Disputaser ved UiS 2019

Her finner du en oversikt over alle disputaser som er gjennomført ved UiS i 2019.

Publisert Sist oppdatert

Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Medisinsk teknolog foran skjermer

Benjamin Kamala (18. november 2019)

Assessment of foetal heart rate monitoring devices in referral hospitals in Tanzania
Les omtale: Overvåker fosterlyd under fødsel i Tanzania

Aleksander Hagen Erga (26. juni 2019)

Impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease
Les omtale: Disputas om impulskontroll ved Parkinsons sykdom

Antje Aarthun (25. juni 2019)

Parental involvement in children's healthcare decisions at the hospital: A health-promoting perspective
Les omtale: Disputas om involvering av foreldre i barns helsebeslutninger

Melissa Weibell (5. juni 2019)

Substance use and first-episode psychosis: Treated incidence of substance-induced psychosis and the impact of substance use on long-term course and outcome in psychosis
Les omtale: Disputas om psykiske problemer etter rusmisbruk

Kine Gjesdal (23. mai 2019)

Exploring experiences of chronic pain care from the perspectives of patients and nurses: A qualitative study
Les omtale: Disputas om behandlingstilbud ved langvarige smerter

Paschal Mdoe (30. april 2019)

Improving fetal heart rate monitoring in low resource settings
Les omtale: Overvåker fosterlyd for at ikkje nyfødte skal dø

Geir Arne Sunde (12. april 2019)

Advanced airway management in physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical services
Les omtale: Disputas om avansert luftveishåndtering i helikopter

Espen Fevang (11. april 2019)

Complex interventions need complex interpretations: Evidence-based focus on prehospital endotracheal intubation
Les omtale: Disputas om akuttmedisin utenfor sykehus

Heidi B. Bringsvor (3. april 2019)

Self-management in people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Les omtale: Disputas om helsefremming hos personer med kols

Martha Therese Gjestsen (2. april 2019)

Informing an assistive living technology intervention to prevent hospitalisation for home-dwelling older persons
Les omtale: Disputas om forebygging av sykehusinnleggelser ved bruk av velferdsteknologi

Veslemøy Guise (4. mars 2019)

Simulation-based telecare training for home healthcare professionals: An action research study
Les omtale: Disputas om bruk av simulering til å lære opp helsearbeidere

Kathrine Cappelen (22. februar 2019)

Patient safety culture in nursing homes: Measurement, assessment and variability
Les omtale: Disputas om sykehjemsansattes holdning til pasientsikkerhet

Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Oppslått bok

Cato Hemmingby (17. september 2019)

Terrorists and targets – A relationship founded on bad intentions, limited capacities and risk willingness.
Les omtale: Disputas om kva mål terroristar vel

Marie Røyksund (8. mai 2019)

Risk in regulation. Linking conceptual risk research with risk regulation developments and practices

May Irene Furenes (26. april 2019)

How does face-to-face feedback influence consumers' experiences when they are engaged in co-production?
Les omtale: Disputas om tilbakemeldingar i serviceindustrien

Lukasz Derdowski (29. januar 2019)

Creativity and innovation in the corporate board room: A process-based perspective
Les omtale: Disputas om kreativitet og nyskaping i organisasjoner

Kari Jæger (10. januar 2019)

Tourists and communities in rural festival encounters. A mutually beneficial relationship?
Les omtale: Disputas om festivalers viktighet for lokalsamfunn

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Inge Christ og Magne Sydnes

Oddbjørn Mathias Nødland (8. januar 2019)

Core scale modelling of EOR transport mechanisms

Les omtale: Doctoral degree on modelling of EOR transport mechanisms

Dori Yosef Kalai (21. januar 2019)

Promoted Hydrotalcite-Derived Nickel Catalysts for CO2 Reforming of Methane

Sanne Lorentzen (25. januar 2019)

Global vs. local factors for the high sediment maturity of Cambrian quartz sandstone

Andreea-Laura Cojocaru (12. februar 2019)

Studies of supply chains in the aquaculture and fishing industries

Nikhil Bagalkot (5. mars 2019)

CO2 mass transfer and interfacial studies for application of carbonated water injection: Axisymmetric pendant drop analysis for simultaneous calculation of CO2 diffusion coefficient and interfacial tension

Ingrid Årstad (7. mars 2019)

Preventing major accidents – conditions for prudence

Remya Ravindran Nair (15. mars 2019)

Smart Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery from Seawater and Produced Water by Membranes

Les omtale: How to make seawater smarter

Rockey Abhishek (9. april 2019)

Interaction of silica nanoparticles with chalk and sandstone minerals. Adsorption, Fluid/rock Interactions in the absence and presence of hydrocarbons

Kjartan Bjørnsen (12. april 2019)

Contributions to improved risk assessments by highlighting the strength of knowledge concepts

Mohan Sharma (25. april 2019)

CO2 Mobility Control with Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Associated Storage. Multi-Scale Approach for Field Application

Les omtale: CO2 mobility control with foam for enhanced oil recovery

Andika Rachman (29. april 2019)

Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Lean Risk-Based Inspection Assessment

Songpu Ai (30. april 2019)

Household energy management system in energy internet

Erlendur Ingi Jonsson (3. mai 2019)

Study of volatility dynamics in energy and food markets

Hilda Bø Lyng (4. juni 2019)

Opposites Attract: Knowledge transfer in Cross-industry Innovation

Aboma Wagari Gebisa (14. juni 2019)

Design Procedures and Mechanical Behaviour Characterization of Additive Manufactured Components

Shengnan Liu (18. juni 2019)

CFD Modelling of Violent Breaking Wave impacts on Marine Structures

Aleksandr Mamonov (27. juni 2019)

EOR by Smart Water Flooding in Sandstone Reservoirs – Effect of Mineralogy on Rock Wetting and Wettability Alteration

Seyed Ahmad Mirhaj (8. august 2019)

Les omtale: Tok doktorgrad i modellering av horisontale brønnboringar

Yuzhu Li (22. august 2019)

Almaz Tesfahun (29. august 2019)

Novel functions of DNA glycosylases in base excision repair

Les omtale: Viktig funn om DNA-skader

Marthe Gurine Førland (19. september 2019)

Cerebrospinal fluid alpha-synuclein. A potential biomarker for Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders with Lewy pathology

Samuel Erzuah (24. september 2019)

Wettability estimation by oil adsorption

Les omtale: Doctoral degree on wettability estimation by oil adsorption

Ashish Aeran (1. oktober 2019)

Life Extension of Offshore Structures: A Conceptual Framework and Fatigue Damage Models

Shuo Zhang (25. oktober 2019)

Table Search, Generation and Completion

Shaghayegh Javadi (25. november 2019)

Interaction between two calcite surfaces in aqueous solutions. Study of nano-scale interfacial forces using AFM and SFA

Les omtale: Study of nano-scale interfacial forces

Tore Askeland (27. november 2019)

Knowledge-based modeling for the analysis of operational risk

Jayachander Surbiryala (2. desember 2019)

Information Processing in the Cloud. Resource Allocation and Security Perspective

Xiaoan Zhong (3. desember 2019)

Upper Jurassic mass flow deposits: Linking tectonic evolution to deposition on seismic and field scale

Dario Garigliotti (4. desember 2019)

Albert Lunde (5. desember 2019)

Risk management in Norwegian avalanche rescue operations. Managing uncertainty, complexity, overcommitment and the long-term monitoring of accident risk

Sindhu Kancherla (6. desember 2019)

Regioselective Syntheses and Functionalizations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Directed Metalation and C─H Activation

Lilian Strand Ree (9. desember 2019)

Synthesis and Performance of Acrylamido-Related Polymers as Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors

Kristen Rege (17. desember 2019)

Load sequence effects and mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in offshore structures

Faraz Barzideh (20. desember 2019)

The Flexible Structure Dictionary Learning - A Dictionary Learning Method for Sparse Approximation of Signals

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora

Mannlig lærer gir "high five" til en ung barneskoleelev i et klasserom

Margrethe Sønneland (22. november 2019)

Teksten som problem. En studie av litterære samtaler i ungdomsskolen.

Les omtale: Elever blir engasjerte av vanskelig litteratur

Liv Mette Strømme (28. juni 2019)

Normalitet i barnehagen: Ansatte og barns forventninger til det å «være normal» 

Les omtale: Hva vil det si å være et "normalt" barn i barnehagen?

Dina Lialikhova (6. juni 2019)

Oral Communication in the CLIL Classroom: The Effect of a Short-Term CLIL Intervention on Norwegian Different Ability Lower Secondary Students

Les omtale: Når skolefag undervises på fremmedspråk

Per Einar Sæbbe (14. mai 2019)

Barnehagelæreres ‘matematikkundervisning’ i barnehagen

Les omtale: Driver barnehagelærere undervisning?

Ole Jone Eide (29. april 2019)

Norge i Arktis 1906 – 1933. Folkerettsjuristenes fellesskap, faglige legitimitet og politiske handlekraft i spørsmålene om Svalbard, sjøgrensen og Øst-Grønland

Les omtale: Folkerettsjuristers rolle i norsk ekspansjonspolitikk

Narve Dolve (7. mars 2019)

Eleven sine talehandlingar og læraren sitt omdømme

Les omtale: Slik snakkar elevane om læraren

Handelshøgskolen ved UiS

Foredragsholder på scene med full sal og blått lys

Silje Haus-Reve (10. september 2019)

Exposure to diverse knowledge as driver for innovation and productivity
Les omtale: Disputas om mangfald av kunnskap og innovasjon

Valeriia Klova (9. mai 2019)

Essays in Finance
Les omtale: Disputas om aksjemarknader

Kjersti Berge Evensen (12. april 2019)

A two-way monologue: Three papers on information sharing in institutional food services
Les omtale: Disputas om mat på institusjonar

Bjørnar Laurila (13. februar 2019)

Risk, luck and deception: Three essays in behavioral economics
Les omtale: Disputas om folks motivasjon når de foretar valg