayanthi; Hemmingsen, Tor; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Fatigue strength degradation of metals in corrosive environments. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2017 ;Volume 276.(1) p. -
Rege, K., Pavlou, D.G., A one-parameter nonlinear fatigue damage accumulation model, International Journal of Fatigue, 98, 2017, pp. 234-246.
Pavlou D.G., Loading sequence effects on fatigue damage accumulation of offshore structures: A deterministic approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE, Volume 4, 2017
Mikkelsen, O.; Rege, K.; Hemmingsen, T.H.; Pavlou, D.G., Numerical Estimation of the Stop Holes-Induced Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation in Offshore Structures Taking into Account the Corrosion Effect. I: The Proceedings of the twenty-seventh (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2017. International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers 2017 ISBN 978-1-880653-97-5. s. 451-458
Pavlou D.G., Fatigue crack deflection-induced retardation based on the principle of the minimum potential energy, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 3, 1 May 2015, Pages 324-330.
Pavlou D.G., Simulation of mode I+II crack propagation trajectories under static loading, International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 499-504.
Pavlou D.G., Kourousis K.I., A phenomenological approach for fatigue damage accumulation of CF/PEEK laminates under two-stage loading, International Review of Mechanical Engineering Volume 7, Issue 7, November 2013, Pages 1323-1328.
Pavlou D.G.; Labeas G.N.; Vlachakis N.V.; Pavlou F.G., Fatigue crack propagation trajectories under mixed-mode cyclic loading: Engineering Structures, 2003, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 869-875.
Ashish Aeran, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Ove Mikkelsen and Ivar Langen (2017), A new nonlinear fatigue damage model based only on S-N curve parameters, Int. Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 103, pp.327-341.
Ashish Aeran, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Ove Mikkelsen and Ivar Langen (2017), A framework to assess structural integrity of ageing offshore jacket structures for life extension, Marine Structures, Elsevier, 56, pp.237-259.
Ashish Aeran, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Ove Mikkelsen and Ivar Langen (2017), Life Extension of Ageing Offshore Structures: A Framework for Remaining Life Estimation, Volume 3A, Paper No. OMAE2017-62063, 9 pages, 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim, Norway.
Nirosha D. Adasooriya, Sudath C.Siriwardane and Mitao Ohga, (2013) “A simplified approach to predict the failure of steel members under interaction effect of fracture and fatigue”, Int. Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier 47 (2), pp. 161-173.
Nirosha D. Adasooriya, Tor Hemmingsen and Dimitrios Pavlou (2017), Fatigue Strength Degradation of Metals in Corrosive Environments, 1st conference of computational methods in offshore technology, CoTech 2017, November 30-Decembet 1, 2017, Stavanger, Norway.
Sudath C. Siriwardane, Nirosha D. Adasooriya and Dimitrios Pavlou (2021), Fatigue Strength Curve for Tubular Joints of Offshore Structures under Dynamic Loading, Dynamics, 1, pp. 125-133.
Ashish Aeran, Ruth Acosta, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Peter Starke, Ove Mikkelsen, Ivar Langen and Frank Walther (2020), A nonlinear fatigue damage model: Comparison with experimental damage evolution of S355 (SAE 1020) structural steel and application to offshore jacket structures, International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 135, 105568.
Ashish Aeran, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Sudath C. Siriwardane and Daniela Scorza (2019), Novel non-linear relationship to evaluate the critical plane orientation, International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 124, pp. 537-543.
Sudath C. Siriwardane (2017), Modal flexibility-based damage detection of truss bridges: A conceptual framework, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 116. pp. 131-137.
Chaminda S. Bandara, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Udaya I. Dissanayake and Ranjith Dissanayake (2016), Full range S–N curves for fatigue life evaluation of steels using hardness measurements, International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 82 (2), pp.325-331.
Chaminda S. Bandara, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Udaya I. Dissanayake and Ranjith Dissanayake (2015), Developing a full range S–N curve and estimating cumulative fatigue damage of steel elements, Computational Materials Science, Elsevier, 96, pp. 96-101.
Chaminda S. Bandara, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Udaya I. Dissanayake and Ranjith Dissanayake (2014), Fatigue failure predictions for steels in the very high cycle region - A review and recommendations, Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier, 45, pp. 421-435.
Chaminda S. Bandara, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Udaya I. Dissanayake and Ranjith Dissanayake (2013), Fatigue Strength Prediction Formulae for Steels and Alloys in the Gigacycle Regime, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 1(3), 256-260
Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock, “Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru in Air and Seawater. Part I: Design of Experiments Assessment and Crack Growth Rate Curves”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2001, Vol. 32A, pp. 2297-2314.
Pavlou D.G., A phenomenological fatigue damage accumulation rule based on hardness increasing, for the 2024-T42 aluminum: Engineering Structures, 2002, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1363-1368.
Nirosha D. Adasooriya and Sudath C. Siriwardane (2013) “Remaining fatigue life estimation of corroded bridge members”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Wiley, In press.: (doi:10.1111/ffe.12144).
Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock, “Fatigue Crack Growth in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru in Air and Seawater. Part II: Crack Path and Microstructure”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2001, Vol. 32A, pp. 2315-2324.
Mavrothanasis, F.I.; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Green's function for KI determination of axisymmetric elastic solids containing external circular crack. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2008
Mavrothanasis, F.I.; Pavlou, Dimitrios. Mode-I stress intensity factor derivation by a suitable Greens function. Engineering analysis with boundary elements 2007
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Greens function for a pre-stressed thin plate on an elastic foundation under axisymmetric loading. Engineering analysis with boundary elements 2005
Pavlou, Dimitrios; Vlachakis, N.V.; Pavlou, M.G. An analytical solution of the annular plate on elastic foundation. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2005
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Boundary element analysis of a plate on an elastic foundation loaded by a twisted annular rigid stamp. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part J, journal of engineering tribology 2004
Pavlou, Dimitrios; Vlachakis, N.V.; Pavlou, M.G.; Vlachakis, V.N. Estimation of fatigue crack growth retardation due to crack branching. Computational Materials Science 2004
Pavlou, Dimitrios; Labeas, G.N.; Vlachakis, N.V.; Pavlou, F.G. Fatigue crack propagation trajectories under mixed-mode cyclic loading. Engineering structures 2003
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Boundary-integral equation analysis of twisted internally cracked axisymmetric bimaterial elastic solids. Computational Mechanics 2002
Pavlou, Dimitrios. Green's function for the bimaterial elastic solid containing interface annular crack. Engineering analysis with boundary elements 2002
Pavlou D.G., Creep life prediction under stepwise constant uniaxial stress and temperature conditions: Engineering Structures, 2001, vol. 23, no. ER6, pp. 656-662.
Siriwardane, S.A.S.C. and Ratnayake, R.M.C. (2012), “A damage model to estimate fatigue life of steel connections ", Proceedings of the Nordic Steel Construction Conference 2012, Oslo.
Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock: “Use of Experiments for Evaluating Fatigue Crack Growth Properties of an Titanium Alloy Intended for Dynamic Risers”, The 9th World Conference on Titanium, Saint Petersburg, 7-11 June 1999.
Pavlou D.G., Prediction of fatigue crack growth under real stress histories.: Engineering structures, 2000, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1707.
Siriwardane, S.A.S.C. and Ratnayake, R.M.C. (2012), "A Simple Criterion to Predict Fracture of Offshore Steel Structures in Extremely-Low Cycle Fatigue Region", Proceedings of the ASME 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2012-83432.
Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock: “Fractographic and Metallographic Investigation of Microstructural Sensitive Fatigue Crack Growth for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru in Air and Seawater” , The 9th World Conference on Titanium, Saint Petersburg, 7-11 June 1999.
Pavlou D.G.; Vlachakis N.V.; Pavlou M.G.; Vlachakis V.N., Estimation of fatigue crack growth retardation due to crack branching: Computational Materials Science, 2004, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 446-452.
S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake and T. Kaita, (2010) “Structural appraisal based different approach to estimate the remaining fatigue life of railway bridges”, Structural Health Monitoring: an International Journal, Sage, 9(4), 323-339. (doi:10.1177/1475921710361320).
Jake D. Haase, Abbas Guvenilir, Jason R. With, Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock: “Microtextune, Asperities, and Crack Deflection in Al-Li2090 T8E41”, Mixed-Mode Crack Behavior, ASTM STP 1359, K.J. Miller and D.L. McDowell, Eds., ASTM, 1999, pp. 160-173.
Pavlou D.G.; Vlachakis N.V.; Mavrothanasis F.I.; Avlonitis S.; Pavlou M.G.; Vlachakis V.N., Creep sagging analysis of pressure pipes II: Damage accumulation under variable temperature and pressure conditions: Computational Materials Science, 2007, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 114-118.
Sudath Siriwardane, Mitao Ohga, Tatsumasa Kaita and Ranjith Dissanayake, (2009), “Grain-scale plasticity based fatigue model to estimate fatigue life of bridge connections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 65(10-11), 1942-1953.(doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2009.05.002). TMS Fall Meeting, Chicago IL
Morten A. Langøy and Stuart R. Stock: “Effects of Temperature and Frequency on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1Ru in an Ocean Environment”, Fatigue Behavior of Titanium Alloys, Edited by R.R. Boyer, D. Eylon and G. Lütjering, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1999, pp. 245-251.
Pavlou D.G., Kourousis K.I., A phenomenological approach for fatigue damage accumulation of CF/PEEK laminates under two-stage loading, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, Vol. 7, Issue 7, pp. 1323-1328.
Sudath Siriwardane, Mitao Ohga, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kazuhiro Taniwaki, (2008), “Application of new damage indicator-based sequential law for remaining fatigue life estimation of railway bridges”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, 64(2), 228-237. (doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2007.06.002 ).
H.J. Rover, M.A. Langøy and E. Nes: “Striations and the Fatigue Growth Mechanism in a Micro-Alloyed Steel”, Fatigue –87, R.O. Ritchie and E.A. Starke, Eds., Vol I, 1987, pp 175-184.
Siriwardane Sudath Chaminda, Mitao Ohga, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kazuhiro Taniwaki, (2007), “Different approaches for remaining fatigue life estimation of critical members in railway bridges”, International Journal of Steel Structure, KSSC, 7(4), 263-276.(
Mitao Ohga and Sudath Siriwardane,“Fatigue Life of Steel Structures under Service and Ultimate Loadings: Recent Concepts, Formulations and Case studies”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany ISSN 978-3-8443-2687-1, 2011.
Pavlou D.G., Computational and Experimental Analysis of Damaged Materials, Transworld Research Network, 2008 (Editor), ISBN 978-81-7895-308-3,
Torfinn Havn, Fracture Mechanics applied to Fatigue Life Testing, Norwegian Fracture Group, Norwegian Institute of Technology, November 1982.
Torfinn Havn, Corrosion Fatigue of Steel in Seawater, Offshore & Arctic Operation Symposium, Dallas, 1987.
Torfinn Havn, Corrosion Fatigue of Steel in Sea Water, Aker Engineering, Corrosion NACE 2002 Conference.
Torfinn Havn, Formation and Transport of Hydrogen in Steel based on observation of crack growth rate in steel under fatigue loading, Aker Technology, Eurocorr 2006, Maastricht, 2006.
Torfinn Havn, A review of previous work in the field of hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen in steel, Aker Technology, Eurocorr 2006, Maastricht 2006.
T. Hemmingsen and T. Våland: An Investigation of the Effects of HSO3-/SO32- on Steel under Anaerobic Conditions. 11th Scandinavian Corrosion Congress, Stavanger 1989, F65.
T. Hemmingsen and T. Våland: The Reactions of the Sulphite/Bisulphite - Couple on SMO-steel under Anaerobic Conditions. Electrochem. Acta 36 (1991) 1367.
T. Hemmingsen, H. Vangdal and T. Våland: Formation of Ferrous Sulfide Film from Sulfite under Anaerobic Conditions. Corrosion (1992) 475.
T. Hemmingsen, L. V. Nielsen and E. Maahn: The Effect of Sulphite on Pitting and Crevice Corrosion on Various Steels in 0. 5 M Sodium Chloride. Materials Science Forum (1992) 453.
T. Hemmingsen: The Electrochemical Reaction of Sulphur-Oxygen Compounds. Part I. A Review of Literature on the Electrochemical Properties of Sulphur-Oxygen Compounds. Electrochem. Acta (1992) 2775.
T. Hemmingsen: The Electrochemical Reaction of Sulphur-Oxygen Compounds. Part II. Voltammetric Investigations Performed on Platinum. Electrochem. Acta (1992), 2785.
T. Hemmingsen: The Effect of Sulphite on Pitting and Crevice Corrosion on AISI 304 Stainless Steel. 4th International Oil Field Chemical Symposium (1993).
T. Hemmingsen and H. Lima: Electrochemical and optical studies of sulphide film formation on carbon steel. Electrochim.Acta. 43 (1998), 35.
T. Hemmingsen: An evaluation of 13%Cr-steel for use in the oil wells. 9th International Oil Field Chemical Symposium (1998).
N.O.Ågotnes, T. Hemmingsen, C. Haarseth and I. Midttveit: Comparison of corrosion measurements by use of AC-impedance, LPR and Polarisation methods on carbon steel in CO2 purged NaCL solutions. Paper 99027 on NACE Corrosion 1999.
T. Hemmingsen, N.O.Ågotnes, T.Krøger-Silseth, N. Kolak and M. Kaik: Effect of sulphite ions in N2 and CO2 purged 0.5 M NaCl solution on stainless steels examined by different electrochemical techniques and by reflectance measurements. Paper 99620 on NACE Corrosion 1999.
T. Hemmingsen, H. Hovdan, P. Sanni and N.O. Aagotnes: Determination of Tafel lines. Electrochemical Society Proceedings Volume 2001-22 (2001) 1044.
T. Hemmingsen, H. Hovdan, P. Sanni and N.O. Aagotnes: Effect of the redox potential in an electrolyte on weld corrosion. Electrochemical Society Proceedings Volume 2001-22 (2001) 1053.
R.I. Thorarinsdottir, K.Nielsen, L.V. Nielsen, L.R. Hilbert, M.Nordling and T. Hemmingsen: Monitering av korrosjon i fjernvarmesystemer. Kjemi 10 (2001)16 (se også Dansk Kemi 12 (2001) 82.)
T. Havn, T. Hemmingsen, L. Hardli, and N.O. Aagotnes: Investigation of use of 316 SS in seawater protected by carbon steel. NACE Corrosion 2002, Paper 02205.
T. Hemmingsen, H. Hovdan, P. Sanni and N.O. Aagotnes: The influence of electrolyte reduction potential on weld corrosion. Electrochem. Acta 47 (2002) 3949.
R.I. Thorarinsdottir, T. Hemmingsen, M.Nordling and P.Jansen: Corrosion Monitering in District Heating Systems. Euroheat&Power 31 (2002) 34–37.
S.Richter and T.Hemmingsen: A study of electrochemical behaviour of sulphur compounds. Eurocorr 2003 in Budapest, September 2003.
T. Hemmingsen, L. Hilbert and LV Nielsen: Assessment of sulphur- and H2S corrosion by use of simultaneous ER-, Galvanic- and Optical Measurements. Paper at Eurocorr 2003 in Budapest, September 2003.
T. Hemmingsen, I. Austvoll, F. Fusek and E. Skavås: Combined optical and electrochemical measurements on sulphide film formation. Paper at 13th Scandinavian Corrosion Congress, 2004 in Reykjavik, April 2004.
T. Hemmingsen, K. Førre, H. Urke, NO Ågotnes and S. Eliassen: Hydrogen diffusion in 13Cr supermartensitic stainless steels. Experiences with the electrochemical hydrogen permeation cell. Paper at 13th Scandinavian Corrosion Congress, 2004 in Reykjavik, April 2004.
T. Havn and T. Hemmingsen: Safe use of Al-bronze components in 22Cr duplex stainless steel equipment. NACE Corrosion 2004, Paper 04137.
L.R. Hilbert T. Hemmingsen, L.V. Nielsen, S: Richter: When Can Electrochemical Techniques Give Reliable Corrosion Rates on Carbon Steel in Sulfide Media? NACE Corrosion 2005, Paper 05346
T. Hemmingsen, T. Havn, E. Hörnlund, H. Ferkingstad, F. Voll, Use of aluminium and zinc anodes for cathodic protection of produced water tanks. Eurocorr 2005, Paper 620
T. Havn, T. Hemmingsen, E. Hörnlund, K. Eriksen, Comparison of corrosion resistance of two duplex stainless steels after simulated welding. Eurocorr 2005, Paper 619
T. Hemmingsen, F. Fusek, E. Skavaas: Monitoring of the Corrosion Process on Sulphide Film Formation with Electrochemical and Optical Measurements. Electrochim. Acta 51 (2006) 2919.
E. Skavås, A. Adriaens, T. Hemmingsen: A Comparative Study of Sulphite Oxidation under Alkaline Conditions by Use of Wall-jet Flow Cell and Rotating Disc Electrode. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 1 (2006) 414.
E. Hörnlund, J.K.T. Fossen, S. Hauger, C. Haugen, T. Havn and T. Hemmingsen: Hydrogen Diffusivities and Concentrations in 520M Carbon Steel under Cathodic Protection in 0.5M NaCl and the Effect of Added Sulphite, Dithionite, Thiosulphate, and Sulphide. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2 (2007) 82.
E. Skavås, T. Hemmingsen: Kinetics and mechanism of sulphite oxidation on a rotating platinum disc electrode in an alkaline solution. Electrochim. Acta 52 (2007) 3510.
E. Skavås, T. Hemmingsen: A study of the interference from sulphide and dithionite on electrochemical sulphite analyses on platinum. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2 (2007) 203.
L.R. Hilbert, T. Hemmingsen, L.V. Nielsen and S.Richter: Reliability of Electrochemical Techniques for Determining Corrosion Rates on Carbon Steel in Sulfide Media. Corrosion 63 (2007) 346.
T. Berntsen, M. Seiersten, T. Hemmingsen: CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel at Lower Temperatures. Eurocorr 2008. Paper 1188.
A. Palencsar, Y. Song, G. Svenningsen, T. Hemmingsen, J. Kvarekval: Effect of oxygen on aqueous sour corrosion systems. Eurocorr 2009. Paper 8006.
Y. Song, A. Palencsar, G. Svenningsen, T. Hemmingsen, J. Kvarekval: Effect of oxygen and temperatures on aqueous sour corrosion systems. Eurocorr 2010. Paper 9644.
Y. Song, A. Palencsar, G. Svenningsen, J. Kvarekval, T. Hemmingsen: Effect of O2 and temperature on sour corrosion. Conference paper, NACE Corrosion 2011
T. Berntsen, M. Seiersten, T. Hemmingsen: Effect of FeCO3 Supersaturation and Carbide Exposure on the CO2 Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel, Conference paper, NACE Corrosion 2011
Y. Song, A. Palencsar, G. Svenningsen, J. Kvarekval, T. Hemmingsen: Effect of O2 and temperature on sour corrosion. Corrosion 68 (2012) 662-671.
W. Farida, T. Hemmingsen, T. Berntsen, P. Rabindrana: Effect of Precorrosion and Temperature on the Formation Rate of Iron Carbonate Film, 7th Pipeline Technology Conference 2012
A.B. Høydal, T. Hemmingsen, E. Skavås: Crevice Corrosion on Super Duplex Stainless Steel – Effect of Potential on Critical Crevice Corrosion Temperature, Conference paper, NACE Corrosion 2013, Paper 2763.
T. Berntsen, M. Seiersten, and T. Hemmingsen: Effect of FeCO3 Supersaturation and Carbide Exposure on the CO2 Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel. Corrosion 69 (2013) 601. doi:
U.R. Dotel, E. Bakrachevskaa, S.C.G. Austbø, T. Hemmingsen and T. Havn: Corrosion resistance of tubing after bending, 16th Nordic Corrosion Congress, Stavanger, May 2015.
U.R. Dotel, K. Vuorilehto, M.O. Sydnes, H. Urkedal, Hans; Hemmingsen, Tor Henning (2016). Experimental Study of Silver Cathode for Electrochemical Deoxygenation of Seawater for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 55 (2016) 8235–8242.
T. Berntsen, N. Laethaisong, M. Seiersten,T. Hemmingsen, Uncovering carbide on carbon steels by use of anodic galvanostatic polarization and its effect on CO2 corrosion. Corrosion 72 (2016) 534-546.
U.R. Dotel, K. Vuorilehto, M.O. Sydnes, H. Urkedal, Hans; Hemmingsen, Tor Henning: Electrochemical Oxygen Removal from Seawater in Industrial Scale Using Silver Cathode. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56 (2017) 8954–8960.
D. Ekawatia,T. Berntsen, M. Seiersten, and T. Hemmingsen: Effect of Temperature, Bicarbonate- and MEG Concentrations on CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steels. Corrosion 73 (2017) 1157-1167.
O. Mikkelsen, K. Rege, T. Hemmingsen and D.G. Pavlou: Numerical Estimation of the Stop Holes-Induced Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation in Offshore Structures Taking into Account the Corrosion Effect. ISOPE-2017 Paper No. 2017-TPC-0994 presented June 25-30, 2017 in San Francisco.
A. Palencsar, M. Seiersten, T. Berntsen and T. Hemmingsen: Assessment of pH stabilization in low temperature regions of long subsea pipelines. Eurocorr 2017. Paper 97186 presented September 3-7, 2017 in Prague.
N.D. Adasooriya, T. Hemmingsen and D. Pavlou: Fatigue strength degradation of metals in corrosive environments, COTech 2017, Paper 039 presented November 30 – December 1. 2017 in Stavanger.
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